
更新时间:2023-05-09 18:42:18 阅读: 评论:0

要求船长这么做,那么船长并没有义务去签署这些SOF(Statement of Fact,事实记录)2;其次,在期租合同下,如NYPE格式,在第8条下船长也没有默示的义务,除非是承租人给予了清晰明确的指示3;再次,船长并不十分清楚目标泊位的具体情况,而很多事实记录会记录目标泊位的状况,让船长自己去核对泊位的情况很显然勉为其难4
1.  《注意:船长在开航前要仔细审核SOF上面的记载》,特险部刘轩昂
2.      See LondonArbitration 15/13.
3.      See LondonArbitration 6/17.
4.      See LondonArbitration 13/17.
5.     See The “Adventure” [2015] EWHC 318 (Comm).
6.     SeeLondon Arbitration 9/11.
关于SOF的重要性问题,在The“Khian Captain”案中谈到。在该案中涉及的主要争议是“Khian Captain”轮在卸港从1975年的7月7日0800到7月8日半夜之间的时间延误是否算正常卸货时间。卸港的SOF,抬头为“Detention”的在该期间备注为:“As the vesl worked entirely in stream and due tidal conditions vesl workedaccordingly tide times.”。
船长也在SOF上添加了批注: “Previously with the same weather conditions discharge carried out”。
7.     See The “Newforest”[2008] 1 Lloyd's Rep.504 ,per HHJ MACKIE QC at p 507.
As I e it the SoF is not final and binding becau itdoes not say so and becau the words' on the basis of' do not pointclearly enough to finality. Similarly it may be too dogmatic to describe theeffect of the SoF as reversing the burden of proof. The word'mut
ually' is perhaps an unhelpful choice by the draftsperson but Itake it to mean , at the least, around the same time. But the evidential valueof the SoF is unquestionably strong whether or not the requisite mutuality isachieved and almost regardless of its contractual status. We have a statementof facts prepared on the spot by the agent confirmed at the time by the Masterand, albeit much later, by the Port Authority. Stepping back from the fact thatthis is a specialid area of law, that is powerful evidence in any civil ca to t against potentially lfrving recollection and reconstruction of unremarkable and detailed facts,albeit assisted by weather records and other contemporaneous documents twoyears later. In general this evidence is likely to discharge the Charterers'burden of proof unless the Owners show it to be wrong, an exerci whichrequires more than speculation and needs convincing live evidence and/orpersuasive contemporaneous documents. Further, although this factor plays nopart in my decision, the court should lean towards eing finality when documentslike the SoF are available as the unsatisfactory exerci which I must nowconduct confirms.
8.     See London Arbitration 13/17, e also LondonArbitration 8/16.
9.     See The“Khian Captain”[1985] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.212.
栏那备注了“Received and accepted”类似的措辞,那么将构成承租人弃权,承租人将不得不接受NOR有效并且可以触发laytime开始起算12。在The “Happy Day”一案中,Potter勋爵认为,满足三种情况下,(a)按照租家或收货人要求,一份形式上有效的NOR在船舶抵达前已经被递交,(b)在抵达后,租家认可船舶已经准备就绪或者接受可以开始卸货,(c)按租家或收货人指示开始卸货而没有任何拒绝其有效的暗示、或对早先NOR有效性的保留、或任何暗示需要递交额外的NOR,则laytime能够开始计算。在本案这种情况下,租家可以被认为已经弃权(waiver),laytime按照租约的约定开始计算。同时丝毫不怀疑在特定的环境下,由于更改合约(variation)和禁止翻供(estoppel)能带来同样的结果13。因此,承租人对于“accepted”一词的分量必须给予充分的重视。
10.  ibid, perSaville J., at page 214.
11.  See The“Eagle Valencia ” [ 2010] EWCA Civ 713, per Longmore L.J. at p18.
12.  See The“Happy Day”[2002] 2 Lloyd’sRep. 487, Also e The “Vine” [2011] 1
Lloyd’s Rep.301.
13.  See The“Happy Day”[2002] 2 Lloyd’sRep. 487, per Porter L.J. at page 510.
Inthe context of this ca I would answer the question of law in relation towhich leave was granted as follows. Laytime can commence under a voyage charterparty requiring rvice ofa notice of readiness when no  validnotice of readiness has been rved in circumstances where (a) a notice ofreadiness valid in form is rved upon the charterers or receivers as requiredunder the charterparty prior to the arrival of the vesl: (b) the veslthereafter arrives and is, or is accepted to be, ready to discharge to theknowledge of the charterers; (c) discharge thereafter commences to the order ofthe charterers or receivers without either having given any intimation ofrejection or rervation in respect of the notice of readiness previouslyrved or any indication that further notice of readiness is required beforelaytime commences. In such circumstances, the charterers may be deemed to havewaived reliance upon the invalidity of the original notice as from the time ofcommencement of discharge and laytime will commence in accordance with th
eregime provided for in the charterparty as if a valid notice of readiness hadbeen rved at that time. By answering the question in that way, I should notbe thought to doubt that, in appropriate circumstances, the same result mayfollow by application of the doctrines of variation and estoppel.

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