In Self-Reliane, Emerson advoated that a man should do everthing aording to his on ill. This thought is lol related ith the idea of onfidene. A onfident man is the one ho alas keeps his on personalit. It is a ver important thought hih Emerson expresd in the orks. It does help the readers to be onfident.As a mater of fat, it is the man’s faith, not the environment that influenes people’s lives.
A suessful man is the one ho deepl trusts his inner poer. He is never influened b the environment.D. Shoing no Smpath to the PoorIn Self-reliane, Emerson fundamentall shoed the idea of onfidene and independene. Besides the ideas, he illustrated the idea of “Shoing no smpath to the Poor”. This point of vie agrees ith the onfidene and independene. Emerson indiretl shoed the reason h the man is poor and h no smpath should be shoed to the poor. The poor ondition is not terrible, but the poor mind is a ver rious problem. The man should never help the poor ith mone, but give them a tool to produe ealth b themlves, or teah them to be independent and hallengeable. Emerson’s opinions toards the poor have given the readers a meaningful enlightenment.III.Self-Reliane’s Enlightenment on Toda’s SoietSelf-Reliane gives readers muh help in oping ith their lives. It exerts enlightenment on readers to
be onfident and independent. It teahes man to take advaning attitudes toards life. Besides, the ideas enlighten female’s life. It is also of great help for individuals’ progress and a ountr’s development.A. Attitudes toards LifeSelf-Reliane profoundl inspires a man to strengthen his lf-onfidene. A oung man said in a forum: “If the are afraid of other’s
different suggestion and give up their on thinking, then that’s losing themlves. No matter hat the do, the should keep definite point of vie and independent thinking”..He further explained that everone’s idea is different, no one an make the others’ the same ith he himlf, so just think about the objetion but neglet the irrelevant disussion. When the man finishes his aim, all voies have stopped ith it. Eah man should have his virtue in taking ith all problems.The attitudes toards life have to hoies. One is to die and the other is to live. Emerson’s Self-Reliane teahes the readers to follo their on thoughts and take optimisti attitudes toards life. Everthing has to sides, the most important is that hih side the man hoos. A man should be onfident everda, and then eah da is beautiful and ithout orr. Emerson shoed in his orks that eah man should be independent to ope ith his problems, but not alas ek for assistane. The man an learn from the other people, but he should make deisions b himlf. Eah suessful man has his on personalit so that he is eas to ahieve his dreams. One a person athes the fundamental idea of lf-independene and lf-onfidene, he an tell hih is right or rong no matter ho pliated the interpersonal relation is. Then he is likel to rejet to parrot.
B. The Female’s Self-RelianeIt is knon that man and oman are born of inequalit in human histor. No matter ho suessful the omen’s liberation is, this bias ill forever oup people’s minds. With the development of soiet, some female people ith spirits of lf-support fierel objet this thought. Women have their on forte in most time hile the men don’t have. It is aepted that omen’s soial status is highl improved. Aording to the investigation, the female
offiers or managers are highl inread and aount a large proportion among the total. Besides this, most omen aept more advaned eduation than the male. Hoever, the prejudie originated from the histor ems never to disappear from people’s minds. Some omen are still suffering from the prejudie in suh a developed soiet. In modern soiet, the omen posss so man soial protools. For instane, there is a popular saing that “Ladies First”, and the national la also safeguards the female’s rights and interests. Someone thinks the meaning implied in this phenomenon is that the soiet takes omen as the eak, for the people ho need protetion are to some extent eaker than tho ho an deal
ith problems b themlves.
Hoever, although a small part of girls an’t live on their on, most omen are XXre of the risis, and most of them an deal ith their lives pletel and independentl. On Emerson’s vies, hether a man or oman is,
heshe should depend on themlves exept the general assistane from eah other. As an important part in human being, omen should have their on understanding, their on areers and orlds. Some girls ho ek fortune or reliane from men are verel looked don upon b soiet. Tho omen em to lead a perfet life, but their inner hearts are too void. The aknoledge that the are orrupted and forsaken b soiet. Whereas, the are relutant to esape from this orrupted living irle one the abandon themlves to it. Moreover, the often arh protetion, responsibilit from men. But most omen are advaning in mind. It ems that omen take more and more signifiant roles in a famil, even in the soiet. Most omen often support for their families hih testifies their high abilit. From Emerson’s ideas in Self-Reliane, all omen should on the lf-reliane
of idea, of eonom, and of abilit. He advoated the omen to strive for the soial status and make ontributions to the soiet.C. The Influene on IndividualsTo be a lf-independent person an absolutel hange one’s humble life even in the bakard soiet. Generall, the poor people are inlining to be lf-reliant for oerion of life. It is ell knon that the rihest man, Li Jiaheng, is the business toon
in Hong Kong. It is an evident example that the poor man is ambitious and lf-improving so that he an bee an unmon person in later time. Another famous person is the head of board of Meng Niu enterpri, Niu Gengsheng. He as sold out for 50 Yuan hen he as in infan not beau his parents ab
andoned hi m but beau the ouldn’t rai him. In suh
kind of living ondition, he studied and orked hard to be a suessful man. All men are intelligent and brave, but not
all men an make suess. Some people often plain about destin. The i think that suess originates from one’s spirit. The genius is onl but mon people ith knoledge and virtue. Helen Keller, the everlasting pride of human being, as deprived
of both sight and hearing after the terrible illness in
theth month after she as born. Hoever, she as not defeated
b disastrous life hih happened to her in her oung age. No one an imagine ho a dumb and deaf girl transformed her life thoroughl b her persistent hard ork and pervering spirit, et Helen Keller did it. Her adversit and great ahievements stimulates the mon people to ork hard and to be lf-supported. Helen’s remarkable suess as partl due to the assistane, Miss Sullivan ho apanied her in the hole life, but largel due to her on persistent and dauntless faith.
She learned veral languages in her life and reated
mirales one b one. The ver diffiulties hih annot be done b
mon people ere broken through b Helen Keller. Her name as t as a smbolization of persistent ill. As the tremendous spiritual poer, her legendar life deepl enourages the people to onquer the misfortune. Mark Tain sai
d: “Helen Keller as the fous of Ameria inth entur”. The examples prove that independene and lf-support an hange one’s life thoroughl.The valuable ideas hih Emerson shoed in Self-Reliane are a great help for individuals’ development. The ideas make eah one to be onfident and independent. Man people’s suess is fundamentall due to the to qualities.D. The Influene on CountriesAs the strongest ountr in the orld, Ameria has its on individualities. This ountr onl enjos a histor of 200 ears. In parison ith the other European ountries, it is full of innovation and has its on personalit. The tehnolog, eapons, prehensive strength are alas in the first plae. The Amerias are realisti. Mone is vital in their minds so that all Amerians are up to their ears for ork. Mone an be ud for fame, soial status, even presiden in this ountr. The are demorati, liberal, outspoken and petitive. Take the Amerian hildren for example. The an ork to support themlves hen the are oung and also ope ith their problems b themlves ithout an help from parents. All Amerians have formed the habits from earl time so that their ountr is the best lf-improvement among all ountries.Almost ever person belie
ves the ountr should support them ith the perfet sstem so that the an improve their living onditions, but the ideas in Self-Reliane suggest that the high life and ell-being an onl be aquired through a man’s on efforts. The people often take a high expetation toards the funtion of las. If the las ork ell, then the an insure people to enjo their on