SFI Coding

更新时间:2023-05-09 09:27:07 阅读: 评论:0

Code Descritive text
1.0Building specification
2.0Contract specification
2.0Technical Specification
3.0Outline specification
4.0Brief specification
4.0Technical description
5.0Project technical calculations
6.0Conpt study
6.0Feasability study
6.0Initial project study
7.0Design Master Data and Assumptions list
8.0Conversion Specification
8.0Requirement specification
9.0Hull specification
9.0Makers list
10.0Design datasheet
11.0Design prentation
12.0Design prentation folder
13.0Design technical data booklet
14.03D modelling - design prentation
21.0Inspection report
30.0Failure Mode Effect Analysis
99.0Machinery and Equipment list, general
99.0Purcha order specification
100.0General Design Documentation
101.0General arrangement
102.03D computer modelling - hullform
102.0Lines plan
103.0Bodyplan fwd/aft
103.0Bodyplan, aftship
103.0Bodyplan, foreship
104.0Hull lines fairing
104.0Offt tables/Loft book
105.0Project stability calculation - weigths, volumes, hydrostatics 106.0Tankplan
107.0Capacity plan w/deadweight scale
108.0Fire and safety Plan
108.0Safety plan
109.0Fire control plan
110.0Fire subdivision plan
111.0Docking plan
112.0Warning and danger sign plan
113.0In water survey plan
120.03D computer modelling hull/internal arrangement
120.0Compartment capacities - table
120.0Hydrostatics - table
120.0Preliminary intact stability calculations
120.0Righting levers - table
120.0SAC/Bonjean - table
121.0Intact stability analysis
121.0Intact stability study
121.0Loading manual, incl. final stability calculations
121.0Longitudinal strength calculations
122.0Damage stability analysis
122.0Damage stability calculations
122.0Damage stability study
122.0Preliminary Damage stability calculations
123.0Floodable length calcualtions
124.0Subdivision index calculations (Probabilistic dam. stab)
125.0Damage control plan
126.0Damage control manual
127.0Freeboard calculation
127.0Freeboard plan
127.0External Watertight integrity plan - Freeboard plan
128.0Internal watertight integrity plan
129.0Lightship weight calculation and distribution
130.0Tonnage calculation
131.0Sounding tables for manual operation
131.0Ullage tables for manual operation
132.0Input-data for remote operated sounding/ullage systems
135.0Delivery/Installation of loading calculator
140.0ERN calcualtion - station keeping capability
140.0SMPEP Manual
141.0Garbage management plan
142.0Oil transfer procedure
142.0Operational procedures for liquid transfere operations
144.0Ballast water management plan
150.0Inclining test procedure
150.0Inclining test report
150.0Inclining test verification with report
150.0Lightweight survey w/report
151.0Model test program
151.0Model test program and report
151.0Model test report
151.0Model testing
152.0CFD analysis
154.0Performance prediction, speed/powering.
154.1Fuel oil consumption calculation
155.0Squat estimation diagram
156.0Manoeuvre simulation calculation
156.0Manoeuvring diagrams
157.0Seakeeping performace calculation
158.0DP capability plot
158.0Station keeping calculation
159.0Iceclass power requirement calculations
160.0Heat balance calculations, general
170.0Vibration analysis
171.0Vibration measurements
172.0Vibration measurement procedure
180.0Noi prediction
181.0Torsional vibration analysis
181.0Noi measurements
182.0Noi measurement procedure
190.0Emergency training and drills, maintenance and Inspections manual, acc. to SOLAS Pt. B, Ch.III, Reg. 20 190.0Sea trial program
190.0Sea trial report
190.0Sea-trial program and test report
191.0Launching calculations
192.0Equipment testing and commisioning procedures
192.0Program and procedures for testing of mooring equipment
200.0Hull and structure design documentation
200.1Steel structure definition plan
201.0Midship Sections, preliminary
201.0Preliminary midship ction scantlings
201.0Shell expansion and framing plan, preliminary
201.0Structural profile and deckplans, preliminary
202.0Structural profile
203.0Structural deckplans
204.0Ice belt extension
204.0Shell expansion
205.0Framing plan
206.0General welding plan, hull
207.0General details, hull structure
208.0Scantling calculations, hull structures
208.1FEM - analysis of hull structures
208.2Fatigue calculations, hull structures
209.0Material specification, steel plates and profiles, preliminary
210.0Tribon structure modelling - aftship
211.0Transver ctions in aftship
214.0Aftship upper part
215.0Aftship lower part, including aftpeak bulkhead and stern frame
215.0Aftship, including stern frame and aft peak bulkhead
216.0Transver bulkheads in aftship
217.0Longitudinal bulkheads in aft ship
219.0Block unit drawings, aft ship
220.0Tribon structure modelling - engineroom area
221.0Transver ctions in engine room
223.0Double bottom in engine room, incl. foundation for main engine
223.0Double bottom in engine room, incl. foundation for propulsion motors/gear boxes 224.0Aux. Engine- and azipod foundations
226.0Transver bulkheads in engine room  incl. engine room bulkhead
227.0Longitudinal bulkheads in engine room
228.0Loo tanks in engine area
229.0Block unit drawings, engine area
230.0Tribon structure modelling - cargo area
231.0Midship ctions in cargo area
231.0Midship ctions in cargo area, aft part
231.0Midship ctions in cargo area, forward part
231.0Midship ctions within 0,4L
233.0Double bottom, cargo area
236.0Transver bulkheads in cargo area
237.0Innershell plating in cargo area
237.0Longitudinal bulkheads in cargo area
239.0Independant cargo tank - Scanling calculations/FEM analysis
239.0Independant cargo tanks, structural drawing
239.0Independant cargotank supporting structure
239.0Block unit drawings, cargo area
240.0Tribon structure modelling - foreship
241.0Transver ctions in foreship
244.0Foreship upper part
245.0Foreship lower part, including collision bulkhead
245.0Foreship, including thruster space and collision bulkhead
246.0Transver bulkheads in foreship
247.0Longitudinal bulkheads in foreship
249.0Block unit drawings, foreship
250.0Tribon structure modelling - superstructure/deckhous
251.0Transver ctions in superstructure
254.0Deckhou structure
255.0Decktrunk structure
256.0Companionway structure
256.0Fanhou structure
256.0Transver bulkheads above maindeck - superstructure/deckhou
257.0Longitudinal bulkheads above maindeck - superstructure/deckhou
257.0Masthou structure
258.0Wheelhou - structural drawing
259.0Block unit drawings of deckhous/superstructure
260.0Tribon modelling - steel equipment
261.0Hull markings
261.0Hull markings plan
262.0FiFi Seachest arrangement
262.0Sterntube w/propellerboss
262.0Overboard discharges, Marpol annex I and II
262.0Sea inlet arrangement
262.0Seachest arrangement
262.0Bottom drain plug arrangement
262.0Overboard discharge arrangement for eng. room
262.0Tank marking and bottom plugs
263.0Foundation for anchorwinch
263.0Foundation for aux. machinery and equipment.
263.0Foundation for auxillary engines
263.0Foundation for azimuth thruster units
263.0Foundation for boiler
263.0Foundation for chain-stopper
263.0Foundation for crane
263.0Foundation for deck crane
263.0Foundation for deck machinery
263.0Foundation for heater
263.0Foundation for ho handling crane
263.0Foundation for main engine
263.0Foundation for mooringwinch
263.0Foundation for propulsion motor
263.0Foundation for reduction gear
263.0Foundation for shaft generator
263.0Foundation for side thruster units
263.0Foundation for steering gear
263.0Foundation for towing hook
263.0Foundation/Seating for cargotanks
263.0Foundation/Seating for independant cargotanks
263.0Foundations for FiFI pumps
263.0Foundations for pumps in ER
264.0Bilge keel arrangement with details
264.0Fender arrangement with details
266.0Haw pipes and anchorpockets
267.0Bulwark and rails
267.0Bulwark with gates
267.0Cargo rail, structural drawing
267.0Fore and aft gangway construction
268.0Casing and funnel structure
269.0Structural drawing of foremast
269.0Structural drawing of other masts
269.0Structural drawing of posts for deck lighting, etc.
269.0Structural drawing of radar/signal mast
270.0Painting scheme - external painting
278.0External Cathodic protection arrangement
278.0Impresd Current Cathodic Protection System, cable diagram 280.0Painting scheme - internal pinting
288.0Internal cathodic protection arrangement
290.0Test procedure for testing of tanks and bulkheads tightness 290.0Structure 3D model - Tribon, general
290.0Tribon structure modelling - general
290.0Block unit plan
291.0Block unit drawings, hull and superstructure
292.0Numerical cutting data plots, with markings and edge prepartion 292.0Numerical steel cutting data for plates including shell plating 293.0Cutting list for profiles
294.0Basis for frames and shell bending moulds/templates
296.0Deck and bulkhead penetrations
297.0Builder access holes arrangement
299.0Preliminary material list, steel,  for ordering
299.0Material specification built-in steel
299.0Material specification outfitting steel
300.0Cargo equipment and systems
301.0Cargo hatches arrangement
301.0Hatches in cargodeck
301.0Cargo hatches
303.0Cargo tank hatches
304.0Manhole plan
304.0Plan of access hatches
304.0Smaller hatches
306.0Stern gates
306.0Stern ports
307.0Side door arrangement
310.0Cargo stowage plan
311.0Internal ramp arrangement
311.0Stern ramp arrangement
311.0Train/Trailer ramp arrangement
312.0Arrangement of independent cargo tanks
314.0Cargo deck wooden sheeting arrangement
314.0Deck covering - cargo decks
315.0Cargo Lashing arrangement
315.0Cargo rail arrangement
315.0Trailer guides
318.0Cargo curing manual
326.0Bulk handling system
331.0Deck crane arrangement
331.0Rotating crane arrangement
333.0Rails for excavator traver
333.0Traver for excavator
334.0Cargo crane, cable diagram
340.0Rigg arrangement
341.0Masts, derric posts
350.0Oil Discharge Monitoring Manual (ODM - IOPP) for MARPOL Annex I
350.0Procedures and Arrangements Manual (P & A Manual) for MARPOL Annex II
350.0Slop handling and tank arrangement
350.0Plan of hatches, openings and penetrations in cargotank deck
350.9Bow loading/single point mooring operation manual
350.9Cargo systems operation manual
351.0Cargo tank arrangement
351.0Cargo pump arrangement
352.0Bow loading arrangement
352.0Tank deck and manifold arrangement showing main equipment and larger pipes
352.0Cargo drain system - schematic diagram with component-, pipe- and valvelists
352.0Cargo loading-, discharge- and stripping system - schematic diagram with component-, pipe- and valvelists 352.0Oily water discharge monitoring system - schematic diagram with component-, pipe- and valvelists
353.0Cargo pumproom arrangement
353.0Cargo system, pumproom
354.0Arrangement in cargo tank
357.0Mud system
359.0Cargo system - Brine
359.0Cargo system - Fresh water
360.0Cargo heating system operation manual
360.0Cargo heat balance calculation
361.0Cargotanks insulation arrangement
363.0Direct cooling system

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