
更新时间:2023-05-09 07:55:21 阅读: 评论:0

Glossary of Aged Care Terminology
Accessibility 方便性
Accessing aged care rvices 使用养老服务Accommodation Bond Agreement 院所保证金协议
Accommodation Charge Agreement院所费协议Accreditation Standard 鉴定标准Accreditation Standard Four: Physical Environment and Safety Systems 鉴定标准四: 外在环境与安全系统
Accreditation Standard One: Management Systems
Accreditation Standard Three: Resident Lifestyle
Accreditation Standard Two: Health and Personal Care 鉴定标准二:保健与个人照顾Accredited facility 鉴定合格的养老服务院所Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) 后天性脑损伤Activities coordinator/Diversional Therapist
Activities of daily living 日常生活活动
Acute care 急症照顾
Acute condition 急症
Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
Administrator 管理人
Admission 住院
Adult Day Care Centre 成人日间照顾中心Advance Health Care Directive 预先健康照顾指示
Adver drug reaction 不良药物反应
Adver effects 不利影响
Adver event 负面事件
Advocacy Service 代言服务
Advocate 代言人
Age pensioner 福利金领取者Age related cognitive decline 老年认知能力下降Aged and Community Care Information Line
Aged Care - Complaints Resolution Scheme
Aged Care Act 1997 《1997年养老服务法》
Aged Care Advocacy Program 养老服务代言计划
Aged Care Asssment Officer 养老服务评估员Aged Care Asssment Service (ACAS)
Aged Care Asssment Team (ACAT)
Aged care facility / Aged care home / Facility / Home/ Residential Facility / Residential Service / Residential Home 养老院所
Aged care home / Facility / HomeResidential Facility / Residential Service / Residential Home/ Aged care facility 养老院所
Aged Care Quality Asssors 养老服务质量评估员
Aged care ctor 养老服务领域
Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency
Ageing in place 原处养老
Ageing population 老龄化人口
Ageism 老年歧视
Aggression 侵犯行为
Allied health personnel 联合保健人员
Allied health rvices 联合保健服务
Alternative medicine 替代医学
Alternative therapies 非替代疗法
Alzheimer's Australia 澳大利亚阿耳兹海默氏病协会
Alzheimer's Dia 阿耳兹海默氏病
Alzheimer’s dia Familial 家族阿耳兹海默氏病
Ambulance rvices 救护车服务
Ambulatory tting 流动护理环境Ambulatory care 流动护理
Amputation 截肢
Amputee 被截肢者
Ancillary rvices 辅助服务
Angiogram 血管照影片
Anorexia 厌食症
Anti depressant抗抑郁药
Anxiety disorders 焦虑症
Appeal process 申诉程序
Approved Care Recipient 获准照顾对象Approved Provider 获准服务提供者Approved Provider Status 获准服务提供者资格Asssment guidelines 评估准则
Assistance with bathing and personal hygiene 洗澡和个人卫生协助
Assistance with dressing and grooming
Assistance with eating and drinking 饮食协助Assistance with mobility 行动协助
Assisted living 辅助生活
Assisted living facility 辅助生活服务机构Assisted resident 辅助居民
Assistive devices 辅助装置
Assistive technology 辅助技术
Attendant care 护理员照顾
Audiologist 听力师
Australian Taxation Office (ATO) 澳大利亚税务局
Autopsy 尸体解剖
Average length of stay平均住院时间
Basic daily care fee 基本日常照顾费
Bed pan 床上便盆Bed sores 褥疮
Bedside manners 病床礼貌
Behaviour Intervention Support Team (BIST)
Behaviour management 行为管理
Beneficiary 受益人
Bequest 遗产
Bereavement 丧亲
Bereavement Allowance 丧偶短期津贴Bilingual worker 双语工作者
Bionic ear 仿生耳
Bipolar dia 双极性疾病
Bladder control 控尿
Bladder control problem 控尿问题
Bowel control 大便控制
Brokerage 中介
Bulk Billing 全额报销收费
Cachexia 恶病质
Cancer Council of Australia 澳大利亚癌症理事会Capital gains 资本增值
Caplets 囊片
Cardiovascular dia 心血管疾病
Care management 照顾管理
Care manager 照顾经理
Care plan 照顾计划
Care plan review 照顾计划覆查
Care planning 照顾规划
Care recipient 照顾对象
Care review 照顾回顾
Care rvices 照顾服务
Care standards 照顾标准
Caregiver 照顾人
Carer (private / family member) 照顾人
Carer (staff member employed in a residential or community tting) 照顾人
Carer allowance 照顾人津贴
Carer payment 照顾人补助金
Carer Resource Centre 照顾人资源中心
Carer Respite Centre 照顾人暂息中心
Carer Respite Centre - Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre 联邦照顾人暂息中心
Carer support group 照顾人支持小组
Ca management 个案管理
Ca manager 个案经理
Ca mix 个案组合
CAT scan CAT扫瞄
Cataract 白内障
Catchment area 受托区
Catheter 导管
Centrelink Multilingual Service Centrelink 多语种服务
Certification 认证
Cervical cancer 子宫颈癌
Challenging behaviour 违拗
Changed behaviour 行为变化
Changed xual behaviour 性行为变化
Chapel 小教堂
Chaplain 牧师
Charge (as parate from fee) 收费
Charitable ctor 慈善界
Charter of Residents Rights and Responsibilities 居民权利与责任章程
Chiropractors 脊椎指压按摩师
Choke 窒息
Choking 噎呛
Cholesterol 胆固醇
Chronic care 慢性病照顾
Chronic dia 慢性病
Claim form 申领表
Client focud solutions 以客户为中心的解决方案
Client handbook 客户手册
Clinical care 临床护理
Clinical condition 临床状况
Clinical event 临床活动
Clinical examination 临床检查
Clinical interview 临床诊疗
Clinical pathways 临床途径
Clinical treatment 临床治疗
Clinician 临床医生Cognitive ability 认知能力
Cognitive Dementia and Memory Service (CDAMS)
Cognitive impairment 认知障碍
Cohort 分组
Colon cancer 结肠癌
Comment box 意见箱
Commode chair 坐便椅
Commonwealth Care Link Centres 联邦护理连接中心
Commonwealth Carelink Centres 联邦护理连接中心
Commonwealth Carer Resource Centre
Commonwealth Government 联邦政府Commonwealth Hearing Services Program
Commonwealth Ombudsmen 联邦调查专员署Commonwealth Seniors Concession Card
Commonwealth Seniors Health Care Card 联邦高龄人士保健卡
Communication Book 意见簿
Community health worker 社区保健工作者Community Aged Care Packages (CACP)
Community bad care 基于社区的照顾Community care 社区照顾
Community Health Centre 社区保健中心Community Health Nur 社区保健护士Community housing 社区住房
Community Mental Health Centre 社区精神健康中心
Community Nursing Program 社区护理计划Community Partners Program (CPP) 社区伙伴计
Community treatment order 社区治疗令Community Visitors Scheme 社区访客计划Community worker 社区工作者Compensable Resident 可获赔偿的居民Complaints handling 投诉处理
Complaints procedures 投诉程序Complaints Resolution Scheme投诉解决计划Complementary medicine 补充医学Compliance 遵守
Compliance with medication 遵守医嘱Complication 并发症
Concession - energy concession能源优惠Concession card 优惠卡
Concessional and Assisted Residents
Concessional Resident 获得优惠的居民Condition 病情
Confidentiality 保密
Conflict of interest 利益冲突
Confusion 头脑糊涂
Connt - informed connt 知情同意书Continence 排便节制
Continence - incontinence 大小便失禁Continence - National Continence Hotline
Continence - stress incontinence
Continence absorption aids
Continence Aides Assistance Scheme
Continence management 排便节制管理Continuing Care Retirement Community
Continuity of care 照顾服务的连续性Continuous quality improvement 连续品质改善Continuum of care 照顾服务连续性Convalescence 康复
Cooked and chilled meals 冷藏熟食
Coping 应对
Corn (callus) 鸡眼(胼胝)
Coronary heart dia 冠心病
Cost of a local call 按本地电话计费
Council on the Ageing (COTA) 老龄化理事会Counling 心理辅导
Counlor 辅导员
Cramps 痉挛
Crisis Asssment Team (CAT) 危机评估小组Critical incident 重大事件
CT Scan CT扫描
Cultural background information 文化背景资料Cultural diversity 文化多样性
Cultural preferences 文化选择
Culturally and linguistically diver (CALD)
Culturally appropriate 符合文化背景的
Daily income tested fee 每日收入评估费
Data collection 资料收集
Data matching 资料匹配
Day Respite Centres 日间暂息中心Debriefing 汇报
Deeming 推定
Deep vein thrombosis 深静脉血栓
Delivered meals 送餐服务
Delusion 错觉
Delusional 产生妄想的
Delusions 妄想
Dementia 痴呆症
Dementia - AIDS related dementia 与
Dementia - alcohol related dementia
Dementia Education and Support Program
Dementia Specific Care 痴呆症特别护理Dementia with Lewy bodies 雷维小体式痴呆症Demography 人口学
Dental Hospital 牙科医院
Dental Services 牙科服务
Dental Technician 牙科技师
Department of Health and Ageing
Department of Health and Ageing - Australian Government 澳大利亚政府卫生与老年人事务部Department of Health and Ageing - Commonwealth
Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) 退伍事务部
Dependent child 受抚养子女
Diabetes Australia 澳大利亚糖尿病协会Dietary requirements 饮食要求
Dietary restrictions 饮食限制
Dietician 饮食学家
Direct care 直接照顾
Director of Nursing (DON) 护理主任Disability support pension 残疾人福利金Discharge plan 出院计划
Discharge planning 出院规划
Disclosure 披露
Discrimination 歧视
Dia control 疾病控制
Dia management 疾病管理Dia prevention 疾病预防
Disorder 紊乱
Disposable underwear 一次性内衣
District Nur 地区护士
Diversional Therapist/Activities coordinator
Diversional therapy 娱乐疗法
Diversity 多样化
Dizziness 眩晕
Do not resuscitate orders拒绝抢救指令Domestic violence家庭暴力
Do administration aids 按剂量服药辅助用具Dostte box 多塞特药盒
Drug utilisation review 用药审查
Dual diagnosis 双重诊断
Duty of care 注意义务
Dysphasia 言语困难
Early intervention 早期介入
Effectiveness 有效性
Elderly 老年人
Electro convulsive therapy 电惊厥疗法Eligibility 资格
Emergency accommodation 紧急住宿Emergency accommodation / Transitional Accommodation紧急住宿
Emergency rvices 急诊服务
Emotional support 情感支持
Empowerment 赋予能力
End of life decision 临终决定
End-of-life 生命终结
Endemic 地方病
Endord 支持
Enduring Power of Attorney 永久授权书Enduring power of attorney (financial)
Enduring Power of Attorney - Medical Power of Attorney 医疗授权书
Enduring Power of Guardianship 永久监护权Entitled 有权

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