
更新时间:2023-05-09 07:07:05 阅读: 评论:0

总则 2.2 航空情报出版物中所使用的简缩字
A Amber 琥珀色
A/A Air-to-air 空对空
AAB,AAC…etc, in quence)
Amended meteorological message (Message type
designator)  (或AAB, AAC……等,按顺序)订正气象电报(电报种类代号)
AAD Assigned altitude deviation 指定高度偏差
AAIM Aircraft autonomous integrity monitoring 航空器自主完好性监控AAL Above aerodrome level 高出机场场面
ABI Advance
information 前方边界信息
ABM Abeam    正切
ABN Aerodrome
beacon 机场灯标
ABT About 大约、关于
ABV Above 在上、以上
AC Altocumulus 高积云
A/C* Aircraft 航空器
ACARS (to be pronounced ‘AY-CARS’) Aircraft
communication addressing and reporting system 航空器寻址通信和报告系统(发音为“AY-CARS”)
ACAS Airborne collision avoidance system 机载防撞系统
ACC Area control center or area control 区域管制中心或区域管制ACCID Notification of an aircraft accident 航空器失事通知
ACFT Aircraft 航空器
ACK Acknowledge 承认、证实
ACL Altimeter check location 高度表校准位置
ACN Aircraft
Classification Number 航空器等级序号
ACP Acceptance (message type designator) 接受电报(电报种类代号)ACPT Accept
accepted 接受或已接受
ACT Active or activated or activity 活动
AD Aerodrome 机场
ADA Advisory
area 咨询区
ADC Aerodrome
chart 机场图
ADDN  Addition or additional 增加、附加
ADF Automatic direction-finding equipment 自动定向仪
ADIZ (to be pronounced ‘AY-DIZ’) Air defence
identification zone
防空识别区(发音为“AY-DIZ”)ADJ Adjacent 邻近
ADO Aerodrome office (specify rvice) 机场部门(注明服务)
ADR Advisory
route 咨询航线
address 地址
ADS-B Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast 广播式自动相关监视
ADS-C Automatic dependent surveillance-contract 合约式自动相关监视
ADSU Automatic dependent surveillance unit 自动相关监视单元
ADVS Advisory
rvice 咨询服务
ADZ Advi 通知
AES Aircraft
station 航空器地球站
AFIL Flight plan filed in the air 空中申报飞行计划
AFIS Aerodrome flight information rvice 机场飞行情报服务
AFM Yes or affirm or affirmative or that is correct 是、肯定、正确
AFS Aeronautical fixed rvice 航空固定服务
AFT After… (time or place) …(时间或地点)以后AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network 航空固定电信网
A/G Air-to-ground 空对地
AGA Aerodromes, air routes and ground aids 机场、航路和地面设备AGC* Aerodrome ground movement chart 机场地面运行图
AGL Above ground level 高出地面
AGN Again 再次、重新
AIC Aeronautical information circular 航空资料通报
AIDC Air traffic rvices inter-facility data communication 空中交通服务内设数据通信AIP Aeronautical information publication 航空资料汇编
AIRAC Aeronautical information regulation and control 定期制航空资料
AIREP Air-report 空中报告
AIRMET Information concerning en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft
operations 可能影响航空器低空飞行安全的航路天气现象的情报
AIS Aeronautical information rvices 航空情报服务
ALA Alighting
area 着陆(水)区
pha 警戒阶段
ALR Alerting
message 警戒电报
ALRS Alerting
rvice 告警服务
ALS Approach
system 进近灯光系统
ALSTG* Altimeter
tting 高度表拨正
ALT Altitude 高度
ALTN Alternate or alternating (light alternates in colour) 交替(灯光颜色交替变换)ALTN Alternate
(aerodrome) 备降机场
AMA Area
altitude 区域最低高度
AMD Amend or amended (ud to indicate amended meteorological message; message type designator) 订正或订正电报(用以表示修改的气象电报, 电报种类代号)
AMDT Amendment
Amendment) 修订(航空资料汇编修订)AMS Aeronautical
rvice 航空移动业务
AMSL Above mean a level 高出平均海平面
AMSS Aeronautical mobile satellite rvice 航空移动卫星服务
ANC Aeronautical chart—1:500 000
(followed by name/title) 航空图-1:500 000 (后随名称/标题)
ANCS Aeronautical navigation chart—small scale
(followed by name/title and scale) 领航图-小比例尺
ANS Answer 回答
AOC Aerodrome obstacle chart
(followed by type and name/title) 机场障碍物图
AOR* Area of responsibility 责任区AORC* Air corridor chart 空中走廊图AP Airport 航空站
APAPI (to be pronounced ‘AY-PAPI’) Abbreviated precision approach path indicator 简式精密进近航道指示器(发音为“AY-PAPI”)
APCH Approach 进近
APDC Aircraft parking/docking chart (followed by
航空器停放/停靠图(后随名称/标题)APN Apron 停机坪
APP Approach control office or approach control or approach control rvice 进近管制室、进近管制或进近管制服务
APR April 四月APRX Approximate
or approximately 近似或大约APSG After
passing 过……后
APV Approve or approved or approval 批准、同意或认可
ARC Area
chart 区域图
ARNG Arrange 安排、处理、计划
ARO Air traffic rvices reporting office 空中交通服务报告室
ARP Aerodrome reference point 机场基准点
ARP Air-report (message type designator) 空中报告(电报种类代号)ARQ Automatic
error correction 自动纠错
ARR Arrive or arrival 到达
ARR Arrival (message type designator) 到达电报(电报种类代号)ARS Special air-report (message type designator) 特别空中报告(电报种类代号)ARST Arresting (specify (part of) aircraft arresting
拦阻(注明航空器拦阻设备)AS Altostratus 高层云
ASC Ascent to or ascending to 上升至
ASDA Accelerate-stop distance available 可用加速停止距离
ASE Altimetry system error 测高系统误差
ASHTAM Special ries NOTAM notifying, by means of a specific format,change in activity of a volcano, a
volcano eruption and/or volcanic ash cloud that is of
significance to aircraft operations 航行通告的一个专门系列,是一特定的格式,针对可能影响航空器运行的火山活动变化、火山爆发和/或火山烟云发出的通告。
ASPH Asphalt 沥青
AT… At (followed by time at which weather change is
forecast to occur)
在…(后随预报天气出现变化的时间)ASPEEDG Airspeed
gain 空速加大
ASPEEDL Airspeed
loss 空速减小
ATA Actual time of arrival 实际到达时间
ATC Air traffic control (in general) 空中交通管制(通称)
ATCSMAC Air traffic control surveillance minimum altitude chart (followed by name/title) 空中交通管制监视系统最低高度图(后随名称/标题)
ATD Actual time of departure 实际离场时间
ATFM Air traffic flow management 空中交通流量管理ATIS Automatic terminal information rvice 自动航站情报服务ATM Air traffic management 空中交通管理
ATMB* Air Traffic Management Bureau 空中交通管理局
ATN Aeronautical
network 航空电信网
ATP At… (time or place) 在……(时间或地点)ATS Air traffic rvices 空中交通服务
ATTN Attention 注意、承办
AT-V ASIS (to be pronounced “AY-TEE-V ASIS”)
Abbreviated T visual approach slope indicator system 简化T式目视进近坡度指示系统(发音为“AY-TEE-V ASIS”)
ATZ Aerodrome traffic zone 机场交通地带
AUG August 八月
AUTH Authorized or authorization 授权、批准
AUW All up weight 起飞全重
AUX Auxiliary 辅助
AVBL Available
availability 可供使用、备有、可用性A VG Average 平均
A VGAS Aviation
gasoline 航空汽油
AWTA Advi at what time able 告知可能时间
A VTUR* Aviation turbine fuel 航空涡轮燃油
AWY Airway 航路
AZM Azimuth 方位、方位角
B Blue 蓝色
BA Braking
action 制动作用
BARO-VNA V (to be pronounced “BAA-RO-VEE-NAV”)Barometric vertical navigation 气压式垂直导航(发音为“BAA-RO-VEE-NAV”)
BASE Cloud
ba 云底
patches 雾块
BCN Beacon (aeronautical ground light) 航空地面灯标BCST Broadcast 广播
BDRY Boundary 边界
BEC* Becau 因为
BECMG Becoming 变成、成为、转为BFR Before 在……之前
BKN Broken 多云
BL… Blowing (followed by DU=dust, SA=sand or SN=snow) 吹、刮(后随DU(尘),SA(沙)或SN(雪))
BLDG Building 建筑物BLO Below
clouds 云下BLW Below… ……以下BOMB Bombing 轰炸
BR Mist 轻雾
BRF Short (ud to indicate the type of approach desired or required) 小起落航线(用于说明希望或需要的进近方式)
BRG Bearing 方位
BRKG Braking 刹车
BS Commercial broadcasting station 商业广播电台
BTL Between layers    云层中
BTN  Between 在……之间
C Center
identification) 中间位置(跑道号码标志)C Degrees Celsius (centigrade) 摄氏度数
CA Cour to an altitude 到一个高度的航迹
CAAC* General Administration of Civil Aviation of China 中国民用航空局
CAT Clear air turbulence    晴空颠簸
CAT Category  分类
CA VOK (to be pronounced ‘KA V-OH-KAY’) Visibility, cloud and prent weather better than prescribed values or
conditions 能见度、云和现在天气高于规定数值或条件(发音为“KA V-OH-KAY”)
CB (to be pronounced ‘CEE BEE’) Cumulonimbus 积雨云(发音为“CEE BEE”)CC Cirrocumulus 卷积云
CCA (or CCB,CCC…etc, in quence)
Corrected meteorological message (message type
designator) (或CCB,CCC……等,按顺序)订正气象电报(电报种类代号)
CD Candela 国际烛光(发光强度单位)CDN Coordination (message type designator) 协调电报(电报种类代号)CF Change frequency to… 频率改为……
CF Cour to a fix 到一个定位点的航迹
CFM Confirm 证实
CGL Circling
light(s) 盘旋引导灯
CH Channel  波道
CH Channel-continuity-check
transmission 频道通断检查发送
CHG Modification (message type designator) 订正电报(电报种类代号)CI Cirrus 卷云
CIDIN Common ICAO data interchange network 通用的国际民用航空组织数据交换网CIG* Ceiling 云幕
CIT Near or over large towns 城镇附近或上空
CIV Civil 民用
CK Check 检查、校核
CL Center
line 中心线
CLA Clear type of ice formation 明冰
CLBR Calibration 校正
CLD Cloud 云
CLG Calling 呼叫
CLIMB-OUT Climb-out
area 爬升脱离区
CLR Clear(s) or cleared to…or clearance 放行、准许……、放行许可
CLRD Runway(s) cleared (ud in METAR/SPECI) 跑道已清扫(用于METAR/SPECI)CLSD Clo or clod or closing 关闭
CM Centimeter 厘米
CMB Climb to or climbing to 爬升、爬升至
CMPL Completion or completed or complete 完成、完全
CNL Cancel
cancelled 取消
CNL Flight plan cancellation (message type designator) 飞行计划取消电报(电报种类代号)CNS Communications, navigation and surveillance 通信、导航和监视
COM Communications 通信
CONC Concrete 混凝土
COND Condition 条件、情况
CONS Continuous 连续的、持续的
CONST Construction
constructed 建筑
CONT Continue(s) or continued 继续、连续的
COOP* Cooperation 合作、协作
COOR Coordinate
coordination 协调
COORD Coordinates 坐标
COP Change-over
point 转换点
COR Correct or correction or corrected (ud to indicate corrected meteorological message, message type
designator) 更正或更正报(用以表示更正的气象电报; 电报种类代号)
CORR* Corridor 走廊
COT At the coast 在海岸
COV Cover or covered or covering 覆盖、包括
CPDLC Controller-pilot data-link communications 管制员-驾驶员数据链通信
CPL Current flight plan (message type designator) 现行飞行计划电报(电报种类代号)CRC Cyclic redundancy check 循环冗余校验
CRM Collision risk model 危险碰撞模式
CRS* Cour 航线、航道、路线
CRZ Crui 巡航
CS Call sign  呼号
CS Cirrostratus 卷层云
CTA Control
area 管制区
CTAM Climb to and maintain 爬升至并保持
CTC Contact 联络
CTL Control 管制、控制
CTN Caution 注意、警告
CTR Control
zone 管制地带
CU Cumulus 淡积云
CUF Cumuliform 积状云
CUST Customs 海关
CVR Cockpit voice recorder 驾驶舱话音记录器

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