学生信息 |
学生姓名 XXX | 国籍 中国 | 出生日 08/10/1993 | 性别 男 |
在加拿大的学校名称和地址: |
学生在加拿大住址: 希尔顿家庭住宿服务系统安排的接待家庭 |
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父母/监护人信息(最好父母两人的信息): |
| 父母/监护人1 | 父母/监护人2 |
姓名全称 | XXX | XXX |
生日 | 20/11/1962 | 11/5/1968 |
家庭住址 | 北京市丰台区70号院4单元402室 | 北京市丰台区70号院4单元402室 |
电话 | | |
| | |
管理人信息 |
姓名全称: 柯里斯廷W. 佛埃 | 在加拿大状况: 加拿大公民 或 永久居留 | 生日: 05/09/59 |
现住址: |
电话: |
| | |
我们的孩子将与另一人 接待户家庭(请提供姓名并说明关系)
我们,XXX 和 XXX 是学生 XXX 的父母/监护人,在此授XXXXXXX.XXXXX全权管理上述学生在加拿大住宿的省份未达到成年之前的管理。我们已做好上述学生的各项照顾和生活
父母/监护人(1)签字: 日期:
父母/监护人(2)签字: 日期:
公证员签字:--------------------- -------------------公证处盖章
STUDENT Information |
Student's full Name XXX | Citizenship Chine | Date of Birth 08/10/1993 | Sex Male Female |
Name and address of school in Canada |
Address where student will reside in Canada Host family arranged by Halton Homestay Service |
| | | |
PARENTS/GUARDIANS Information (Preferably from both parents/guardians) |
| Parent/guardian 1 | Parent/guardian 2 |
Full Name | XXX | XXX |
Date of birth | 20/11/1962 | 11/5/1968 |
Home address | | |
phone | | |
| | |
CUSTODIAN Information |
Full Name | Status in Canada Canadian citizen or Permanent resident | Date of birth 05/09/59 |
Crrent residential address |
phone |
| | |
My/our child will reside:
With appointed custodian in the school dormitory or with another person
I/We -------and -------(name of the parents or guardians, the parents/guardians of the said student---------(name of student), hereby grant full custodianship to -----------(name of custodian),during the student's stay in Canada while he/she is under the age of majority in the province in which he/she resides. I have made the necessary arrangements for the care and support of the said student such that the custodian should act in the place of me/us, the parents. By signing this custodian agreement, I/We affirm that I am/we are satisfied the above appointed custodian resides within a reasonable distance of my/our child's intended residence and school and will be able to fulfil his/her obligations as a custodian in the event of an emergency.
Signature of parent/guardian (1): Date:
Signature of parent/guardian (2): Date:
Sworn before me at:------------(city), in the province of -------------(privince/territory), ----------(contry)
This ------Day of ----------(month)---------(year)
Signatue of Notary: Official al of Notary Public