1、HULL PART 船体部分
1、1 结构 Structure
船厂 dockyard/shipyard 船坞 dock/boatyard 船东 ship-owner 船舷 Ship's side
船码头 quay/dock 船的栏杆 Ship's rail 船舱 hold 甲板 Deck
船籍 Ship's registry 住舱甲板 accommodation deck 船首 bow 梁拱甲板 arch deck
船梯 ladder 载货甲板 cargo deck 船尾 stern 首楼甲板 Forecastle deck 上甲板 Upper deck
下甲板 Lower deck 主甲板 Main deck 货舱甲板 Hold deck
桥楼甲板 Bridge deck水密甲板 Watertight deck
驾驶甲板 Navigation deck 铜-钢复合板 Copper sheathing steel plate
艇甲板 Boat deck 甲板边板 Deck stringer plate罗经甲板 Compass deck 斜板 Sloping plate
板 Plate 加强板 Reinforcement plate舭板 Bilge plate 舵板 Rudder plate
船底板 Bottom plate 舷侧外板 Side plate 船外板 Shell plate 裙板 Skirt plate
船首外板 Bow plate 首柱板 Stem plate肘板 Bracket plate 首柱板 Stern plate
舱壁板 Bulkhead plate 平台 platform
槽形舱壁板 Corrugated bulkhead plate 机舱平台 Engine-room platform
舷墙板 Bulwark plate 分段 Block围板 Coaming plate 首段 Bow block
连续板 Connection plate 中段 Midship block尾段 Stern block 甲板下纵桁 Underdeck girder
左舷 port 舭纵桁 Wing girder右舷 Starboard 支柱 Pillar
纵桁 Girder 肋骨 Frame型材桁 Bar girder 基础台架 Ba frame
中底桁 Bottom center girder 支架 Bear frame中内龙骨 Bottom center line girder 舭肋骨 Bilge frame底桁材 Bottom girder 船底肋骨 Bottom frame
旁桁材 Bottom side girder 首肋骨 Bow frame
甲板纵桁 Deck girder 肘板框架肋骨 Bracket frame
横桁 Cross girder 球鼻首肋骨 Bulbous bow frame
水平桁 Horizontal girder 球曲型肋骨 Bulbous frame
舱口边梁 Hatch coaming girder 主肋骨 Chief frame
机座纵桁 Engine girder 首肋骨 Fore frame
桁架梁 Girder frame 舭纵桁舭纵骨 Bilge longitudinal
舯部肋骨 Middle frame 船底纵骨/纵桁 bottom longitudinal
尖舱肋骨 Peak frame 船底腹板纵桁 bottom web longitudinal
加强筋 Stiffened frame 甲板纵桁 Deck longitudinal
横框架肋骨 Transver frame 内底纵桁/纵骨 Inner bottom longitudinal
肋距 F.S.(frame space) 舷侧纵桁/纵骨 Shell side longitudinal
纵桁/纵骨/纵向构件 longitudinal
双层底顶纵骨 Top longitudinal of double bottom
斜舱壁纵骨 Slopping-bulkhead longitudinal
舱舷边舱Tank Wing tank
结构 structure 尾尖舱 after peak tank
附属结构 Accessory structure 尾部水舱 after water tank
全焊结构 All-welded structure 辅助水柜 Auxiliary water tank
中部结构 Amidships structure 辅助压载水舱 Auxiliary water ballast tank
泊位结构 Berthing structure 污水舱 Bilge tank
底部龙骨结构 Bottom keel structure 底舱 Bottom tank
船首部结构 Bow structure 底边舱 Bottom side tank
支撑结构 Braced structure 货油压载舱 Cargo and ballast tank
桥楼结构 Bridge structure 循环水槽 Circulating flow water tank
首楼结构 Forecastle structure 循环滑油舱
压载水舱Circulating lubricating oil tank Ballast water tank
构架结构 Framed structure 清洁压载舱 Clean ballast tank
纵桁结构 Girder structure 冷凝水柜 Condensate catch tank
人孔 manhole 干舱 Dry tank
饮用水舱 Drinking water tank 密封圈 Sealing ring
污水舱 Bilge tank 铰链 Hinge
应急淡水柜 Emergency fresh water tank 把手 Handle
首舱 Fore tank 平衡块 Balance block
首尖舱 Fore peak tank
斜边舱 Hopper side tank 1、2 welding 焊接
液舱 Liquid tank 坡口 groove
龙骨舱 Keel tank 单面坡口 Single groove
右舷舱 Starboard tank 双面坡口 Double groove
顶边水舱 Topside tank Ⅰ形坡口 Square groove
顶边翼舱 Topside wing tank V 型坡口 Single v groove
小舱口盖 Small hatch cover U 型坡口 Single u groove
水密舱口盖 Water-tight small hatch cover
X 形坡口 Single v groove
风雨密舱口盖 Weather-tight small hatch cover
K 形坡口 Single bevel groove
Y 形坡口 Single v groove with broad rood face
填充金属 Filler metal
坡口面 Groove face 热影响区 Heat-affected zone(HAZ)
坡口角度 Groove angle 过热区 Overheated zone
焊缝倾角 Weld slope 焊合线 Bond line(fusion line)
接头根部 Root of joint 焊接区 Weld zone
根部间隙 Root gap 焊缝区 Weld metal area
钝边 Root face 焊缝 weld
焊接接头 Welding joint 连续焊缝 Continuous weld
对接接头 Butt joint 断续焊缝 Intermittent weld
角接接头 Corner joint 纵向焊缝 Longitudinal weld
T 形接头 T-joint 横向焊缝 Transver weld
搭接接头 Lap joint 对接焊缝隙 Butt weld
十字接头 Cross shaped joint 角焊缝 Filled weld
母材 Ba metal(parent metal) 并列断续角焊缝 Chain intermittent fillet
交错断续角焊缝 Staggered intermittent fillet
弧焊整流器 Arc welding rectifier
焊缝正面 Face of weld 自动焊 Automatic welding
焊缝背面 Back of weld 埋弧自动焊 Submerged arc welding
焊缝宽度 Weld width 半自动焊 Semi- automatic welding
焊缝长度 Weld length 氩弧焊 Argon-arc welding
焊缝余高 Reinforcement 二氧化碳气体保护焊 CO2 gas shielded arc welding
焊脚 Leg(of a fillet weld) 氧乙炔焊 Oxy-acetylene welding
焊脚长度 Leg length 气割 Gas cutting
套管接头 Muff joint 碳弧气刨 Carbon arc air gouging
手工电弧焊 Manual arc welding(shielded metal arc welding)
水下切割 Underwater cutting
直流电弧焊 Direct current arc welding 等离子弧切割 Plasma arc cutting
交流电弧焊 alternating current arc welding
连续焊 Continuous welding