不平衡电流、串音电流 unbalanced current
不准直 decollimation
布、编织物 cloth
布线 conductor arrangement
hook-up wire
布置、安装 t out
材料色散波长 material dispersion wavelength
材线包装 wire packaging
彩色护层挤出机 colour coating extruder
操作台、操纵盘、控制板 operator panel
操作台、控制台 operator's desk
槽纹波导 grooved waveguide
测试线 testing conductor
测试线、控制操作、监视线 testing conductor
层式护套、多层护套、薄层粘接护套 laminated sheath
laminated tape
插入鞘、包、覆 sheathe
拆开卸、剥皮 stripping
掺杂石英包层光纤 doped-silica cladded fiber
长波长光纤 long wavelength fiber
长度补偿器 length accumulator
长度与直径之比、长径比 L/D ratio
场控金属线绑扎 field-controlling wire binding
超导体 superconductor
超导同导电缆 superconductor coaxial cable
extra-high strength steel cored aluminium steel stranded cable
supercritical helium cooled cable superconductor
超软细股线 pigtail wire
超声波拉丝机 ultrasonic drawing machine
ultrasonic drawing die drilling machine
ultrasonic drawing die working machine
超声剥皮装置 ultrasonic descaling plant
超细丝导线 super-fine wire conductor
extra-heavy-duty chlorinated polyethlene jacket
stempack or drumpack pay-off system
成缆 laying-up
成缆后包带 cabled tape
成缆、布配线、敷设电缆线 wire
成缆、成缆、电线敷设、布线、电缆敷设 cabling
成缆、绞缆 cable-laying
成缆材料、包覆材料 cladding material
成缆操作、成缆工序 laying-up operation
成缆放装置 cabling pay-off
成缆工段 cabling department
成缆工艺 cabling processv
成缆构件 cabled complement
成缆光纤 cabled optical fiber
成缆和包带生产线 laying-up and taping line
成缆机 cabling machine
成缆机、成缆机、电缆盘 cabler
成缆机、线芯绞合机 laying-up machine
成缆角 laying-up angle
成缆设备、布线设备 cabling equipment
成缆损耗 cabling absorption
塑料挤出机 plastic extruder
涂敷器、包覆装置 coater
阿贝常数 Abbe constant
阿贝数 Abbe number
阿贝折射率计 Abbe refractometer
阿贝正弧条件 Abbe's sine condition
氨基甲酸酯橡胶 urethane rubber
按扭控制操纵 push-button control
暗线 hidden conductor
凹口试杆冲击试验 notched bar impact test
凹陷半径 dip radius
凹陷深度 depth of pip
凹陷型包复 depresd clad
dipped graded-index fiber
eight-ways optical fiber connector
摆杆 dancer rocker arm
摆杆式拉线机 dancer arm drawing machine
半准导体 quasi conductor
半准导体 quasi-conductor
半波长导线 wire of half wavelength
半波导线 half-wave conductor
半波导线 half-wave conductor
半成品 mi-cylindrical conductor
半导电层、半导体层 miconductive layer
半导电的、半导体的 mi-conducting
半导电绝缘屏蔽 micon-insulation
mi-conducting moisture swelling layer
半导电漆 miconductive varnish
半导电线芯 mi-conductive core
半导体 mi-conductor
半导体材料 miconductor material
半导体材料挤出机 micon extruder
半导体层 mi-conductor layer
半导体层、半电导电层 mi-conductor layer
半导体带 mi-conducting tape
半导体丁基橡胶带 mi-conducting butyl tape
半导体护套 mi-conducting jacket
半导体混合物 mi-conducting compound
半导体混合物 mi-conductive compound
miconducting crosslinked polyethylene
半导体尼龙 mi-conducting nylon tape
半导体屏蔽、半导电屏蔽 mi-conductive screen
半导体漆 mi-conducting varnish
半导体橡胶 mi-conducting rubber
半导体釉 mmiconducting glaze
半导体纸、半导电纸 miconductive paper
半电导电层 mi-conductor layer
半介壳 half shell
半径损耗 radii loss
半空气绝缘电缆 mi-air space cable
半连续铸锭 mi-continuous ingot casting
半连续铸锭机 mi-continuous casting machine
半硫化 mi-cure
半扭绞结构 half twist structure
半切线式纸包头绕包头 mi-tangential lapper
mi-tangential lapping head
mi-stop joint
半退火铝导体 mi-annealed aluminium conductor
半硬铝线 mihard-drawn aluminium .
半硬同轴电缆 mi-rigid coaxial cable
半硬铜线 half-hard copper wire
半圆黄铜带 half-round brass strip
半圆形导体 mi-finished product
mi-automatic cable measuring system
mi-automatic cable de-insulating machin
半自动收线装置 mi-automatic take-up
半自动双盘收线装置 mi-automatic twin take-up
绑结、绑扎、扎结 stiching
绑扎 binder tape
绑轧绳、捆绑绳 binding yarn
包层、垫层 clad
cladding surface diameter deviation
包层不圆度 non-circularity of cladding
包层传导模 cladding-guided mode
包层光纤 cladded-fiber
包层模 cladding mode
包层模清除剂器 cladding mode stripper
包层偏心率 cladding eccentricity
包层石英光纤 low loss FEP-clad silica fiber
包层损耗 caldding absorption