熔接 fusion welding 压接 pressure welding 焊接过程 welding process 焊接技术 welding technique 焊接工艺 welding technology/procedure 焊接操作 welding operation 焊接顺序 welding quence 焊接方向 direction of welding 焊接位置 welding position 熔敷顺序 build-up quence/deposition quence 焊缝倾角 weld slope/inclination of weld axis 焊缝转角 weld rotation/angle of rotation 平焊位置 flat position of welding 横焊位置 horizontal position of welding 立焊位置 vertical position of welding 仰焊位置 overhead position of welding 平焊 downhand welding/flat position welding 横焊 horizontal position welding 立焊 vertical position welding 仰焊 overhead position welding 全位置焊 all position welding 向下立焊 vertical down welding/downward welding in the vertical position 向上立焊 vertical up welding/upward welding in the vertical position 倾斜焊 inclined position welding 上坡焊 upward welding in the inclined position 下坡焊 downward welding in the inclined position 对接焊 butt welding 角焊 fillet welding 搭接焊 lap welding 船形焊 fillet welding in the downhand position/fillet welding in the flat position 平角焊 horizontal fillet welding 立角焊 fillet welding in the vertical position 仰角焊 fillet welding in the overhead position 坡口焊 groove welding I形坡口对接焊 square butt welding 喇叭形坡口焊 flare groove welding 卷边焊 flanged edge welding 纵缝焊接 welding of longitudinal am 横缝焊接 welding of transver am 环缝焊接 girth welding/ circumferential 螺旋缝焊接 welding of spiral am/welding of helical am 环缝对接焊 butt welding of circumferential am 定位焊 tack welding 单面焊 welding by one side 双面焊 welding by both sides 单道焊 single pass welding/single run welding 多道焊 multi-pass welding 单层焊 single layer welding 多层焊 multi-layer welding 分段多层焊 block quence/ block welding 分层多道焊 multi-layer and multi-pass welding 连续焊 continuous welding 断续焊 intermittent welding 打底焊 backing weld 封底焊 back aling weld 盖面焊 cosmetic welding 深熔焊 deep penetration welding 摆动焊 welding with weaving/weave bead welding 前倾焊 foreward welding (英国)/ forehand welding (美国) 后倾焊 backward welding(英国)/ backhand welding(美国) 分段退焊 backstep welding 跳焊 skip welding 对称焊 balanced welding/ balanced welding quence 左焊法 leftward welding forehand welding 右焊法 rightward welding/backhand welding 挑弧焊 whipping method 自动焊 automatic welding 手工焊 manual welding/hand welding 车间焊接 shop welding 工地焊接 site welding(英国)/ field welding (美国) 拘束焊接 restraint welding 堆焊 surfacing/building up/overlaying 隔离层堆焊 buttering 端部周边焊 boxing/end return 返修焊 rewelding 补焊 repair welding 塞焊 plug welding 槽焊 slot welding 衬垫焊 welding with backing 焊剂垫焊 welding with flux backing 窄间隙焊 narrow-gap welding 强制成形焊 enclod welding 脉冲电弧焊 puld are welding 电弧点焊 arc spot welding 螺柱焊 stud welding 热风焊 hot gas welding 高能焊 high grade energy welding 固态焊接 solid-state welding 单面焊双面成形 one-side welding with back formation 焊接条件 welding condition 焊接工艺参数 welding parameter 极性 polarity 正接 electrode negative/straight polarity 反接 electrode positive/reverd polarity 运条方式 manipulation of electrode 焊接电流 welding current 焊接电流增加时间 welding current upslope time 焊接电流衰减时间 welding current downslope time 电流密度 current density 短路电流 short circuit current 脉冲电流 pul level/pul current level 脉冲电流幅值 pul current amplitude 基值电流 background level 脉冲频率 pul frequency 脉冲焊接电流占空比 duty cycle of pul duration 电弧电压 arc voltage 再引弧电压 reignition voltage 焊接速度 welding speed 行走速度 rate of travel/travel speed 送丝速度 wire feed rate 线能量 heat input/energy input 热输入 heat input 预热 preheat 后热 postheat 焊后热处理 posweld heat treatment/postheat treatment 预热温度 preheat temperature 层间温度 interpass temperature 焊接终了温度 finishing temperature 后热温度 postheating temperature 焊丝伸出长度 wire extension 弧长 arc length 熔化速度 melting rate 熔化时间 melting time 熔化系数 melting coefficient 熔敷速度 rate of deposition/deposition rate 熔敷系数 deposition coefficient 熔敷效率 deposition efficiency 损失系数 loss coefficient 飞溅 spatter 飞溅率 spatter loss coefficient 融合比 fusion ratio 稀释 dilution 稀释率 rate of dilution 合金过度系数 transfer efficiency/recovery (of an element) 坡口 groove 坡口面 groove face 坡口面角度 angle of bevel (英国)/ bevel angle (美国) 坡口角度 included angle(英国)/groove angle(美国) 坡口高度 groove depth 钝边 root face 钝边高度 thickness of root face/width of root face 根部间隙 root gap(英国)/root opening (美国) 根部半径 root radius/groove radius 根部锐边 root edge 卷边高度 height of flange 卷边半径 radius of flange 单面坡口 single groove 双面坡口 double groove 坡口形式 groove type I形坡口 square groove V形坡口 single V groove Y形坡口 single V groove with root face 双Y形坡口 double Vgroove with root face 带钝边U形坡口 single U groove 带钝边双U形坡口 double U groove VY形坡口 single compound angle groove 带钝边J形坡口 single J groove 带钝边双J形坡口 double J groove 单边V形坡口 single bevel groove 双V形坡口 double V groove 不对称双V形坡口 asymmetric double V groove 双单边V形坡口 double bevel groove/K groove 带垫板V形坡口 V groove with backing/ single V groove with backing 喇叭形坡口 flare groove 锁底坡口 single bevel groove with backing locked 坡形板边 tapered edge 焊缝 weld 接逢 am 焊缝符号 welding symbol 焊缝金属 weld metal 填充金属 filler metal 熔敷金属 deposited metal 焊缝表面 weld face/ face of weld 焊缝背面 back of weld 焊缝轴线 axis of weld 焊缝尺寸 size of weld 焊缝宽度 weld width/ width of weld 焊缝长度 weld length/ length of weld 焊缝有效长度 effective length of weld 焊缝厚度 throat depth/ throat thickness 焊缝计算厚度 theoretical throat 焊缝实际厚度 actual throat 熔深 penetration/ depth of penetration 焊缝成形 appearance of weld 焊缝成形系数 form factor of weld 余高 reinforcement/ excess weld metal 背面余高 root reinforcement 削平焊缝 flush weld/ weld machined flush 对接焊缝 butt weld 角焊缝 fillet 焊脚 leg/ fillet weld leg 角焊缝断面形状 profile of fillet weld 平形角焊缝 flat fillet 凸形角焊缝 convex fillet weld 凹形角焊缝 concave fillet weld 角焊缝凹度 concavity 侧面角焊缝 side fillet weld/ fillet weld in parallel shear 正面角焊缝 front fillet weld/ fillet weld in normal shear 立角焊缝 fillet weld in the vertical position 横角焊缝 fillet weld in the horizontal position 平角焊缝 fillet weld in the flat position ( 焊接网 ) 斜角焊缝 oblique fillet weld 连续焊缝 continuous weld 断续焊缝 intermittent weld 连续角焊缝 continuous fillet weld 断续角焊缝 intermittent fillet weld 交错断续角焊缝 staggered intermittent fillet weld 并列断续角焊缝 chain intermittent fillet weld 端接焊缝 edge weld 卷边焊缝 flanged edge weld 塞焊焊缝 plug weld 纵向焊缝 longitudinal weld 横向焊缝 transver weld 环行焊缝 girth weld/ circumferential weld 螺旋形焊缝 spiral weld/ helical weld 密封焊缝 al weld 承载焊缝 strength weld 联系焊缝 connective weld 定位焊缝 tack weld 焊道 bead/ run/ pass 焊波 ripple 焊根 weld root/ root of weld 焊趾 weld toe/ toe 封底焊道 aling run (after making main weld)/ back weld 打底焊道 backing weld (before making main weld)/ back weld 根部焊道 root pass/ root run 填充焊道 filling bead 盖面焊道 cosmetic bead/ cover pass 回火焊道 temper bead/ annealing bead 熔透焊道 penetration bead 焊层 layer 焊接接头 welded joint 接头形状 joint geometry 等强匹配接头 equalmatching weld joint 低强匹配接头 undermatching weld joint 超强匹配接头 overmatching weld joint 接头根部 root of joint 对接接头 butt joint I形对接接头 square butt joint V形对接接头 single V butt joint U形对接接头 single U butt joint J形坡口接头 single J butt joint 双V形对接接头 double V butt joint 双单边V形对接接头 double bevel butt joint/ K groove butt joint 带钝边U形对接接头 double U butt joint 带钝边J形坡口接头 double J joint 角接接头 corner joint T形接头 T joint 斜T形接头 inclined T joint 十字接头 cruciform joint/ cross-shaped joint 三联接头 joint among three members 搭接接头 lap joint 套管接头 muff joint/ sleeve joint 双盖板接头 double strapped joint 盖板接头 strapped joint 端接接头 edge joint 卷边接头 flanged edge joint 锁底对接接头 lock butt joint 斜对接接头 oblique butt joint 混合接头 mixed joint/ composite joint 有间隙接头 open joint 无间隙接头 clod joint 焊接电弧 welding arc 电弧形态 arc shape 电弧物理行为 arc physics behaviour 引弧 striking arc 引弧电压 striking voltage 电弧气氛 arc atmosphere 阴极 cathode 热阴极 hot cathode 冷阴极 cold cathode 阴极斑点 cathode spot 阴极区 cathode region 阴极区电场强度 intensity of the electric field in the cathode region 阴极压降 cathode drop 阳极 anode 阳极斑点 anode spot 斑点压力 spot pressure 阳极区 anode region 阳极区电场强度 intensity of the electric field in the anode region 阳极压降 anode drop 弧柱 arc column/ arc stream 弧柱压降 voltage drop in arc column 弧柱电位梯度 potential gradient in the arc column 弧焰 arc flame 弧心 arc core 硬电弧 forceful arc/ hard arc 软电弧 soft arc 旋转电弧 rotating arc 脉冲电弧 puld arc 脉冲喷射电弧 puld spray arc 起皱现象 puckering phenomena 起皱电弧 puckering arc 起皱临界电流 puckering critical current 间接电弧 indirect arc 压缩电弧 compressive arc 磁控电弧 magnetic controlling arc 电弧力 arc force 电磁力 electromagnectic force 电磁收缩效应 pinch effect 电弧飘移 wandering of arc 电弧稳定性 arc stability 电弧静特性 static characteristic of arc 电弧动特性 dynamic characteristic of arc 最小电压原理 principle of minimum voltage 电弧挺度 arc stiffness 电弧偏吹 arc blow 磁偏吹 magnetic blow 阴极清理作用 cleaning action of the cathode 电弧自身调节 arc lf-regulation 挖掘作用 digging action 极性效应 polarity effect 熔滴 droplet 熔滴比表面积 specific surface of droplet 熔滴过渡 metal transfer 过度频率 transition frequency 粗滴过渡 globular transfer;drop transfer 短路过渡 short circuiting transfer 喷射过渡 spray transfer 旋转喷射过渡 rotating spray transfer 脉冲喷射过渡 puld spray transfer 爆炸过渡 explosive transfer 渣壁过渡 flux wall guided transfer 熔池 molten pool 沸腾状熔池 boiling molten pool 弧坑 crater 熔渣 slag 渣系 slag system 渣系相图 slag system diagram 碱性渣 basic slag 酸性渣 acid slag 碱度 basicity 酸度 acidity 长渣 long slag 短渣 short slag 粘性熔渣 viscous slag 氧化物型熔渣 oxide melting slag 盐型熔渣 salt melting slag 盐-氧化物型熔渣 salt-oxide melting slag 熔渣流动性 fluidity of the slag;slag fluidity 熔渣 solidified slag 多孔焊渣 porous slag 玻璃状焊渣 vitreous slag 自动脱落焊渣 lf-releasing slag 脱渣性 slag detachability 焊接设备 welding equipment;welding t 焊机 welding machine;welder 电焊机 electric welding machine;electric welder 焊接电源 welding power source 焊接热循环 weld thermal cycle 焊接温度场 field of weld temperature;weld temperature field 准稳定温度场 quasi-stationary temperature field 焊接热源 welding heat source 点热源 point heat source 线热源 linear heat source 面热源 plane heat source 瞬时集中热源 instantaneous concentration heat source 热效率 thermal efficiency 热能集中系数 coefficient of heat flow concentration 峰值温度 peak temperature 瞬时冷却速度 momentary cooling rate 冷却时间 cooling time 置换氧化 substitutionary oxydation 扩散氧化 diffusible oxydation 脱氧 desoxydation 先期脱氧 precedent desoxydation 扩散脱氧 diffusible desoxydation 沉淀脱氧 precipitation desoxydation 扩散氢 diffusible hydrogen 初始扩散氢 initial diffusible hydrogen 100℃残余扩散氢 diffusible hydrogen remained at 100℃ 残余氢 residual hydrogen 去氢 dehydrogenation 去氢热处理 heat treatment for dehydrogenation 脱硫 desulphurization 脱磷 dephosphorization 渗合金 alloying 微量合金化 microalloying 一次结晶组织 primary solidification structure 二次结晶组织 condary solidification structure 联生结晶 epitaxial solidification 焊缝结晶形态 solidification mode in weld-bead 结晶层状线 ripple 多边化边界 polygonization boundary 结晶平均线速度 mean solidification rate 针状铁素体 acicular ferrite 条状铁素体 lath ferrite 侧板条铁素体 ferrite side-plate 晶界欣素体 grain boundary ferrite;polygonal ferrite;pro-entectoid ferrite 粒状贝氏体 granular bainite 板条马氏体 lath martensite 过热组织 overheated structure 魏氏组织 Widmannst?tten structure M-A组元 martensite-austenite constituent 焊件失效分析 failure analysis of weldments 冷裂判据 criterion of cold cracking 冷裂敏感系数 cold cracking susceptibity coefficient 脆性温度区间 brittle temperature range 氢脆 hydrogen embrittlement 层状偏析 lamellar gregation 愈合 healing effect 断口金相 fractography 断口 fracture 延性断口 ductile fracture 韧窝断口 dimple fracture 脆性断口 brittle fracture 解理断口 cleavage fracture 准解理断口 quasi-cleavage fracture 氢致准解理断口 hydrogen-embrittlement induced 沿晶断口 intergranular fracture 穿晶断口 transgranular fracture 疲劳断口 fatigue fracture 滑移面断口 glide plane fracture 断口形貌 fracture apperance 断口试验 fracture test 宏观断口分析 macrofractography 放射区 radical zone 纤维区 fibrous zone 剪切唇区 shear lip aone 焊接性 weldability 使用焊接性 rvice weldability 工艺焊接性 fabrication weldability 冶金焊接性 metallurgical weldability 热焊接性 thermal weldability 母材 ba metal;parent metal 焊接区 weld zone 焊态 as-welded (AW) 母材熔化区 fusion zone 半熔化区 partial melting region 未混合区 unmixed zone 熔合区 bond area 熔合线 weld junction (英);bond line (美) 热影响区 heat-affected zone (HAZ) 过热区 overheated zone 粗晶区 coar grained region 细晶区 fine grained region 过渡区 transition zone 硬化区 hardened zone 碳当量 carbon equivalent 铬当量 chromium equivalent 镍当量 nickel equivalent 舍夫勒组织图 Schaeffler's diagram 德龙组织图 Delong’s diagram 连续冷却转变图(CCT图) continuous cooling transformation 裂纹敏感性 cracking nsibility | 焊接裂纹 weld crack 焊缝裂纹 weld metal crack 焊道裂纹 bead crack 弧坑裂纹 crater crack 热影响区裂纹 heat-affected zone crack 纵向裂纹 longitudinal crack 横向裂纹 transver crack 微裂纹 micro-crack;micro-fissure 热裂纹 hot crack 凝固裂纹 solidification crack 晶间裂纹 intercrystalline crack 穿晶裂纹 transcrystalline crack 多边化裂纹 polygonization crack 液化裂纹 liquation crack 失延裂纹 ductility-dip crack 冷裂纹 cold crack 延迟裂纹 delayed crack 氢致裂纹 hydrogen-induced crack 焊道下裂纹 underbead crack 焊根裂纹 root crack 焊趾裂纹 toe crack 锯齿形裂纹 chevron cracking 消除应力处理裂纹 stress relief annealing crack (SR crack) 再热裂纹 reheat crack 焊缝晶间腐蚀 weld intercryctalline corrosion 刀状腐蚀 knife line attack 敏化区腐蚀 weld decay 层状撕裂 lamellar tearing 焊接性试验 weldability 裂纹试验 cracking test IIW裂纹试验 IIW cracking test Y形坡口裂纹试验 slit type cracking test 分块形槽热裂纹试验 gmented circular groove cracking test H形裂纹试验 H-type cracking test 鱼骨形裂纹试验 fishbone cracking test 指形裂纹试验 finger (cracking) test T形裂纹试验 Tee type cracking test 环形槽裂纹试验 circular-groove cracking test 可调拘束裂纹试验 varestraint test BWRA奥氏体钢裂纹试验 BWRA cracking test for austenitie steel 圆棒裂纹试验 bar type cracking test;round bar cracking test 里海裂纹试验 Lehigh restraint cracking test 圆形镶块裂纹试验 circular-path cracking test 十字接头裂纹试验 cruciform cracking test Z向窗口拘束裂纹试验 Z-direction window type restraint cracking test G-BOP焊缝金属裂纹试验 G-BOP weld metal crack test 巴特尔焊道下裂纹试验 Battelle type underbead cracking test U形拉伸试验 U-tension test 缪雷克期热裂纹试验 Murex hot cracking test 菲斯柯裂纹试验 FISCO (type) cracking test CTS裂纹试验 controlled thermal verity 拉伸拘束裂纹试验(TRC试验) tensile restraint cracking test 刚性拘束裂纹试验(RRC试验) rigid restraint cracking test 插销试验 implant test Tigamajig 薄板焊接裂纹试验 Tigamajing thin plate cracking test 焊道纵向弯曲试验 longitudinal-bead test 柯麦雷尔弯曲试验 Kommerell bead bend test 肯泽尔弯曲试验 Kinzel test 缺口弯曲试验 notch bend test 热朔性试验 hot-ductility test 热影响区冲击试验 impact test of HAZ 热影响区模拟试验 synthetic heat-affected zone test 最高硬度试验 maximum hardness test 落锤试验 NRL (Naval Rearch Laboratory) 测氢试验 Hydrogen test 焊接材料、 电极 焊接材料 welding consumables 电极 electrode 熔化电极 consumable electrode 不熔化电极 nonconsumable electrode 钨电极 tungsten electrode 焊丝 welding wire. Welding rod 实心焊丝 solid wire 渡铜焊丝 copper-plating welding wire 自保护焊丝 lf-shielded welding wire 药芯焊丝 flux-cored wire 复合焊丝 combined wire 堆焊焊丝 surfacing welding rod 填充焊丝 filler wire 焊条 electrode/ covered electrode 焊芯 core wire 药皮 coating (of an electrode)/ covering (of an electrode) 涂料 coating flux/coating material 造气剂 gas forming constituents 造渣剂 slag forming constituents 合金剂 alloying constituent 脱氧剂 dioxidizer 稳弧剂 arc stabilizer 粘接剂 binder 水玻璃 water glass 水玻璃模数 modules of water glass 酸性焊条 acid electrode 高钛型焊条 high titania (type) electrode 钛钙型焊条 lime titania type electrode 钛铁矿形焊条 ilmenite type electrode 氧化铁型焊条 iron oxide type electrode/ high iron oxide type electrode 高纤维素型焊条 high cellulo (type) electrode 石墨型焊条 graphite type electrode 碱性焊条 basic electrode/ lime type covered electrode 低氢型焊条 low hydrogen type electrode 高韧性超低氢焊条 high toughness super low hydrogen electrode 奥氏体焊条 austenitic electrode 铁素体焊条 ferritic electrode 不锈钢焊条 stainless steel electrode 珠光体耐热钢焊条 pearlitic heat resistant steel electrode 低温钢焊条 low temperature steel electrode/ steel electrode for low temperature 铝合金焊条 aluminum alloy arc welding electrode 铜合金焊条 copper-alloy arc welding electrode 铜芯铸铁焊条 cast iron electrode with steel core 纯镍铸铁焊条 pure nickel cast iron electrode 球墨铸铁焊条 electrode for welding spheroidal graphite cast iron 铸芯焊条 electrode with cast core wire 镍基合金焊条 nickel ba alloy covered electrode 蒙乃尔焊条 Monel electrode 纯铁焊条 pure iron electrode 渗铝钢焊条 alumetized steel electrode 高效率焊条 high efficiency electrode 铁粉焊条 iron powder electrode 底层焊条 backing welding electrode 深熔焊条 deep penetration electrode 重力焊条 gravity electrode 立向下焊条 electrode for vertical down position welding 节能焊条 saving energy electrode 水下焊条 underwater welding electrode 耐海水腐蚀焊条 awater corrosion resistant steel electrode 低尘低毒焊条 low-fume and harmfulless electrode/ low-fume and low-toxic electrode 堆焊焊条 surfacing electrode 耐磨堆焊焊条 hardfacing electrode 钴基合金堆焊焊条 cobalt ba alloy surfacing electrode 碳化钨堆焊焊条 tungsten carbide surfacing electrode 高锰钢堆焊焊条 high mangane steel surfacing electrode 双芯焊条 twin electrode 绞合焊条 stranded electrode 编织焊条 braided electrode 双层药皮焊条 double coated electrode 管状焊条 flux-cored electrode 气渣联合保护型药皮 mi-volatile covering 焊条工艺性 usability of the electrode/ technicality of the electrode 焊条使用性 running characteristics of an electrode/ operating characteristics of an electrode 焊条熔化性 melting characteristics of an electrode 焊条直径 core diameter 焊条偏心度 eccentricity (of an electrode) 药皮重量系数 gravity coefficient of coating 焊条药皮含水量 percentage of moisture for covering 焊条夹吃持端 bare terminal (of an electrode) 焊条引弧端 striking end (of an elcetrode) 焊剂 welding flux/ flux 熔炼焊剂 fud flux 粘结焊剂 bonded flux 烧结焊剂 sintered flux/ agglomerated flux 窄间隙埋弧焊焊剂 flux for narrow-gap submerged arc welding 低氢型焊剂 low hydrogen type flux 高速焊剂 high speed welding flux 无氧焊剂 oxygen-free flux 低毒焊剂 low poison flux 磁性焊剂 magnetic flux 电弧焊 arc welding 直流电弧焊 direct current arc welding 交流电弧焊 alternating current arc welding 三相电弧焊 three pha arc welding 熔化电弧焊 arc welding with consumable 金属极电弧焊 metal arc welding 不熔化极电弧焊 arc welding with nonconsumable 碳弧焊 carbon arc welding 明弧焊 open arc welding 焊条电弧焊 shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) 重力焊 gravity welding 躺焊 fire cracker welding 电弧堆焊 arc surfacing 自动堆焊 automatic surfacing 躺板极堆焊 surfacing by fire cracker welding 带极堆焊 surfacing with band-electrode 振动电弧堆焊 vibratory arc surfacing 耐磨堆焊 hardfacing 埋弧焊 submerged arc welding (SAW) 多丝埋弧焊 multiple wire submerged arc welding 纵列多丝埋弧焊 Tandem quence (submerged-arc welding) 横列多丝埋弧焊 ries submerged arc welding (SAW-S) 横列双丝并联埋弧焊 transver submerged arc welding 热丝埋弧焊 hot wire submerged-arc welding 窄间隙埋弧焊 narrow-gap submerged arc welding 弧压反馈电弧焊 arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding 自调节电弧焊 lf-adjusting arc welding 适应控制焊接 adaptive control welding 焊剂层 burden;flux layer 气体保护电弧焊 gas shielded arc welding 保护气体 protective atmosphere 惰性气体 inert-gas 活性气体 active-gas 惰性气体保护焊 inert-gas (arc) welding 氩弧焊 argon arc welding 熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊 metal inert-gas arc welding 钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊 tungsten inert-gas arc welding 钨极氢弧焊 argon tungsten arc welding 脉冲氢弧焊 puld argon arc welding 熔化极脉冲氢弧焊 argon metal puld arc welding 钨极脉冲氢弧焊 argon tungsten puld arc welding 热丝MIG焊 hot wire MIG welding 热丝TIG焊 hot wire TIG welding 氨弧焊 helium-arc welding 活性气体保护电弧焊 metal active-gas arc welding 混合气体保护电弧焊 mixed gas arc welding 二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊 carbon-dioxide arc welding;CO2 arc welding 细丝CO2焊 CO2 arc welding with thin wire 粗丝CO2焊 CO2 arc welding with thick wire 磁性焊剂CO2焊 unionarc welding 药芯焊丝CO2焊 arcos arc process;dual shield arc welding 气电立焊 electrogas (arc) welding 氮弧焊 nitrogen-arc welding ( 焊接网 ) 水蒸气保护电弧焊 water vapour arc welding 原子氢焊 atomic hydrogen welding 冲器室中电弧焊 controlled atmosphere arc welding 旋转电弧焊 rotating arc welding 短路过渡电弧焊 short circuiting arc welding 焊丝横摆频率 weaving speed of wire 焊丝停摆时间 electrode keep time of slider 等离子弧焊 plasma arc welding (PAW) 等离子弧 plasma arc 等离子流 plasma jet 转移弧 transferred arc 非转移弧 nontransferred arc 联合型等离子弧 combined plasma arc 主弧 main arc 维弧 pilot arc 维弧电流 pilot arc surrent 双弧现象 double arcing 双弧临界电流 critical current of double arcing 等离子弧焊枪 plasma (welding) torch 压缩喷嘴 constricting nozzle 单孔喷嘴 single port nozzle 多孔喷嘴 multiport nozzle 压缩喷嘴孔径 orifice diameter 孔道长度 orifice throat length 孔道比 orifice throat ratio 等离子气 plasma gas;orifice gas 电极内缩长度 electrode tback 小孔效应 keyhole effect 小孔型等离子弧焊 keyhole-mode welding 熔透型等离子弧焊 fusion type plasma arc welding 大电流等离子弧焊 high-current plasma arc welding 中电流等离子弧焊 intermediate-current plasma arc welding 小电流等离子弧焊 low-current plasma arc welding 微束等离子弧焊 micro-plasma arc welding 交流等离子弧焊 AC plasma arc welding 脉冲等离子弧焊 puld plasma arc welding 等离子弧堆焊 plasma arc surfacing 热丝等离子弧堆焊 hot wire plasma arc surfacing 粉末等离子弧堆焊 plasma arc powder surfacing 等离子-熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊 plasma MIG welding 转移弧电源 transferred arc power supply 非转移弧电源 nontransferred arc power supply 电弧焊设备 arc welding equipment 电弧焊机 arc welding machine 直流弧焊机 DC arc welding machine 交流弧焊机 AC arc welding machine 交直流两用弧焊机 AC/DC arc welding machine 单站弧焊机 single operator arc welding machine 多站弧焊机 multi-operator arc welding t 固定式弧焊机 stationary arc welding machine 移动式弧焊机 portable arc welding machine 台式弧焊机 bench arc welding machine 内燃机驱动式弧焊机 combustion engine driven arc welding t 电动机驱动式弧焊机 motor driven arc welding t 熔化极弧焊机 arc welding machine using a consumable electrode 不熔化极弧焊机 arc welding machine using a non-consumable electrode 脉冲弧焊机 puld arc welding machine 气体保护弧焊机 gas shielded arc welding machine 氩弧焊机 argon arc welding machine 二氧化碳弧焊机 CO2 arc welding machine 钨极惰性气体保护弧焊机 tungsten inert-gas welding machine 熔化仍惰性气体保护弧焊机 metal inert-gas welding machine 气电立焊机 electrogas (arc) welding machine 等离子弧焊机 plasma arc welding machine 微束等离子弧焊机 micro-plasma welding equipment 原子氢焊机 atomic hydrogen welding apparatus 埋弧焊机 submerged arc welding machine 弧焊电源 arc welding power source 直流弧焊电源 DC arc welding power source 交流弧焊电源 AC arc welding power source 交直流两用弧焊电源 AC/DC arc welding power source 脉冲弧焊电源 puld arc welding power source 上升特性弧焊电源 rising characteristic arc welding power source 平特性弧焊电源 constant –voltage arc welding power source 下降特性弧焊电源 dropping characteristic arc welding power source 垂降特性弧焊电源 constant-current arc welding power source 多特性弧焊电源 slope-controlled arc welding power source 逆变式焊接电源 inverter welding power source 晶体管弧焊电源 transistor arc welding power source 电源动特性 dynamic characteristic 电源外特性 external characteristic 弧焊变压器 arc welding transformer 弧焊整流器 arc welding rectifier 硅弧焊整流器 silicon arc welding rectifier 晶闸管弧焊整流器 SCR arc welding rectifier;arc welding silicon controlled rectifier 脉冲弧焊整流器 puld arc welding rectifier 弧焊发电机 arc welding generator 焊车 welding tractor 焊接机头 welding head 行走机构 traveller 送丝机构 wire feeder 等速送丝方式 constant wire-feed system 变速送丝方式 alternate wire-feed system 跟踪装置 tracer 焊丝盘 wire reel 焊钳 electrode holder 焊枪 welding gun 电极夹 electrode holder 导电嘴 tip;contact tube 喷嘴 nozzle 焊剂漏斗 flux-hopper 高频振荡器 oscillator;HF unit 脉冲引弧器 puld arc starter;surge injector 脉冲稳弧器 puld arc stabilizer 脉冲激弧器 puld arc exciter 输出电抗器 out put reactor 镇定变阻器 ballast rheostat 直流分量抑制器 direct current suppressor 焊接回路 welding circuit 额定焊接电流 rated welding current 焊接电流调节范围 range of welding current regulation 空载电压 open circuit voltage(no load voltage) 约定负载电压 conventional load voltage 负载持续率 duty cycle 额定负载持续率 rated duty cycle;standard rvice 手工弧焊机 manual arc welding machine 电焊渣 electroslag welding (ESW) 手工电渣焊 manual electroslag welding 丝极电渣焊 electroslag welding with wire electrode 板极电渣焊 electroslag welding with plate electrode 熔嘴电渣焊 electroslag welding with consumable nozzle 管极电渣焊 electroslag welding with tube electrode 窄间隙电渣焊 narrow-gap electroslag welding 电渣堆焊 electroslag surfacing 电渣焊机 electrosalg welding machine 熔嘴 consumable nozzle;consumable wire 钢档板 steel shoe (192页) 钢冷却板 Cu-cooling plate 铜滑板 copper shoe 渣池 slag bath 渣池深度 depth of slag bath 渣池电压 voltage of slag bath 电渣过程稳定性 electroslag process stability 焊丝间距 distance between welding wires 电子束焊 electron beam welding (EBW) 脉冲电子束焊 puld electron beam welding 加速电压 acceleration voltage/ operating voltage 电子束电流 beam current 电子束功率 beam power 电子束功率密度 beam power density 焦点 focal spot 焦距 focal length 工作距离 work distance 电子束焊机 electron beam welding machine 高真空电子束焊机 full vacuum electron beam welder 低真空电子束焊机 partial vacuum electron beam welder 非真空电子束焊机 nonvacuum electron beam welder 真空度 vacuum 电子枪 electron gun 二极电子枪 diode gun 三极电子枪 triode gun 偏压电极 bias electrode 电磁透镜 electromagnetic lens 电子束偏转线圈 electron beam deflection coils 导流系数 perveance 钉尖 spiking 激光焊 lar welding/ lar beam welding 连续激光焊 continuous lar welding 脉冲激光焊 impuld lar welding 激光焊机 lar welding equipment 气体激光器 gas lar 固体激光器 solid lar 焦斑直径 focusd diameter of the beam 离焦量 clearance between focal point and (plate) surface 焊缝深宽比 weld am depth-to-width ratio 气焊 gas welding 氧乙炔焊 oxy-acetylene welding 氢氧焊 oxy-hydrogen welding 空气乙炔焊 air-acetylene welding 氧乙炔焊 oxy-acetylene flame 氢氧焰 oxy-hydrogen flame 氧煤气焰 oxy-coal gas flame 焊接火焰 welding flame 混合比 mixing ratio 混合气体可燃范围 inflammable limit of the gaous 一次燃烧 primary combustion 二次燃烧 condary combustion 燃烧速度 combustion rate 燃烧强度 combustion intensity 火焰热效率 flame heating efficiency 焰芯 inner cone;flame cone 内焰 internal flame 外焰 flame envelope 中性焰 neutral flame 氧化焰 oxidizing flame 碳化焰 carburizing flame 还原区 reducing zone 火焰稳定性 flame stability 回火 flashback 逆火 backfire 回烧 flashback 气体发生速度 gasification speed 焊炬 torch;blow pipe 等压式焊炬 balanced pressure torch 射吸式焊炬 injector torch 氧乙炔焊炬 oxy-acetylene torch 焊割两用炬 combined cutting and welding torch 混合室 mixing chamber 喷射器 injector 焊嘴 welding nozzle;welding tip 液氧气化器 oxygen evaporator 气瓶 gas cylinder 乙炔瓶 acetylene cylinder 阀罩 cylinder cap 气瓶阀 cylinder valve 汇流排 cylinder manifold 减压器 pressure regulator;gas regulator 单级减压器 single stage regulator 两级减压器 two stage regulator 回火防止器 flashback arrestor 干式回火防止器 dry flashback arrestor 水封式回火防止器 water-closing type arrestor 净化器 purifier 乙炔发生器 acetylene generator 低压乙炔发生器 low pressure acetylene generator 热剂焊 thermit welding (TW) 热剂补焊 thermit repair welding 钢轨热剂焊 thermit rail welding 热剂 thermit powder 热剂钢水 thermit steel 热剂反应 thermit reaction 热剂溶渣 thermit slag 热剂铸模 thermit mold;mold for thermit weld 热剂坩埚 thermit crucible 焊筋 collar 水下焊 underwater welding 水下气体保护电弧焊 underwater gas shielded arc welding 水下等离子弧焊 underwater plasma arc welding 温式水下焊 wet method underwater welding 干式水下焊 dry method underwater welding 局部干式水下焊 local dry underwater welding 水帘局部干式水下焊 water curtain type dry underwater welding 遥控水下焊 remote controlled underwater welding 电弧空腔 arc bubble |
电阻焊 resistance welding (RW) 点焊 spot welding;resistance spot welding 凸焊 projection welding 缝焊 am welding 滚点焊 roll-spot welding 连续点焊 stitch welding 多点焊 multiple spot welding 手压点焊 push welding;poke welding 单面点焊 indirect spot welding 双面点焊 direct spot welding 脉冲点焊 pulsation spot welding;multiple-impul welding 串联点焊 ries spot welding 多点凸焊 multiple projection welding 频道进缝焊 step-by-step am welding 压平缝焊 mash am welding 串联缝焊 ries am welding 对接缝焊 butt am welding;foil-butt am 电阻对焊 upt butt welding 闪光对焊 flash butt welding (FBW) 储能焊 stored energy welding 电容储能点焊 condenr discharge spot welding 高频电阻焊 high frequency resistance welding 冲击电阻焊 percussion welding 胶接点焊 spot weld-bonding;weld-bonding 闪光 flashing;flash 过梁 bridge;lintel 顶锻 uptting;upt 夹紧力 clamping force 顶锻力 uptting force;upt force 电极压力 electrode force;electrode pressure 电极滑移 electrode skid 焊接循环 welding cycle 预压时间 squeeze time 锻压时间 forge-delay time;forge time 焊接通电时间(电阻焊) welding time (resistance welding) 预热时间 preheat time 加热时间 heat time 冷却时间 cool time 间歇时间 quench time;chill time 回火时间 temper time 维持时间 hold time 休止时间 off time 闪光时间 flash time;flashing time 顶锻时间 upt time;uptting time 有电顶锻时间 upt current time 无电顶锻时间 upt current-off time 闪光速度 flashing speed 闪光电流 flashing current;flash current 顶锻电流 upt current 预热电流 preheat current 回火电流 temper current 调伸长度 initial overhange;extension 总留量 total allowance 闪光留量 flash allowance 顶锻留量 upt allowance 顶锻速度 upt speed 电极接触面 electrode contact surface 贴合面 faying surface 焊点 welding spot 熔核 nugget 熔核直径 diameter of nugget 塑性金属环区 corona bond 焊透率 penetration rate 压痕 indentation 压痕深度 depth of indentation 压深率 indentation ratio 翘离 sheet paration 缩孔 shrinkage cavity 胡须 intrusion 电极粘损 electrode pick up 喷溅 splash/ expulsion 毛刺 fin 飞边 upt metal/ fin 焊点距 weld spacing/ spot weld spacing 边距 edge distance 分流 shunt current 接触电阻 contact resistance 电阻焊机 resistance welding machine 点焊机 spot welding machine 多点焊机 multiple spot welding machine 移动式点焊机 portable spot welding machine 缝焊机 am welding machine 纵横两用缝焊机 universal am welder 对焊机 butt resistance welding machine 凸焊机 projection welding machine 三相低频焊机 three pha low frequency welder 二次整流电阻焊机 direct current resistance welder condary rectification 电容储能电阻焊机 condenr discharge resistance welder 电容储能点焊机 condenr type spot welder/ capacitor spot welding machine 工频电阻焊机 mains frequency resistance welding machine 低频电阻焊机 frequency converter resistance welding machine 高频焊机 high frequency induction welder 逆变式电阻焊机 inverter type resistance welding machine 全波阻焊电源 full wave resistance welding power source 斩波阻焊电源 chopped wave resistance welding power source 旋转焊接变压器 rotary welding transformer 点焊钳 spot welding head C形点焊钳 C-type welding head/ C-type gun X形点焊钳 pincer spot welding head/ pliers spot welding head 断续器 contactor 同步断续器 synchronous contactor 异步断续器 non-synchronous contactor 程序控制器 quencer 程序时间调节器 quencer timer 电极臂 arm 电极握杆 electrode holder 电极台板 backup die/ bolster 电极水冷管 electrode cooling tube 电极头 electrode tip 电极帽 electrode cap 锥头电极 truncated tip electrode 平头电极 flat tip electrode 尖头电极 pointed tip electrode 球面电极 radius tip electrode 偏心电极 offest electrode 直电极 straight electrode 弯电极 cranked electrode 双弯电极 double cranked (swannecked) electrode 滚轮电极 circular electrode/ welding wheel 斜棱滚轮电极 bevelled wheel 顶锻机构 uptting mechanism 电极总行程 total electrode stroke 工作行程 operational stroke 辅助行程 electrode travel/ electrode stroke 臂间距离 horn spacing/ throat opening 电极臂伸出长度 arm extension 摩擦焊 friction welding (FW) 转速 friction speed 摩擦压力 friction pressure/ heating pressure 摩擦转矩 friction torque 摩擦时间 friction time 摩擦变形量 burn-off length 摩擦变形速度 burn-off rate 停车时间 stopping time 顶锻变形量 forge length 顶锻变形速度 forge rate 摩擦表面 friction surface 储能摩擦焊 fly-wheel type friction welding 径向摩擦焊 radial friction welding 扩散焊 diffusion welding (DW) 过渡液相扩散焊 transient liquid pha diffusion welding 热等静压扩散焊 hot isotatic pressure diffusion welding 热轧扩散焊 roll diffusion welding 扩散缝焊 am diffusion welding 超塑成形扩散焊 supperplastic forming diffusion bounding 隔离剂 buttering material 爆炸焊 explosive welding (EW) 爆炸点焊 explosive spot welding 爆炸线焊 explosive line welding 多层板爆炸焊 explosive welding of multiplayer plates 多层管爆炸焊 explosive welding of multiplayer tubes 覆板(覆管) cladding plat (tube)/ flyer plate (tube) 基板(基管) ba plate(tube)/ parent plate (tube) 保护层 buffer/ protector 基础 ba 预置角 pret angle 间距 initial stand-off/ spacing 装药量 explosive load 装药密度 charge density/ loading density 质量比 mass ratio 平行法 parallel plate configuration 角度法 pret angle configuration 均匀布药 average arranging explosive 梯形布药 gradient arranging explosive 爆炸焊参数 explosive welding parameters 初始参数 initial parameters 动态参数 dynamic parameters 界面参数 interface parameters 爆轰速度 detonation velocity 覆板速度 cladding plate velocity 碰撞点 impact point 碰撞点速度 velocity of the impact point 弯折角 bending angle 碰撞角 collision angle 碰撞压力 impact pressure 格尼能 Gurney energy 垂直碰撞 normal impact 倾斜碰撞 oblique impact/ inclined impact 对称碰撞 symmetrical impact 来流 upper stream 出流 down stream 再入射流 re-entrant jet 自清理 onelf cleaning 结合区 bond zone 平面结合 plane bond 波状结合 wave-like bond 界面波长 length of the interfacial wave 界面波幅 amplitude of the interfacial wave 熔化层 molten layer 熔化袋 molten pocket 雷管区 detonator zone 边界效应 edge effect 焊接性窗口 weldability windows 焊着率 ratio of welding area 起爆方法 method of initiation 内爆法 internal explosion process 外爆法 external explosion process 半圆柱试验法 mi-cylinder experiment method 超声波焊 ultrasonic welding (UW) 超声波点焊 ultrasonic spot welding 超声波缝焊 ultrasonic am welding 超声波点焊机 ultrasonic spot welder 超声波缝焊机 ultrasonic am welder 冷压焊 cold pressure welding (CPW) 热压焊 hot pressure welding 热轧焊 hot roll welding 旋弧压力焊 rotating arc pressure welding 埋弧压力焊 submerged arc pressure welding 电渣压力焊 electroslag pressure welding 气压焊 gas pressure welding 锻焊 forge-welding/ blacksmith welding 磁力脉冲焊 magnetic-pul welding 硬钎焊 brazing 软钎焊 soldering 烙铁钎焊 iron soldering 火焰钎焊 torch brazing/ torch soldering 热风钎焊 hot gas soldering 感应钎焊 induction brazing 电阻钎焊 resistance brazing 接触反应钎焊 contact-reaction brazing 电弧钎焊 arc brazing 浸渍钎焊 dip brazing/ dip soldering 盐浴钎焊 saltbath dip brazing (soldering) 金属浴钎焊 molten metal bath dip brazing 炉中钎焊 furnace brazing/ furnace soldering 保护气氛钎焊 brazing in controlled atmosphere 真空钎焊 vacuum brazing 蒸气钎焊 vapor pha soldering 超声波钎焊 ultrasonic soldering 扩散钎焊 diffusion brazing 波峰钎焊 flow soldering/ wave soldering 分级钎焊 step brazing/ step soldering 不等间隙钎焊 brazing with the unparalleled clearance 红外线钎焊 infra-red brazing (soldering) 光束钎焊 light soldering (brazing) 激光钎焊 lar brazing (soldering) 电子束钎焊 electron beam brazing 钎接焊 braze-welding 钎料 brazing filler metal/ solder 硬钎料 brazing filler metal 软钎料 solder (m) 自钎剂钎料 lf-fluxing brazing alloy/ lf-fluxing filler metal 活性钎料 active filler metal/ active metal brazing alloy 成形钎料 preformed filler metal/ solder preform 非晶态钎料 amorphous filler metal 粉状钎料 powdered filler metal 钎料膏 braze cream/ braze paste/ solder cream/ solder paste 药皮钎料 flux coated brazing(soldering)rod 层状钎料 sandwich filler metal 药芯钎料丝 flux-cored colder wire 敷钎料板 clad brazing sheet 钎剂 brazing flux;soldering flux 气体钎剂 gas flux 反应钎剂 reaction flux 松香钎剂 colophony flux;rosin flux 钎剂膏 flux paste 阻流剂 stopping-off agent 钎剂活性 flux activity 钎剂活性温度范围 activation temperature range of flux 钎剂热稳定性 thermal stability of flux 钎焊过程 brazing (soldering) process 钎焊操作 brazing (soldering) operation ( 焊接网 ) 工艺镀层 technological coating 钎焊面 faying face 钎缝间缝 joint gap;joint clearance 钎焊参数 brazing process variables 钎焊温度 brazing temperature 钎焊时间 brazing time 钎焊保温时间 holding time of brazing 钎缝 brazing am;soldering am 钎缝界面区 interfacial region 钎缝金属 brace metal 钎角 fillet 钎焊接头 braced joint;soldered joint 平面搭接头 joggled lap joint;flush lap joint 搭接对接接头 butt and lap joint 搭接T形接头 lapped T-joint;flanged T-joint 锁缝接头 folded joint 平面锁缝接头 lick side am joint;flat lock am joint 锁缝角接接头 lock corner joint;corner double am 嵌入T形接头 int T joint T形管接头 branch T saddle joint 套管接头 socket joint 外喇叭口套管接头 flare tube fitting 扩口套管接头 spigot joint 钎焊性 brazability;solderability 润湿性 wettability 润湿角 wetting angle;contact angle 铺展性 spreadability 铺展系数 spread factor;coefficient of spreading 钎着率 brazed rate 脱钎 de-brazing;de-soldering 润湿称量试验 wetting balance test 铺展性试验 spreadability test 填缝性试验 clearance fillability test 未钎透 incomplete penetration 虚钎 cold soldered joint 钎料熔析 liquation of filler metal 溶蚀 erosion 钎料流失 brazing filler metal erosion 钎剂夹杂 flux inclusion 晶间渗入 intergranular penetration 波峰钎焊机 wave soldering machine 冷壁真空钎焊炉 cold wall type vacuum brazing 热壁真空钎焊炉 hot wall type vacuum brazing furnace 钎焊盒 brazing retort 钎剂涂敷器 fluxer 钎炬 brazing (soldering) blowpipe 喷灯 brazing lamp 烙铁 solder iron 热喷涂 thermal spraying 火焰喷涂 flame spraying 电弧喷涂 electric arc spraying 等离子喷涂 plasma spraying 高频感应喷涂 high frequency spraying 气体爆燃式喷涂 detonation flame spraying | 金属喷涂 metal spraying;metallizing 塑料喷涂 plastic spraying 陶瓷喷涂 ceramic spraying 喷熔 spray-fusing 表面粗糙化处理 surface roughening 电火花拉毛 electrospark roughening 抛锚效应 anchoring 喷涂层 spray-fud coating 喷熔层 spray-fud coating 结合层 bond coating;under coating 工作层 work coating 结合强度 adhesive strength 涂层强度 strength of coating 封孔处理 aling 封孔剂 alant 喷涂率 spray rate 沉积效率 deposition efficiency 孔隙率 porosity 喷涂材料 spraying material 自熔剂合金粉末 lf-fluxing alloy powder 喷炬(枪) spray torch; 热切割 thermal cutting (TC) 气割 gas cutting;oxygen cutting 氧溶剂切割 powder cutting 氧-石英砂切割 quartz powder cutting 电弧切割 arc cutting 氧气电弧切割 oxy-arc cutting 空气电弧切割 air arc cutting 等离子弧切割 plasma arc cutting (PAC) 空气等离子弧切割 air plasma arc cutting 氧等离子切割 oxygen plasma arc cutting 水再压缩空气等离子弧切割 air plasma water injection arc cutting 双层气流等离子弧切割 dual gas plasma arc cutting;shielded gas plasma arc cutting 激光切割 lar cutting(LC);lar beam cutting 电子束切割 electron beam cutting 喷气激光切割 gas jet lar cutting 碳弧切割 carbon arc cutting 水下切割 underwater cutting 喷水式水下电弧切割 waterjet method underwater arc cutting 氧矛切割 oxygen lancing;oxygen lance cutting 溶剂氧切割 powder lancing 手工气割 manual oxygen cutting 自动气割 automatic oxygen cutting 仿形切割 shape cutting 数控切割 NC (numerical-control) cutting 快速切割 high-speed cutting 垂直切割 square cut 叠板切割 stack cutting 坡口切割 beveling;bevel cutting 碳弧气割 carbon arc air gouging 火焰气刨 flame gouging 火焰表面清理 scarfing 氧熔剂表面修整 powder washing 预热火焰 preheat flame 预热氧 preheat oxygen 切割氧 cutting oxygen/ cutting stream 切割速度 cutting speed 切割线 lone of cut/ cut line 切割面 face of cut/ cut face 切口 kerf 切口上缘 cutting shoulder 切口宽度 kerf width 后拖量 drag 切割面平面度 evenness of cutting surface/ planeness of cutting surface 割纹深度 depth of cutting veins/ stria depth 切割面质量 quality of cut face 上缘熔化度 shoulder meltability/ melting degree of shoulder 切口角 kerf angle 缺口 notch 挂渣 adhering slag 结瘤 dross 割炬 cutting torch/ cutting blowpipe/ oxygen-fuel gas cutting torch 割枪 cutting gun 割嘴 cutting nozzle/ cutting tip 快速割嘴 divergent nozzle/ high-speed nozzle 表面割炬 gouging blowpipe 水下割炬 under-water cutting blowpipe 水下割条 electrode for under-water cutting 粉剂罐 powder dispenr 数控切割机 NC cutting machine 门式切割机 flame planer 光电跟踪切割机 photo-electric tracing cutting 火焰切管机 pipe flame cutting machine 磁轮式气割机 gas cutting machine with magnetic wheels 焊接结构 welded structure/ welded construction 焊件 weldment 焊接部件 weld asmbly 组装件 built-up member 接头设计 joint design 焊接应力 welding stress 焊接瞬时应力 transient welding stress 焊接残余应力 welding residual stress 热应力 thermal stress 收缩应力 contraction stress 局部应力 local stress 拘束应力 constraint stress 固有应力 inherent stress 固有应变区 inherent strain zone 残余应力测定 residual stress analysis 逐层切割法 Sach’s method X射线衍射法 X-ray stress analysis 小孔释放法 Mathar method 固有应变法 inherent strain method 消除应力 stress relieving 局部消除应力 local stress relieving 应力重分布 stress redistribution 退火消除应力 stress relieving by annealing 温差拉伸消除应力 low temperature stress relieving 机械拉伸消除应力 mechanical stress relieving 应力松弛 stress relaxation 焊接变形 welding deformation 焊接残余变形 welding residual deformation 局部变形 local deformation 角变形 angular distortion 自由变形 free deformation 收缩变形 contraction deformation 错边变形 mismatching deformation 挠曲变形 deflection deformation 波浪变形 wave-like deformation 火焰矫正 flame straightening 反变形 backward deformation 焊接力学 welding mechanics 断裂力学 fracture mechanics 弹塑性断裂变形 elasto-plastic fracture mechanics 线弹性断裂力学 linear elastic fracture mechanics 延性断裂 ductile fracture 脆性断裂 brittle fracture 应力腐蚀开裂 stress corrosion cracking 热应变脆化 hot straining embrittlement 临界裂纹尺寸 critical crack size 裂纹扩展速率 crack propagation rate 裂纹张开位移 (COD)crack opening displacement 拘束度 restraint intensity 拘束系数 restraint coefficient 应变速率 strain rate 断裂韧度 fracture toughness 应力强度因子 stress intensity factor 临界应力强度因子 critical stress intensity factors 应力腐蚀临界应力强度因子 critical stress intensity factor of stress corrosion cracking J积分 J-integration 罗伯逊止裂试验 Robertson crack arrest test ESSO试验 ESSO test 双重拉伸试验 doucle tension test 韦尔斯宽板拉伸试验 Well’s wide plate test 帕瑞斯公式 Paris formula 断裂分析图 fracture analysis diagram 焊接车间 welding shop 焊接工作间 welding booth 焊接工位 welding post/ welding station 焊接环境 welding surroundings 焊工 welder 电焊工 manual arc welder 气焊工 gas welder 焊接检验员 weld inspector 焊工培训 welders training 焊工模拟训练器 trainer of synthetic weld 焊工考试 welder qualification test 焊工合格证 welder qualification/ welder qualified certification 钢板预处理 steel plate pretreatment 喷沙 sand blast 喷丸 shot blast 矫正 straighten 开坡口 bevelling (of the edge)/ chanfering 装配 asmbly/ fitting 安装 erect 刚性固定 rigid fixing 装配焊接顺序 quence of fitting and welding 焊接工艺评定 welding procedure qualification 焊接工艺规程 welding procedure specification 焊接工艺试验 welding procedure test 焊接工艺卡 welding procedure card 工序 operational quence 焊接材料消耗定额 welding consumables quota 焊接工时定额 welder-hour quota 清渣 slag removal 清根 back gouging/ back chipping 锤击 peening 返修次数 number of rewelding 焊接工作台 welding bench 装焊平台 welding platen 电磁平台 electromagnetic platen 焊接翻转机 welding tilter 焊接回转台 floor turnable positioner 焊接变位机 positioner 焊接滚轮架 turning rolls 焊接操作机 manpulator 焊工升降台 welder’s lifting platform 焊接夹具 welding jig/ fixture 磁力夹紧器 magnetic jig 螺旋推撑器 screw operated tensioning unit 焊丝盘绕机 welding wire coiler 焊条压涂机 welding electrode extrusion press 红外线加热器 infra-red heater 干燥箱 dryer 焊条保温筒 thermostat for electrode 流量计 flow meter CO2预热器 CO2 heater CO2干燥器 CO2 desiccator 焊接电缆 welding cable 电缆夹头 welding connector 地线 earth lead 地线夹头 earth clamp 焊接参数记录仪 welding parameter recorder 焊缝检测规 weld gauge 喷嘴通针 tip cleaner 测温笔 tempil stick 敲渣锤 chipping hammer 焊接衬垫 backing/ welding backing 保留垫板 fusible backing/ permanent backing 临时垫板 temporary backing 焊剂垫 flux backing 惰性气体衬垫 inert-gas backing 引弧板 run-on tab/ end tab/ starting weld tab 引出板 run-off tab/ end tab 定位板 strong-back 加强勒 stiffener 嵌条 inrt 套环 ferrule 面罩 helmet 滤光镜片 filter glass/ welding glass 防护镜片 cover glass/ plain glass 气焊眼镜 welding goggles 焊接机器人 welding robot 点焊机器人 spot welding robot 弧焊机器人 arc welding robot 切割机器人 cutting robot 焊接机器人生产线 robot line for welding 焊接机器人工作站 welding robot station 机器人运动自由 degree of free for robot 机器人工作空间 robot working space 轨迹重复精度 path repeatability 点位重复精度 PTP repeatability 焊接专家系统 welding expert system 焊接机器人示数 welding robot play back 焊接图象识别 pattern recognition for welding 焊接图象处理 welding image processing 计算机辅助焊接工艺设计 computer-aided welding process programming (CAWPP) 计算机辅助焊接结构设计 computer-aided design for welding structure 焊接烟尘 weld fume 焊接发尘量 total amount of fumes 焊接烟尘浓度 weld fume concentration 焊接烟尘容限浓度 threshold limit values of weld fume (TLV) 焊接发尘速率 weld fume emission rate 焊接有害气体 welding toxic gas/ weld harmful gas 标定卫生空气需要量 nominal hygienic air requirement 焊工尘肺 pheumocomsis of welder 焊工锰中毒 chronic occupational mangane poisoning of welder 焊工氟中毒 fluorosis of welder 焊工金属烟热 metal fume fever of welder 电光性眼炎 eye-flash (arc eye) 电光性皮炎 electro-photo dermatitis 电弧紫外线灼伤 ultraviolet ray burn 防电击装置 voltage reducing device 除尘装置 dust collection device 焊工手套 welding gloves 护脚 welding spats 防护鞋 shielding shoes 焊接欠缺 welding imperfection 焊接缺陷 weld defect 气孔 blowhole/ gas pore 针尖状气孔 pinhole 密集气孔 porosity 条虫状气孔 wormhole 裂纹 crack 表面裂纹 surface crack 咬边 undercut 焊瘤 overlap 凹坑 pit 烧穿 burn through 塌陷 excessive penetration 未焊透 incomplete penetration/ lack of penetration 未熔合 lack of fusion/ incomplete fusion 未焊满 incompletely filled weld 根部凹陷 root concavity 电弧擦伤 arc scratch 夹渣 slag inclusion 夹杂物 inclusion 夹钨 tungsten inclusion 白点 fish eye/ flake 错边 misalignment/ dislocation 试件 test piece 试样 test specimen 无损检验 nondestructive test 破坏检验 destructive test 外观检查 visual examination 超声波探伤 ultrasonic inspection 直射法超声波探伤 straight beam method 斜射法超声波探伤 angle beam method 液浸法超声波探伤 immersion method 射线探伤 radiographic inspection/ radiography X射线探伤 X-ray radiographic inspection γ射线探伤 gamma-ray inspection X射线工业电视探伤 X-ray industrial television inspection 磁粉探伤 magnetic particle inspection 电磁探伤 electromagnetic inspection/ eddy current test 探伤灵敏度 flaw detection nsitivity 渗透探伤 penetration inspection 荧光探伤 flurescent penetrant inspection 着色探伤 dye penetrant inspection 密封性检验 leak test 气密性检验 air tight test 枕形气密检验 pillow test 耐压检验 pressure test 水压检验 hydraulic test 气压检验 pneumatic test 液晶检验 liquid crystal test 声发射检测 acoustic emission testing 面弯试验 face bend testing 背弯试验 root bend test 侧弯试验 side bend test 横弯试验 horizontal bend test 纵弯试验 axial bend test 压扁试验 squeezing test |
inert-gas-arc-welding 惰性气体弧焊,惰性气体保护焊 hard-to-weld 难焊接的可焊性差的 weld-all-over 全周焊接,全部焊接 V-weld V形坡口(对接)焊缝 butt-weld 以对头焊接接合 welding 焊接法, 定位焊接 U-weld U形(坡口)焊接 x-weld X型(坡口)焊缝 cast-weld 铸焊,浇注焊接 doubleU-weld 双U形坡口焊( 焊接网 ) tack-weld 点焊,定位焊 all-welded 全焊体全焊的 oxy-welding (氧)气焊 butt-welded 对接焊接的 press-welding 压焊,冷焊 spot-weld vt 点焊 l.w.|lap-welded 搭接焊的 lap-welded 搭接焊的 space-welding 间隔焊接 weld-edgewi 沿边焊 forge-welding 锻焊 welding-lead 电焊引线 crotch-weld 楔接焊接 weld-nut 焊接螺母 arc-welding 电弧焊接 weld-time 焊接时间 welding-position 焊接位置 intermittent-weld 断续焊接 automatic-welding 自动焊接 welding-stress 焊接应力 welding-flame 焊接火焰 welding-symbol 焊接符号 welding-equipment 焊接设备 weld-spacing 焊接间距 butt-resistance-welding 电阻对焊 welding-quence 焊接顺序 autogenous-welding 氩氧锂接 tight-weld 密封焊性 weld-length 焊缝长度 welding-symbols 焊接符号 welding-current 焊接电流 welding-ground 电焊地线 weld-size 焊接尺寸 explosive-welding 爆炸焊接 welding-source 焊接电源 friction-welding 摩擦焊接 am-welding 缝焊,滚焊 ultrasonic-welding 超声波焊接 bead-weld 珠焊,堆焊 horizontal-welding 横焊,平焊 forge-welding 锻接,锻焊 welding-flux 焊剂,焊料 welding-transformer 焊接变压器 weld-penetration 熔深,熔透 blacksmith-welding 锻接,锻焊 forge-weld 锻接,锻焊 enclod-welding 强制成形焊 welding 焊接法,粘结 weld 焊接,焊接点 welding-head 焊头,烙铁头 fillet-welding 填角焊,条焊 butt-welding 对焊,对接焊 forward-welding 前进焊,左焊 butt-weld 对接焊,对焊 block-quence-welding 多段多层焊接法 welded-joint 锻焊缝,锻接头 al-weld 密封焊,封闭焊 percussion-welding 冲击焊,储能焊 butt-am-welding 对缝焊,对线焊 welding-torch 焊接吹管,焊矩 weld-zone 焊接区,焊接处 thermit-welding 铝热焊,热剂焊 tack-welding 点固焊,平头焊接 fusion-welding 熔焊接,熔融焊接 backstep-welding 后退焊接,分段退焊 welding-force 阻焊加压,电极压力 edge-weld 边缘焊接,端接焊接 flash-welding 闪光焊接,闪光对焊 upt-welding 电阻对焊,镦压焊接 welded-pipe 锻接管,压力焊接管 backhand-welding 后退焊接,反手焊接 tack-weld 定位焊点,点固焊点 discontinuous-welding 断续焊接,间断焊接 as-welded 熔接状态,焊接状态 welding-shop 焊接车间,焊接工场 welding-leads 电焊引线,焊机电缆线 pulsation-welding 脉冲焊接,多脉冲焊接 strength-weld 高强度焊接,强密焊接 fillet-welding-joint 填角焊缝接头,角焊接头 parallel-welding 直接焊珠焊接,焊珠焊接 weld 熔焊,结合;焊接,焊 welded 熔焊,结合;焊接的 welded 熔焊(结合);焊接的 manual-welding 手焊接 resistance-welding 电阻焊 welding-machine 焊接管 weld-line 焊接线 welding-heat 焊接热 welding-operator 焊接工 block-welding 块焊接 welding-rod 焊条 welding 焊接 fusion-weld 熔焊 slot-welding 槽焊 gas-welding 气焊 spot-welding 点焊 skip-welding 跳焊 smith-welding 锻焊 lap-welding 搭焊 plug-welding 塞焊 flush-weld 平焊 flat-welding 平焊 manual-weld 手焊 electric-welding 电焊 spot-weld 焊点 slot-weld 槽焊 pressure-welding 压焊 projection-weld 凸焊 mig welding 惰性气体保护金属极电极弧焊;米克焊接;金属惰性气体保护焊接,惰性气体保护金属极焊接 machine welding 机械焊接,机械化焊接,自动焊接,自动焊,机械(化)焊( 焊接网 ) mag welding 活性气体保护金属极焊接;MAG焊,活性气体保护电弧焊 welding inspector 焊接工段检验员;焊接工段检验员,焊件检查员 tack weld 点住焊,定位焊,定位焊点,定位焊接,钉焊 mesh weld 压边焊接焊缝;压边焊接焊缝,啮合焊接焊缝 welding head 烙铁头,焊枪,(自动电焊机的)机头,焊机头 aircomatic welding 自动调弧氩弧焊, 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊 welding outfit 焊接配备;焊接设备,焊机,焊接装置 shallow weld 浅熔焊焊缝;浅熔焊焊缝,末焊透焊缝 aircomatic welding 自动调弧氩弧焊,惰性气体保护金属极弧焊 site welding 安装焊接,工地焊接,现场焊接,安装焊接 heliarc welding 海利亚克法焊接;赫利焊接,氦气保护焊接 aling weld 封底焊缝,密封焊缝,密封焊,封底焊 rod welding 焊条焊,特种成分的焊条作为焊接的填充料 back weld 封底焊缝,封底焊背面焊缝,背面焊 welding torch 焊接喷灯,焊接吹管,焊炬,气焊嘴 welded chert 熔合燧石;玉髓燧石,红色豆粒燧石 horizontal welding 横焊,水平焊,水平焊接,横向焊接 butt weld 对焊,对接焊缝;对接焊,对头焊缝 Sigma welding 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊, 西格马焊接 welding regulator 焊接气体减压器,焊接电流调节器 spot weld 点焊缝,点焊接(电阻焊的一种) welding converter 焊接变流机;焊接变流机,电焊机 wandering welding 分段跳焊;分段跳焊,分散间隔焊 ries welding 单边多电极焊接, 串焊, 系列焊接 flash welding 火花〔电弧,闪光〕焊,电弧对焊接 weld porosity 焊缝气孔;焊缝气孔,焊缝孔隙 bevel weld 坡口焊缝,铲边焊缝;斜角焊缝 welding goggles 焊工护目镜;黑玻璃,滤色玻璃 | welded rod 焊接篦条;焊接篦条,焊接筛条 weld nugget 点焊焊点;点焊焊点,点焊熔核 welding terminals 电焊机接线端,电焊机接线端子 weld pass 焊接道次;焊接道次,焊接次数 scarf weld 斜面焊接, 两端搭接焊, 嵌接焊 scarf welding 两端搭接焊, 嵌焊, 斜面焊接 atomic-hydrogen welding 核氢焊,核氢焊机,氢原子电弧焊 weld area 焊接部位;焊接部位,焊缝区 linde welding 林德钢管对焊法,林德钢管对焊法 flush weld 齐平焊缝,平焊,削平补强的焊缝 welding burner 焊工喷燃器,焊焊枪嘴,焊接喷灯 resistance welding 电阻焊,电阻焊接,接触焊接 bridge welding 加搭板对接点焊,加搭板对接滚焊 welding die 接触板;接触板,凸焊用电极 flux-cored welding 管状焊丝电弧焊,药芯焊丝电弧焊 welding process 焊接法,焊接过程,焊接方式 electropercussive welding 电冲击焊, 电接触焊, 电点焊 pressure welding 压焊,压力焊接,加压焊接 weld preparation 开焊接坡口,焊接接头准备 welding ground 电焊(接)地线,焊接地线 unionare welding 磁性焊剂二氧化碳气体爆ず附樱 weld together 焊接起来,使结合在一起 arc welding 电炉焊接,电弧焊;电弧焊 backhand welding 反手焊接,右向焊,后退式气焊 intermittent welding 断续焊,间断焊,断续焊接 scarf weld 斜面焊接,两端搭接焊,嵌接焊 welding powder 焊粉;焊粉,粉状焊接熔剂 welding point 焊拉点;焊拉点,焊接位置 clod-butt weld 密接对接焊缝,无间隙对接焊缝 welding pressure 电极压力,镦粗压力,顶锻压力 stick welding 气体保护金属极电弧焊,粘结焊 commutator-controlled welding 换向控制焊接,可控整流器焊接 horizontal-rolled-position welding 横向滚动位置焊接,滚动水平焊 torch welding 气炬焊接,气炬焊扫,气焊 welded joint 焊缝,焊接接头,焊接接合 welding generator 电焊发电机,焊接用发电机 mash welding 交叉焊条式压薄点焊,压薄滚焊 edge weld 边缘焊缝,端焊接,端焊缝 field weld 安装焊接装配焊接工地焊接 Welding Association 德国焊接技术协会[联邦德国] welding rectifier 电焊整流器,焊接整流器 cascade welding 阶梯形多层焊, 串级叠置焊 welding station 焊接室;焊接室,焊接台 meshed weld 压边焊接焊缝,啮合焊接焊缝 single-fillet weld 单边角接焊缝,单面填角焊缝 plasma-arc welding 等离子弧焊接,等离子电弧焊 girth welding 环缝焊接,环形焊缝焊接 TIG welding 钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊 TlG-arc welding 钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊 air-hydrogen welding 空气-氢焊接 submerged-arc welding 焊剂层下焊接 beading weld 窄焊缝,珠焊 welding bench 焊接工专 weld throat 焊缝厚度 hf welding 高频焊接 welding engineering 焊接工程 welding ction 焊接断面 inverted weld 凹面焊缝 jump-welded pipe 对缝焊管 intermittent weld 断续焊缝 butt-welded tube 对缝焊管 forged weld 锻接焊缝 skip weld 间断焊缝 welding characteristics 焊接特性 weld flaw 焊接缺陷 welding deformations 焊接变形 welded frame 焊接骨架 profection welding 凸出焊接 welding department 焊接车间 welding strees 焊接应力 helical welding 螺旋焊接 groove-welded joint 坡口焊缝 welding characteristic 焊接性能 blacksmiths weld 锻焊接头 weld failure 焊缝开裂 pipe welding 管路焊接 weld hardening 焊接硬化 backup weld 封底焊缝 weld spatter 焊接飞溅 weld metallurgy 焊接冶金 back-step welding 分段退焊 welding tangs 焊接夹钳 frection welding 摩擦焊 roll welding 滚压焊 butt-welded am 对焊缝 union-melt welding 埋弧焊 welding clamp 电焊夹头 all-around weld 整周焊缝 welding factor 焊接系数 weld dressing 清理焊烽 welding rules 焊接规则 weld crosswi 交叉焊接 double-vee weld X形焊缝 flash butt-welding 闪光对接焊 one-pass weld 联合筑路机 full-penetration weld 全焊透焊缝 welding gutter 焊管拉模 welding crack 焊接裂纹 weld cracking 焊缝破裂 backing weld 底层焊接 backing welding 底层焊接 hand welding 手工焊接 weld wire 包铜钢丝 welding code 焊接规范 welding cycle 焊接周期 ripple weld 鳞纹焊缝 welding mask 焊接面罩 weld cycle 焊接周期 weld jig 焊接夹具 welding atmosphere 焊接气氛 welding amperage 焊接电流 welding voitage 焊接电压 multilayer welding 多层焊接 overhead weld 仰焊焊缝 welding data 施焊工艺条件 flash butt-weld 闪光对接焊缝 welding precaution 焊接预防措施 structural welding 建筑结构焊接 oxy-hydrogen welding 氢氧焰焊接 incomplete-penetration weld 未焊透焊缝 sagged weld 成凹陷焊缝 directarc welding 直接电弧焊 multiple-row weld 多排焊接头 girth weld 环形焊缝 around weld 周围焊缝 gas-welding flame 气焊火焰 puddle welding 堆焊,熔焊 hammer weld 锻接,锻程 plasma welding 等离子焊接 welding metallurgy 焊接冶金学 welded break 捍接断裂处 welding mill 焊管机 welding grade 焊接级 blacksmith's weld 锻焊缝 gas-welding heat 气焊热 welding pool 焊接池 two-axis welding 双轴焊 welding leads 焊接铅 vibration welding 振动焊 tape welding 带焊接 welding shaft 焊接轴 gas welded 气焊的 welded bridge 焊接桥 forge welded 锻焊的 pipeline welding 管线焊 aluminithermic weld 铝热焊接 dry weld 干式焊件 production weld 制品焊接 hydrogen welding 氢焊接 |
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