Measurement: measurement in the social sciences is the process of quantifying the characteristics of persons according to explicit procedures and rules.
Test: a psychological or educational test is a procedure designed to elicit certain behavior from which one can make inferences about certain characteristics of an individual.
Evaluation: the systematic gathering of information for the purpo of making decisions. Reliability: reliability is a quality of test scores, it has to do with the consistency of measures across different times, test forms, taters, and other characteristics of the measurement context, and a perfectly reliable score, or measure, would be one which is free from errors of measurement. Validity: it is an integrated evaluative judgment of the degree to which empirical evidence and theoretical rationales support the adequacy and appropriateness of inferences and actions bad on test scores.
Communicative language ability: it can be described as consisting of both knowledge, or co
mpetence, and the capacity for implementing, or executing that competence in appropriate, contextualized communicative language u.
G-theory:it is grounded in the framework of factorial design and the analysis of variance. It constitutes a theory and t of procedures for specifying and estimating the relative effects of different factors on obrved test scores, and thus provides a means for relating the us or interpretations to be made of test scores to the way test urs specify and interpret different factors as either abilities or sources of error.