
更新时间:2023-05-09 02:34:59 阅读: 评论:0

大地测量学常用英语词汇357个,值得学习!001大地测量geodetic surveying
002几何大地测量学geometric geodesy
003椭球面大地测量学ellipsoidal geodesy
004大地天文学geodetic astronomy
005物理大地测量学(又称“大地重力学”)physical geodesy 006空间大地测量学space geodesy
007卫星大地测量学satellite geodesy
008动力大地测量学dynamic geodesy
009海洋大地测量学marine geodesy
010月面测量学lunar geodesy,lenodesy
011行星测量学planetary geodesy
012天文大地网(又称“国家大地网”) astro--geodetic network 013参考椭球reference ellipsoid
014贝塞尔椭球Besl ellipsoid
015海福德椭球Hayford ellipsoid
016克拉索夫斯基椭球Krasovsky ellipsoid
017参考椭球定位orientation of reference ellipsoid
018大地基准geodetic datum
019大地坐标系geodetic coordinate system
020弧度测量arc measurement
021拉普拉斯方位角Laplace azimuth
022拉普拉斯点Laplace point
024三角点triangulation point
025三角锁triangulation chain
026三角网triangulation network
027图形权倒数weight reciprocal of figure
028菲列罗公式Ferreros formula
029施赖伯全组合测角法Schreiber method in all combinations 030方向观测法method of direction obrvation,method by ries 031测回obrvation t
032归心元素elements of centring
033归心改正correction for centring
034水平折光差(又称“旁折光差”) horizontal refraction error 035基线测量ba measureme
037基线网ba network
038精密导线测量preci traversing
039三角高程测量trigonometric leveling
040三角高程网trigonometric leveling network
041铅垂线plumb line
042天顶距zenith distance
043高度角elevation angle,altitude angle
044垂直折光差vertical refraction error
045垂直折光系数vertical refraction coefficient 046国家水准网national leveling network
047精密水准测量Preci leveling
048水准面level surface
050正高orthometric height
051正常高normal height
052力高dynamic height
053地球位数geopotential number
055水准路线leveling line
056跨河水准测量river-crossing leveling
057椭球长半径major radius of ellipsoid
058椭球扁率flattening of ellipsoid
059椭球偏心率eccentricity of ellipsoid
060子午面meridian plane
062卯酉圈prime vertical
063平行圈parallel circle
064法截面normal ction
065子午圈曲率半径radius of curvature in meridian
066卯酉圈曲率半径radius of curvature in prime vertical
067平均曲率半径mean radius of curvature
069大地线微分方程differential equation of geodesic
070大地坐标geodetic coordinate
071大地经度geodetic longitude
072大地纬度geodetic latitude
073大地高geodetic height,ellipsoidal height
074大地方位角geodetic azimuth
075天文大地垂线偏差astro—geodetic deflection of the vertical
076垂线偏差改正correction for deflection of the vertical
077标高差改正correction for skew normals
078截面差改正correction from normal ction to geodetic
079大地主题正解direct solution of geodetic problem
080大地主题反解inver solution of geodetic problem
081高斯中纬度公式Gauss mid—latitude formula
082贝塞尔大地主题解算公式Besl formula for solution of geodetic problem 083高斯一克吕格投影Gauss-Kruger projection又称“高斯投影”。
084归化纬度reduced latitude
085等量纬度isometric latitude
086中央子午线central meridian
087分带子午线zone dividing meridian
088高斯平面子午线收敛角Gauss grid convergence
089高斯投影距离改正distance correction In Gauss projection
090高斯投影方向改正arc-to-chord correction In Gauss projection 091底点纬度latitude
of pedal
092高斯平面坐标Gauss plane coordinate
093坐标方位角grid bearing
094天文点astronomical point
095基本天文点fundamental astronomical point
096本初子午线prime meridian
097经度起算点origin of longitude
098极移polar motion
099瞬时极instantaneous pole
100平极mean pole
101固定平极fixed mean pole
102历元平极mean pole of the epoch
103国际协议原点Conventional International Origin,CIO
104地极坐标coordinates of the pole
105地球自转参数earth rotation parameter,ERP
106恒星时Sidereal time
107世界时universal tim ,UT
108协调世界时coordinated universal time,UTC
109天文年历astronomical ephemeris,astronomical almanac
110FK4星表Fourth Fundamental Catalogue,FK4
111FK5星表Fifth Fundamental Catalogue,FK5
112天文坐标astronomical coordinate
113天文经度astronomical longitude
114天文纬度astronomical latitude
115天文方位角astronomical azimuth
116津格尔[星对]测时法(又称“东西星等高测时法”)method of time detemination by Zinger star—pair
117中天法transit method
118恒星中天测时法method of time determination by star transit
119塔尔科特测纬度法Talcott method of latitude determination
120多星等高法equal—altitude method of multi-star
121北极星任意时角法method by hour angle of Polaris
122时号time signal
123平时式时号mean—time signal
124协调世界时时号time signal in UTC
125收时time receiving
126时号改正数correction to time signal
127电波传播[时延]改正correction for radio wave propagation of time signal 128轴颈误差error of pivot
129人仪差personal and instrumental equation
130星径曲率改正correction for curvature of star image path
131重力位gravity potential
134离心力centrifugal force

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