The esnce of American culture
Abstract:Individualism as a typical Western capitalist political and social philosophy , that the supremacy of personal values . The United States is a typical reprentative of the values of individualism , individualism is an important part of the American spirit . American individualism, rational principles derived from the Christian spirit and the pursuit of individual autonomy . In the process of development of American culture , it became the starting point of American Thought and destination , constitute the esnce of American culture .
Key words : the esnce of the individualistic culture
" Individualism " in Western culture, especially in American culture plays an important role. " Individualism ," the earliest u of the term is French form of "individualism", from the Europeans and so-called root caus of the French Revolution - Enlightenment thinking - c
ommon reactions .But first systematic u of " individualism " is the term the mid- 1820s, Saint-Simon's followers. Perhaps becau of the pervasive influence of Saint-Simon doctrine , " individualism " in the 19th century the term has been very widely ud , developed into a personal ideology and theory , that is a political philosophy Western philosophy and social . Its main contents are :emphasizing the value of the subject , I believe that everyone has value , a high degree of importance of individual lf- control , lf-control , lf-development . Individualism is bad on individual-bad philosophy of life .
However , the true meaning of individualism varies . In France, it usually carries a negative connotation , even it remains so , means that the emphasis on individual will be more harmful to the interests of the community . For some people , individualism is a dangerous idea ; in others it ems , individualism is a social or economic anarchy , the lack of the necessary systems and standards ; some people believe that it is the universal personal lfish attitude. Socialists are simply " individualism " is equivalent to a "socialist " and " communism" of the opposite .French liberals talk about individualism , b
ut regarded it as a minimum of state intervention and political freedom in order of greatest threat to a pluralistic society . And in France, in sharp contrast, the " individualism " is the term romanticism in Germany , but the label affixed . German for " individualism " is a personal understanding of lf- completion and the organic unity of the individual and society .
There are profound differences between East and West , most of the Eastern countries , especially China , Japan and South Korea to " individualism " as with "collectivism" contrary to the values-oriented. That " individualism " is "all personal interests as the starting point of thinking ... ... the performance of lfish , mercenary, intrigues , etc. "; "Modern Chine Dictionary" interpretation of " individualism " is " everything from the individual starting their personal interests to put collective interests, their own interests , regardless of other people's wrong thinking . " In short, Chine culture, individualism is synonymous with lf-interest , is a derogatory term .
In Western culture , emphasizing the individual -oriented values dominate , but only in th
e American culture , individualism is only part of the esnce of the development to the point of culmination , and was as a fundamental value to be highly respected . However, in the United States , " individualism " was originally sang of capitalism and liberal democracy, the emergence of carols . It has become a great form of symbolic meaning of the slogan , expressing the power of the doctrine contained in the talent , faith in free enterpri and the American dream of all the ideals of different ages . It really express the 19th century and early 20th century in the United States has a profound and widespread impact of social ideals .In fact, it is still an important actor in the role of ideology in the United States . On this point, Tocqueville's " Democracy in America ," a book made a most thorough summary of the concept of individualism expresd its " strong lf- confidence, or their power and wisdom of the trust " and " all citizens in pursuit of their own wealth and personality of the struggle , and their contempt for human breath . " the reason why the United States lack the tradition of socialism , that is, to some extent the result of the ri of individualism .
As a typical Western capitalist political and social philosophy of individualism that the su
premacy of personal values, emphasizing lf- control and lf-control , against the authority, religious , national, social and other personal development of any interference and obstruction of the external factors. At the same time , individualism is a value system , a theory of human nature , and even became a certain political, economic, social and religious attitudes and behavior of a tendency . First u in English-speaking world , " individualism " is the American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson , his rendering of individualism and respected big plus that it is beneficial to the development of personality and social progress ,The " no political government is unbreakable by the government " point of view , has already penetrated into the consciousness of the American public thought . Today, the U.S. has become a typical reprentative of the values of individualism , which is rooted in the early colonial period and has been carried forward in opening up the frontier spirit of independence continues to this day , to become an important part of the American spirit . Christian spirit, freedom and individualism constitute the three pillars of American culture .However, the basic characteristics of the U.S. cultural patterns of individualism is a direct , real coverage of the U.S. thinking . Ame
rican individualism has become the highest ideals and social ideals and world view . For Americans, individualism, equal to the identity of its life and death . American individualism, rational principles derived from the Christian spirit and the pursuit of individual autonomy . In the process of development of American culture , it became the starting point of American Thought and destination , constitute the esnce of American culture .
U.S. drama "Friends "(Figure I)is the 1990s began to hit the famous sitcom . High ratings in this drama . Monica be six in all , a central figure in the pool . Her childhood living in the shadow of his brother Ross , becau my brother is very good in all aspects , has led to less love for her parents and their child is very fat , Figure I
and more led to her lf-esteem . However, Monica grew up not only through its own efforts to lo weight successfully , and became an excellent cook , and step by step to win the respect and affection of parents .Rich girl Rachel fled after the wedding , Monica joined the five men . At first, she just grew up in a golden spoon in his mouth, a beautiful
girl , and not even do the laundry , do not cook, even the basic source of livelihood at all. Is such a girl , after leaving home , her father decided to cut the credit card , from a bar waiter to start slowly in the fashion industry to find a foothold. In addition , Joey is a character have to say . He is a person who had not received higher education , at the beginning of the revenue comes from walk- run in the studio , but after some persist with efforts, has become a soap opera star . Ross , Chandler , Phoebe is the life they are all little people , but are relying on their own efforts to achieve lf- expression.