
更新时间:2023-05-08 10:10:56 阅读: 评论:0

演讲者:Sarah Jayne Blakemore
Fifteen years ago, it was widely assumed that the vast majority of brain development takes place in the first few years of life. Back then, 15 years ago, we didn't have the ability to look inside the living human brain and track development across the lifespan.
In the past decade or so, mainly due to advances in brain imaging technology such as magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, neuroscientists have started to look inside the living human brain of all ages, and to track changes in brain structure and brain function,
so we u structural MRI if you'd like to take a snapshot, a photograph, at really high resolution of the inside of the living human brain, and we can ask questions like, how much gray matter does the brain contain, and how does that change with age?
And we also u functional MRI, called fMRI, to take a video, a movie, of brain activity when participants are taking part in some kind of task like thinking or feeling or perceiving something.
我们也可以使⽤功能磁共振成像,简称fMRI 它可以拍摄视频,这样就可以在试验者进⾏某项活动中,⽐如思考或感受某些东西时记录拍摄下⼤脑的活动情况。
So many labs around the world are involved in this kind of rearch, and we now have a really rich and detailed picture of how the living human brain develops, and this picture has radically changed the way we think about human brain development by revealing that it's not all over in early childhood,
and instead, the brain continues to develop right throughout adolescence and into the '20s and '30s.
So adolescence is defined as the period of life that starts with the biological, hormonal, physical changes of puberty and ends at the age at which an individual attains a stable, independent role in society.It can go on a long time.
One of the brain regions that changes most dramatically during adolescence is called prefrontal cortex. So this is a model of the human brain, and this is prefrontal cortex, right at the front. Prefrontal cortex is an interesting brain area.
It's proportionally much bigger in humans than in any other species, and it's involved in a whole range of high level cognitive functions, things like decision-making, planning, planning what you're going to do tomorrow or next week or next year,
inhibiting inappropriate behavior, so stopping yourlf saying something really rude or doing something really stupid. It's also involved in social interaction, understanding other people, and lf-awareness.
So MRI studies looking at the development of this region have shown that it really undergoes dramatic development during the period of adolescence. So if you look at gray matter volume, for example, gray matter volume across age from age four to 22 years increas during childhood, which is what you can e on this graph.
It peaks in early adolescence. The arrows indicate peak gray matter volume in prefrontal cortex. You can e that that peak happens a couple of years later in boys relative to girls, and that's probably becau boys go through puberty a couple of years later than girls on average,
and then during adolescence, there's a significant decline in gray matter volume in prefrontal cortex. Now that might sound bad, but actually this is a really important developmental process, becau gray matter contains cell bodies and connections between cells,
the synaps, and this decline in gray matter volume during prefrontal cortex is thought to correspond to synaptic pruning, the elimination of unwanted synaps. This is a really important process. It's partly dependent on the environment that the animal or the human is in, and the synaps that are being ud are strengthened,
and synaps that aren't being ud in that particular environment are pruned away. You can think of it a bit like pruning a robush. You prune away the weaker branches so that the remaining, important branches, can grow stronger,
and this process, which effectively fine-tunes brain tissue according to the species-specific environment, is happening in prefrontal cortex and in other brain regions during the period of human adolescence.
in prefrontal cortex and in other brain regions during the period of human adolescence.
So a cond line of inquiry that we u to track changes in the adolescent brain is using functional MRI to look at changes in brain activity across age. So I'll just give you an example from my lab.
So in my lab, we're interested in the social brain, that is the network of brain regions that we u to understand other people and to interact with other people. So I like to show a photograph of a soccer
game to illustrate two aspects of how your social brains work. So this is a soccer game.
Michael Owen has just misd a goal, and he's lying on the ground, and the first aspect of the social brain that this picture really nicely illustrates is how automatic and instinctive social emotional respons are, so within a split cond of Michael Owen missing this goal,
everyone is doing the same thing with their arms and the same thing with their face, even Michael Owen as he slides along the grass, is doing the same thing with his arms, and presumably has a similar facial expression, and the only people who don't are the guys in yellow at the back--
and I think they're on the wrong end of the stadium, and they're doing another social emotional respo
n that we all instantly recognize, and that's the cond aspect of the social brain that this picture really nicely illustrates,
how good we are at reading other people's behavior, their actions, their gestures, their facial expressions, in terms of their underlying emotions and mental states. So you don't have to ask any of the guys.
You have a pretty good idea of what they're feeling and thinking at this preci moment in time.So that's what we're interested in looking at in my lab.
So in my lab, we bring adolescents and adults into the lab to have a brain scan, we give them some kind of task that involves thinking about other people, their minds, their mental states, their emotions,
and one of the findings that we've found veral times now, as have other labs around the world, is part of the prefrontal cortex called medial prefrontal cortex, which is shown in blue on the slide, and it's right in the middle of prefrontal cortex in the midline of your head.
prefrontal cortex in the midline of your head.
This region is more active in adolescents when they make the social decisions and think about other people than it is in adults, and this is actually a meta-analysis of nine different studies in this area from labs around the world, and they all show the same thing, that activity in this medial prefrontal cortex area decreas during the period of adolescence.
And we think that might be becau adolescents and adults u a different mental approach, a different cognitive strategy, to make social decisions, and one way of looking at that is to do behavioral studies where by we bring people into the lab and we give them some kind of behavioral task, and I'll just give you another example of the kind of task that we u in my lab.
So imagine that you're the participant in one of our experiments. You come into the lab, you e this computerized task. In this task, you e a t of shelves. Now, there are objects on the shelves, on some of them, and you'll notice there's a guy standing behind the t of shelves, and there are some objects that he can't e. They're occluded, from his point of view, with a kind of gray piece of wood. This is the same t of shelves from his point of view. Notice that there are only some objects that he can e, whereas there are many more objects that you can e. Now your task is to move objects around. The director, standing behind the t of shelves, is going to direct you to move objects around, but remember, he's not going to ask you to move objects that he can't e. This introduces a really interesting condition whereby there's a kind of conflict between your perspective a
nd the director's perspective. So imagine he tells you to move the top truck left. There are three trucks there. You're going to instinctively go for the white truck, becau that's the top truck from your perspective, but then you have to remember, "Oh, he can't e that truck, so he must mean me to move the blue truck," which is the top truck from his perspective. Now believe it or not, normal, healthy, intelligent adults like you make errors about 50 percent of the time on that kind of trial. They move the white truck instead of the blue truck. So we give this kind of task to adolescents and adults, and we also have a control condition where there's no director and instead we give people a rule. We tell them, okay, we're going to do exactly the same thing but this time there's no director. Instead you've got to ignore objects with the dark gray background. You'll e that this is exactly the same condition, only in the no-director condition they just have to remember to apply this somewhat arbitrary rule, whereas in the director condition, they have to remember to take into account the director's perspective in order to guide their ongoing behavior.
员,将站在架⼦后⾯,引导你去移动这些物品,但是要记住,他不会叫你去移动那些他看不到的物品。这就引出了⼀个很有意思的情况在你的⾓度和引导员的⾓度之间会有⼀种冲突。假设他叫你去把上⾯的⽕车往左移。但那⼉有三辆⽕车,你会很⾃然地去移动⽩⾊那辆,因为从你的⾓度看它就是上⾯的⽕车,但你得知道 “噢,他看不见那辆⽕车,所以他是想我去移动蓝⾊的,”就是他的⾓度最上⾯的那辆。现在信不信由你,像你们⼀样正常健康聪明的成年⼈都会犯错在这种试验中,犯错⼏率⾼达50%。他们会移动⽩⾊那辆,⽽不是蓝⾊那辆话说我们给青少年还有成年⼈分配了这种任务,我们有条件控制⼀个是没有引导员,另⼀个是给他们定规则。我们告诉他们,好吧,我们会做⼀样的事情这次没有引导员。相反,你得忽略那些灰⾊格⼦。你会发现其实条件是完全⼀样的,要记住没有引导员这⼀情况只有规定的要求,但在有引导员的情况下,他们则需要考虑引导员的视野⾓度这样才能理解引导员的指令。
Okay, so if I just show you the percentage errors in a large developmental study we did, this is in a study ranging from age ven to adulthood, and what you're going to e is the percentage errors in the adult group in both conditions,
so the gray is the director condition, and you e that our intelligent adults are making errors about 50 percent of the time, whereas they make far fewer errors when there's no director prent, when they just have to remember that rule of ignoring the gray back ground.
灰⾊的就是有引导员的情况,你会发现我们聪明的成年⼈的错误率约是50% 但是他们在没有引导员在场的情况下。错误率会低很多,他们只需记住去忽略灰⾊格⼦这⼀规定。
Developmentally, the two conditions develop in exactly the same way. Between late childhood and mid-adolescence, there's an improvement, in other words a reduction of errors, in both of the trials, in both of the conditions.
But it's when you compare the last two groups, the mid-adolescent group and the adult group where things get really interesting, becau there, there is no continued improvement in the no-director condition.
In other words, everything you need to do in order to remember the rule and apply it ems to be fully developed by mid-adolescence, whereas in contrast, if you look at the last two gray bars, there's still a significant improvement in the director condition between mid-adolescence and adulthood,
and what this means is that the ability to take into account someone el's perspective in order to guide ongoing behavior, which is something, by the way, that we do in everyday life all the time, is still developing in mid-to-late adolescence.
So if you have a teenage son or a daughter and you sometimes think they have problems taking other people's perspectives, you're right. They do. And this is why.
So we sometimes laugh about teenagers. They're parodied, sometimes even demonized in the media for their kind of typical teenage behavior. They take risks, they're sometimes moody, they're very lf-conscious.
I have a really nice anecdote from a friend of mine who said that the thing he noticed most about his teenage daughters before and after puberty was their level of embarrassment in front of him.
So, he said, "Before puberty, if my two daughters were messing around in a shop, I'd say, 'Hey, stop messing around and I'll sing your favorite song,' and instantly they'd stop messing around and he'd sing their favorite song.
她说,“青春期前,如果我的两个⼥⼉在商店⾥胡闹,我会说,嘿别闹了,我给你们唱你们最喜欢的歌,” 然后她们⽴即安分守⼰,听他唱歌

本文发布于:2023-05-08 10:10:56,感谢您对本站的认可!



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