Early Western feminist literature on the impact of Western society
The purpo of this paper is to understand the generation of western feminism and the influence of modern feminism. The history of feminism involves the story of feminist movements and of feminist thinkers. Feminists are "person[s] who beliefs and behavior[s] are bad on feminism." (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 3d ed. 1992 )) The first wave of the western feminism refers mainly to women's suffrage of movements of the 19th and early 20th. The feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s fueled creative energies for many women writers. As the women's movement gained more acceptance, however, women wrote less in protest and more in affirmation. Only in the 1970s did other ethnic groups begin to find their literary voice. The writers there mostly effected by Toni Morrison and some of them won the Nobel Prize. They went through the Civil Rights Movement , the Anti-War Movement and Women's Liberation Movement and Gay Rights Activities, etc. And they gain some rights. F
or example, feminists are often proponents of using non-xist language, using "Ms." to refer to both married and unmarried women. In the aspect of effect of social status, the incread entry of women into the workplace beginning in the 20th century has affected gender roles and the division of labor within houholds. All the samples indicates the modern feminism and nowadays social change of heteroxual relationships results from the effort of the first wave of the western feminism.
A. The definition of "feminism" in the first wave and that in modern .
B. Feminism has been an important part of modern life. It also through a rough development——a long history began in the 1800s.
C. The movement of the early feminism.
"Feminism" is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women.(Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Cambridge British Dictionary) Its concepts overlap with tho of women's rights. Feminism is mainly focud on women's issues, but becau feminism eks gender equality, some feminists argue that men's liberation is therefore a necessary part of feminism, and that men are also harmed by xism and gender roles. Feminists are "person[s] who beliefs and behavior[s] are bad on feminism." (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 3d ed. 1992 ))
In the nineteenth century, it focud on the promotion of equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for women. However, by the end of the nineteenth century, activism focud primarily on gaining political power, particularly the right of women's suffrage, though some feminists were active in campaigning for women's xual, reproductive, and economic rights at this time.[1]
Main History of First Stage
The feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s fueled creative energies for many women writers. As the women's movement gained more acceptance, however, women wrote less in protest and more in affirmation——particularly black women writers, such as Toni Morrison(1931- ) and Alice Walker(1944- ), who are African American women writers, portrayed strong black women as the source of continuity, the prervers of values in black culture. Only in the 1970s did other ethnic groups begin to find their literary voice.
They went through the Civil Rights Movement, the Anti-War Movement and Women's Liberation Movement and Gay Rights Activities, etc. 2003, a magazine named "shook the tree"(2003) (editor, MeiLi · nana armagh DanJi ), recorded 23 black women writers' literature and booming the American Women Writers. The writers there mostly effected by Toni Morrison and some of them won the Nobel Prize.
In the U.S., leaders of the feminist movement campaigned for the abolition of slavery and Temperance prior to championing women's rights. American first-wave feminism involved a wide range of women, some belonging to conrvative Christian groups (such as Franc
es Willard and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union), others rembling the diversity and radicalism of much of cond-wave feminism (such as Stanton, Anthony, Matilda Joslyn Gage and the National Woman Suffrage Association, of which Stanton was president). In the United States first-wave feminism is considered to have ended with the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution (1919), granting women the right to vote..
In the U.K. and U.S., it focud on the promotion of equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for women. However, by the end of the nineteenth century, activism focud primarily on gaining political power, particularly the right of women's suffrage, though some feminists were active in campaigning for women's xual, reproductive, and economic rights at this time(Botting, Eileen H, Hour, Sarah L).[1]
Literature Achievements in the First Stage
Jeremy Bentham: The remarkable utilitarian and classical liberal philosopher Jeremy Bentham said that it was the placing of women in a legally inferior position that made him
choo the career of a reformist, at the age of eleven. Bentham spoke for a complete equality between xes including the right to vote and to participate in the government, and oppod the strongly different xual moral standards to women and men(Miriam Williford, Bentham on the rights of Women.Bentham)[5].In his Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1781) Bentham strongly condemned the common practice in many countries to deny women's rights becau of their allegedly inferior minds gave many examples of able female regents.