中央研究院人事相关用语中英文对照 | |
相关用语 | |
中文 | 英文 |
新聘 | Initial Employment |
续聘 | Renewed Employment |
升等 | Promotion |
特聘 | Distinguished Employment |
长聘 | Tenured Employment |
合聘 | Jointly-appointed |
借调 | Temporary Transfer |
归建 | Returning to the Original Agency |
所务会议 | Institute Council |
处务会议 | Preparatory Office Council |
业务会议 | Session |
学术咨询委员会 | Central Advisory Committee |
院务会议 | Council of Academia Sinica |
人事委员会 | Personnel Committee |
聘审小组 | Employment Review Committee |
学组聘任资格审查委员会 | Divisional Appointment and Promotion Committee, Academia Sinica |
院聘任资格审查委员会 | General Appointment and Promotion Committee, Academia Sinica |
研究技术人员聘审会 | Review Committee on Rearch Technical Personnel |
专任 | Full-time Employment |
兼任 | Concurrent Employment |
研究人员 | Rearch Staff |
研究技术人员 | Rearch Specialist |
争取时效程序 | Time-effective Procedure |
叙薪 | Contracted Salary |
职务等级表 | Scale of Positions |
晋级 | Wage Rai |
申诉 | Appeal |
再议 | Re-deliberation |
不予续聘 | Renewed Employment Denial |
不予升等 | Promotion Denial |
不予长聘 | Tenured Employment Denial |
公布尔日实施 | The Act/Regulation Takes Effect on the Day of Promulgation. |
员额 | Number of Personnel |
推荐 | Recommendation |
编制内人员 | Certified Staff |
无给职 | Position Without Remuneration |
准用 | Applicable Mutatis Mutandis |
答辩 | Verbal Argument |
核定 | Approval |
核备 | Approval for Reference |
核聘 | Approval for Employment |
审议 | Deliberation |
应出席人数 | Attendance of a Majority of Members |
因公出国 | Official Business Leave |
留职停薪 | Position Retained without Pay |
留职留薪 | Position Retained with Pay |
因病住院 | Hospitalization |
拟任职务相当 | Equal Capacity of the Rerved Position |
聘期 | Term of Employment |
作业程序 | Operating Procedure |
审议要点 | Directions for Deliberation |
组织 | Organization |
机关 | Government Agency |
委员会 | Commission |
组织编制 | Organization Structure |
职系 | Series |
职务列等表 | Grading of Positions |
职掌 | Function |
员额精简 | Staff Reduction |
文官 | Public Functionaries |
政务官 | Political Appointee |
事务官 | Civil Servants |
机要人员 | Confidential Employees |
人力 | Manpower |
雇用 | Employment |
新进人员 | New Recruits |
职员 | Staff |
职位 | Position |
职务 | Capacity |
官等 | Official Ranks |
职等 | Grade |
简任 | Senior |
荐任 | Associate |
委任 | Junior |
编制员额 | Authorized Complement |
预算员额 | Complement |
考试 | Examination |
分发 | Assignment |
铨叙 | Civil Servants Qualifications Screening |
依法考试及格 | Civil Service Examination Confirmed |
依法铨叙合格 | Civil Service Appointment Confirmed |
依法升等合格 | Civil Service Promotion Confirmed |
任用 | Appointment |
任命 | Appointing |
调动 | Transfer |
升迁 | Promotion |
降职 | Demotion |
免职 | Dismissal |
权理 | Qualification without Appointment Verification |
代理 | Substitution |
升官等考试 | Promotion Examination |
升官等训练 | Promotion Training |
升迁序列表 | Promotion Sequence Table |
得免经甄审优先升任 | Promotion with First Priority without Selection Process |
先予试用 | Probation |
合格实授 | Qualification of Appointment Verified |
准予权理 | Permission for Qualification without Appointment Verification |
延聘「国外顾问、专家及学者」作业注意事项 | Regulations Governing the Recruitment of International Advirs, Experts and Scholars |
各机关聘请国外顾问、专家及学者来台工作期间支付费用最高标准表 | Table of Maximum Payment for the Foreign Consultants, Professionals, and Scholars during Working in Taiwan |
扩展新研究领域所需研究人才为限 | Subject to Rearchers Expanding Rearch in New Fields |
延聘对象 | Recruitment Objects |
延揽等级 | Recruitment Level |
延聘期限 | Recruitment Term |
延聘七十岁以上者,总聘期不得超过三年。 | Recruiting Personnel over 70 Years of Age, the Total Term of Employment is Three Years. |
员额限制 | Personnel Quota Restriction |
工作报酬与预算经费 | Work Remuneration and Budgets |
补助来回机票、保险费及国内交通费,所需经费由院方支付 | Air Ticket Allowance, Domestic Transportation Allowance and Insurance Premium Paid by Academia Sinica |
于起聘日二个月前报院提交本院审核小组审核 | Report for Review by Employment Review Committee, Academia Sinica, Two Months Prior to the Employment Term |
行政院国家科学委员会补助延揽研究学者作业要点 | Regulations Governing the Recruitments of Rearch Scholars with Subsidies from the National Science Council, Executive Yuan |
行政院国家科学委员会补助延揽客座科技人才作业要点 | Regulations Governing the Recruitments of Visiting Science and Technology Pesonnel with Subsidies from the National Science Council, Executive Yuan |
国防工业训储预备军官预备士官甄选作业要点 | Regulations Governing the Rerve Officer Screening and Selection |
国防工业优先发展项目 | Put Top Priority on the Development of Defen Industry |
资格审查暨书面计划审查 | Review on Qualification and Written Plan |
研发能量暨成果审查 | Rearch Achievement and Result Review |
员额核配审查 | Review of the Allotment of Authorized Personnel |
预备军(士)官基础教育 | Rerve Officer Basic Education |
续雇 | Continuing Contract |
出缺不补 | No-Replacement for Vacancy |
契约书 | Contract |
备查 | Approval for Investigation |
解聘 | Contract Termination |
解雇 | Contract Termination |
工作酬金 | Work Remuneration |
原叙等级 | Rating Scores |
特殊技能约聘雇人员 | Contract-bad Rearch Technician |
薪点 | Salary Grade |
薪点折合率 | Salary Grade Convertion |
公开甄选 | Open Selection Process |
学术服务助理人员 | Academic Service Assistants |
绩效奖金 | Performance Bonus |
奖惩 | Rewards and Punishments |
性骚扰防治法 | Sexual Harrassment Prevention Act |
员工心理健康 | Employee Mental Health & Counling |
兼职 | Holding Two Posts Concurrently |
兼课 | Part-timeTeaching |
考绩 | Performance Evaluation Results |
考核 | Performance Evaluation |
服务 | Service |
保障 | Security |
公务人员考绩法 | Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act |
公务人员考绩法施行细则 | Enforcement Rules of Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act |
公务员服务法 | Civil Servant Service Act |
军公教人员兼职费及讲座钟点费支给规定 | Regulations Governing the Payment of Concurrent Serving & Lecture Hourly-Pay to Military, Public and Teaching Personnel |
训练 | Training |
进修 | Advanced Study |
讲学 | Lecture |
研究 | Rearch |
心理健康 | Mental Health |
谘商辅导 | Counling Guidance |
专书阅读 | Reading List |
国防工业训储预官 | Rerve Officer |
行政中立 | Administrative Nuturality |
杰出贡献奖 | Extraordinary Contribution Medal |
模范公务人员 | Model Civil Servants |
工作绩优人员 | Outstanding Performance Civil Servants |
服务奖章 | Service Medal Award |
嘉奖 | Commendation |
记小功 | Merit Citation |
记大功 | Excellence Merit Citation |
服务奖章奖励金 | Civil Service Medal Prize Cash Reward |
参观访问 | Visiting |
搜集资料 | Data Collecting |
田野调查 | Field Study |
顺道访问 | Pass-by Visiting |
国外短期研究 | Overas Short-term Rearch |
讲学研究进修审核小组 | Review Committee of Lecture, Rearch and Advanced Study |
博士后研究学者 | Postdoctoral Fellow |
导读会 | Book Club Workshop |
送审案 | Cas Recording |
心理谘商室 | Counling Room |
请假单 | Leave Sheet |
假别简表 | Miscellaneous Authorized Abnces and Vacations |
公假 | Leave for Statutory Reasons |
事假 | Personal Leave |
生理假 | Menstrual Leave |
病假 | Sick Leave |
休假 | Annual Leave |
婚假 | Marital Leave |
娩假 | Maternity Leave |
丧假 | Funeral Leave |
值日假 | Deferred Leave for Guard Duty |
加班假 | Deferred Leave for Working Overtime |
公差 | Leave for Public Affairs |
流产假 | Miscarriage Leave |
产前假 | Pre-Maternity Leave |
陪产假 | Accompanying Maternity Leave |
家庭照顾假 | Family Care Leave |
骨髓捐赠假 | Bone Marrow Donation Leave |
器官捐赠假 | Organ Donation Leave |
申诫 | Reprimand |
记过 | Demerit |
记大过 | Two Demerit Points |
请假人 | Leave Applicant |
按日扣薪 | Salary Deducted by Day |
申诉专线 | Service Line |
性骚扰申诉信箱 | Sexual Harassment Complaints |
申诉 | Grievance |
再申诉 | Re-Appeal |
公务人员保障法 | Public Functionaries Protection Act |
甲等 | Grade A |
乙等 | Grade B |
丙等 | Grade C |
丁等 | Grade D |
谘商辅导委员会 | Psychological Counling Committee |
公务人员请假规则 | Regulations on Civil Servants' Applications for Leave |
行政院及所属聘雇人员给假办法 | Regulations on Special Leave for Employees of the Executive Yuan and Subordinate Agencies |
中央研究院约聘雇人员考核标准 | Contract Employee Performance Evalutaion Guildlines, Academia Sinica |
志愿服务 | Volunteering Service |
停留签证 | Visitor Visa |
居留签证 | Resident Visa |
外侨居留证 | Alien Resident Certificate |
外交部领事事务局 | Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
移民署 | National Immigration Agency |
公教人员保险 | Government Employees' and School Staff's Insurance |
公教人员保险法 | GESSI Act |
公教人员保险法施行细则 | Enforcement Rules of GESSI Act |
生活津贴 | Living Allowances |
子女教育补助费 | Children Education Subsidy |
结婚补助 | Wedding Subsidy |
生育补助 | Childbirth Subsidy |
丧葬补助 | Death Subsidy |
养老给付 | Old-age Benefits |
眷属丧葬津贴 | Dependents Funeral Subsidy |
残废津贴 | Disability Subsidy |
公教人员保险被保险人留职停薪选择续(退)保同意书 | The Agreement Letter of Insurance Change of the Insured Civil Servant and Public School Personnel, Position Retained without Pay |
保险费证明单 | Insurance Premium Certificate |
公教人员保险残废证明书 | Disability Certificate of Civil Servant and School Staff Insurance |
保险俸给 | Insurance Pay |
保险费率 | Insurance Premium Rate |
劳工保险 | Labor Insurance |
劳工保险条例 | Labor Insurance Act |
劳工保险条例施行细则 | Enforcement Rules of Labor Insurance Act |
劳工保险卡 | Labor Insurance Card |
生育给付 | Maternity Benefits |
伤病给付 | Injury or Sickness Benefits |
残废给付 | Disability Benefits |
老年给付 | Old-Age Benefits |
本人死亡给付 | Civil Servant Death Benefits |
眷属死亡给付 | Dependents Death Benefits |
职灾医疗给付 | Medical-Care Benefits for Occupational Injury |
全民健康保险 | National Health Insurance |
全民健康保险法 | National Health Insurance Act (NHI) |
全民健康保险法施行细则 | Enforcement Rules of National Health Insurance Act |
健保IC卡 | NHI IC Card |
自垫医疗费用核退 | Reimburesments |
劳工退休金 | Labor Retirement Pension |
劳工退休金条例 | Labor Pension Act |
劳工退休金条例施行细则 | Implementation Rules of Labor Pension Act |
劳工个人退休金专户 | Individual Labor Pension Account |
劳工自愿提缴退休金 | Employees Voluntary Contribution of Pension Funds |
离职储金 | Contribution Benefits |
各机关学校聘雇人员离职储金给与办法 | Regulations of "pay-as-you-go" Contribution Benefit for Personnel Served in All Organizations and Schools under Civil Contractual Relationship |
公提储金 | Mandatory Pension Contribution |
自提储金 | Voluntary Pension Contribution |
公务人员退休法 | Civil Servant Retirement Act |
公务人员退休法施行细则 | Enforcement Rules of Civil Servants Act |
退休 | Retirement |
自愿退休 | Voluntary Retirement |
届龄退休 | Compulsory Retirement |
退休金 | Pension |
一次退休金 | Lump-sum Retirement Payment |
月退休金 | Monthly Retirement Payment |
兼领二分之一之一次退休金与二分之一月退休金 | 1/2 Lump-Sum Retirement Payment & 1/2 Monthly Retirement Payment |
兼领三分之一之一次退休金与三分之二月退休金 | 1/3 of Lump-Sum Retirement Payment & 2/3 of Monthly Retirement Payment |
兼领四分之一之一次退休金与四分之三月退休金 | 1/4 of Lump-Sum Retirement Payment & 3/4 of Monthly Retirement Payment |
一次补偿金 | Lump-sum Subsidies |
月补偿金 | Monthly Subsidies |
实物代金 | Money in Lieu of Kind |
公务人员抚恤法 | Civil Servant Survior Relief Act |
公务人员抚恤法施行细则 | Enforcement Rules of Civil Servants Survivor Relief Act |
抚恤 | Indemnity |
一次抚恤金 | Lump-sum Consolation Payment |
年抚恤金 | Annual Consolation Payment |
给恤年限 | Years of Relief Payment |
一次抚慰金 | Lump-sum Relief Payment |
月抚慰金 | Monthly Relief Payment |
资遣 | Severance |
退休公务人员公保养老给付优惠存款 | Retired Civil Servants Insurance Premium Old Age Benefit & Preferential Interest Deposits |
公教人员急难贷款 | Civil Servants Loan Payment Relief |
学校教职员退休条例 | Act Governing the Retirement of School Teachers and Staff |
学校教职员退休条例施行细则 | Implementation Rules for the Statute Governing the Retirement of School Faculty |
学校教职员抚恤条例 | Regulations of the Statute Governing the Consolation Payment to Surviving Dependents at the Death of Teachers and School Staff |
学校教职员抚恤条例施行细则 | Enforcement Rules of the Statute Governing the Consolation Payment to Surviving Dependents at the Death of Teachers and School Staff |
政务人员退职抚恤条例 | Rules Govering the Retirement and Consolation Payment to Political Appointee |
政务人员退职抚恤条例施行细则 | Enforcement Rules of the Statute Governing the Retirement and Consolation Payment to Political Appointee |
延长服务 | Term Extension |
退休人员三节慰问金 | Retired Civil Servants Holiday Benefits |
公务人员退休抚恤基金 | Civil Servants Pension & Consolation Fund |
补缴退抚基金年资 | Consolation Fund Seniority Balance Payment |
退抚基金拨缴比率 | Retirement & Relief Funds Contribution Rate |
因公伤残死亡慰问金发给办法 | Rules Governing Special Allowance for Suffering Death or Disability due to Duty Performance |
再任有给公职 | Ex-employee Employed by Government Agency after His/Her Severance or Retirement |
年终慰问金 | Year-end Relief Payment |
旧制年资 | Years of Service, Old System |
新制年资 | Years of Service, New System |
基数 | Unit of Radix |
本俸 | Basic Pay |
年功俸 | Seniority Pay |
加给 | Additional Pay |
专业加给 | Profession Additional Pay |
技术加给 | Technical Additional Pay |
地域加给 | Regional Additional Pay |
主管职务加给 | Supervisory Differential Pay |
等级 | Grade |
薪额 | Ba Salary |
酬金 | Remuneration |
交通费 | Transportation Fare |
出差旅费 | Offical Business Trip Allowance |
年终奖金 | Year-End Bonus |
考绩奖金 | Performance Evaluation Result Bonus |
薪俸表 | Statement of Earnings and Deductions |
研究奖助费 | Rearch Grants |
简任非主管 | Senior Position, Non-supervisor |
行政管理费 | Administrative Costs |
俸点 | Pay Rate |
公务人员俸给表 | Table of Salary Grades and Remuneration Standards |
员工文康旅游活动 | Civil Servants Entertainment Activities |
学分补助费 | Credit Grants |
执行命令 | Enforcement of Laws and Regulations |
实报实销 | Money Refund Subject to Counterfoil or Receipt |
人事资料 | Personnel Data |
人事数据管理 | Personnel Data Management |
公务人员履歷表 | Civil Servants Resume |
员工名录 | Staff Directory |
全国公务人员人事信息统一代码 | National Civil Servants Personnel Data Code |
科技管理人力 | Technology Management Personnel |
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