Federal courts 联邦法院
district courts(地区法院,一审法院)
appellate courts(上诉法院)
supreme court(最高法院)
trial court(审判法院)、
court of first instance(一审法院)
联邦最高法院(The Supreme Court of the United States
联邦上诉法院(Federal Courts of Appeals)
联邦地区法院(United States District Courts)
涉及联邦法律的诉讼(Federal Question Jurisdiction)
跨州诉讼(Diversity Jurisdiction)
Judiciary 司法部门
三权分立,行政(The Executive Branch)、司法(The Judiciary)、立法部门(The Legislative)
“执法部门”是 law enforcement agencies/departments,属于行政部门。
Judge 法官
对抗制(adversary system)
究问制(inquisitorial system)
大陆法系国家(civil law jurisdictions)
英美法系国家(common law jurisdictions)
判例法(ca law)
Jury 陪审团
开场陈述(opening statement)
直接询问(direct examination)
总结辩论(closing argument)
普通公民(lay persons)
酒后驾车(drunk driving; driving under the influence of alcohol)
缠诉(endless petitions)
trial by ordeal(“神判”)
Judgment notwithstanding the verdict(不顾陪审团裁决的裁判)
directed verdict(指令裁决)
最低证明标准(minimum standard of proof)
讲理的陪审团(reasonable jury)
小陪审团(petit jury)12
大陪审团(grand jury) 23
Finder of facts 事实认定者
法律认定者(finder of law)
United States Attorneys联邦律师
Federal Procutor /联邦公诉人
司法部(Department of Justice)
司法部的部长Attorney General
司法部副部长叫 Solicitor General
District Attorney’s Office(地区公诉人办公室)
检察官procurator或者public procurator
Attorney-at-law 律师
美国律师协会(American Bar Association)
procuting attorney(公诉律师)
attorney-at-law 与 counlor, counllor-at-law, lawyer 是同义词
Defendant 被告(人)
Expert witness 专家证人
鉴定机构forensic examination centers, forensic asssment centers, forensic laboratories
“鉴定结论”forensic examination conclusions
鉴定人expert witness或 forensic examiner
Common law 英美法系 Anglo-American law, the Anglo-American legal traditions
不成文法(unwritten law, customary law)
判例法(ca law)
“遵循先例”原则(the principleof stare decisis)
当事人主义(即对抗制adversarial system, adversary system)
陪审团制度(jury system)
司法程序(judicial procedure)
judge-made law
国会立法(congress-made law, statues)
Civil law (legal system) 大陆法系, 欧陆法系、罗马法系、民法法系、法典法系,罗马-日尔曼法系civil law, continental law, Romano-Germanic law
成文法(written law, statutes/statutory law/statute law)
指导性案例制度(guiding cas system)
Adversary system/inquisitorial system 对抗制/纠问制
Inquisitorial system “纠问制”
Judicial independence 司法独立
Procutorial discretion 公诉人的自由裁量权
Misdemeanor court:轻罪法院
Felony court:重罪法院
To trial:开庭
Pled guilty:认罪(不再开庭)
绝对不起诉(又称法定不起诉)statutory non-procution
相对不起诉(又称酌量不起诉)discretionary non-procution
存疑不起诉(又称证据不足不起诉)non-procution for insufficient evidence
免于起诉exemption from procution
Attorney-client privilege 律师与当事人的保密特权
privileged information/communication(得到保密权保护的信息)。
The presumption of innocence 无罪推定
the presumption of guilt.“有罪推定”
The benefit of the doubt 疑罪从无
“疑罪从轻”partial benefit of the doubt.
疑罪从无the full benefit of the doubt。
Right to silence 沉默权
The principle of legality 罪刑法定原则
Due process of law正当法律程序
犯罪嫌疑人(the suspected criminal)
刑事被告人(criminal defendant, the accud)
Proportionality 罪刑相当 ,又称“罪刑相适应”
Double jeopardy 避免双重危险原则 ,大陆法系叫一事不再理原则
Felony 重罪
Aggravation (犯罪情节的)加重
aggravated kidnapping加重的罪
an aggravating circumstance加重情节
从轻情节an extenuating or mitigating circumstance
Conviction rate 定罪率
破案率 clearance rates (the number of clearances/number of offens or arrests).
动词“破案” solve a ca, clear a ca
公诉率是procution rates (procutions/crimes).
Burden of proof 证明责任,举证责任
谁主张,谁举证He who asrts must prove.
举证责任倒置to rever the burden of proof
举证责任转移 to shift the burden of proof
burden of production “举证责任”(或“提出证据的责任”)
burden of persuasion “说服责任”。
Standard of proof 证明标准
优势证据标准(preponderance of evidence)
排除合理怀疑标准(beyond a reasonable doubt)
clear and convincing evidence(证据清楚可信)
“犯罪事实清楚,证据确实充分” clear facts, accurate and complete evidence
reasonable suspicion(合理怀疑)
Admissible evidence 可接受的证据
Exclusionary rules (非法证据)排除规则
警察或公诉人通过非法搜查或拘捕以及各种形式的非自愿供述获得的证据以及由此衍生出来的证据(fruit of poisonous tree毒树之果)
“发现不可避免”的原则(inevitable discovery)