阅读一直是英语教学的重点,近年来,注重对阅读理解能力的考核更渐渐成为小升初的一大趋势。不久前,我看到一个PPT原则,觉得很有道理,在这里跟大家分享一下。所谓PPT,就是perverance(坚持),practice(练习)和technique(技巧)。在做阅读的时候,很多小朋友可能都会遇到单词不懂的情况,其实单词量的大小与阅读能力是密切相关的。学习英语就是一个积累的过程。所以坚持每天学习新的单词,复习旧的单词是很有必要的哦。另外,“Practice makes perfect“。Carrie老师建议大家每天花15-20分钟的时间做阅读,这样有助于培养英语语感,文感和手感。有了坚持的勇气,加上大量的练习,再结合一些技巧,那就事半功倍啦。
Look up into the sky. What can you e? You can e the sun. At night,you can e the moon and many many stars. The moon is nearer us than the sun.The sun is much farther.
The moon looks almost as large as the sun. But the sunis really much larger. The sun is a star. It is a big ball of fire. It ndsout light. The moon is a satellite(卫星). It doesn’t nd out light. There isn’t any air on the moon. There areno trees, grass or water on the moon. During the day it is very hot, but at nightit can be -129℃。
( )1.The moon is as large as thesun.
( )2. The sun is a big ball offire.
( )3. The moon nds outlight.
( )4. There aren’t any trees onthe moon.
( )5. On the moon, it is very coldall the day.
可以得知:五个句子分别关于月亮和太阳的大小比较,太阳是火球,月亮发光,月球上没有树木和月球温度的描述。划出关键词moon, sun, as large as; sun, big ball of fire; moon, nd out light;aren’t any trees, moon; moon, cold, all the day.
1. F
答案解析:原文中关于月亮与太阳大小比较的描述:“The moon looks almostaslarge as the sun.”与所给句子对比,可以发现缺了look almost(看起来几乎)。所以该题错在扩大范围,看起来几乎一样大与一样大是完全不同的概念,另外,从后面“But the sun is really much larger.”也可以得出答案。
2. T
答案解析:原文中关于太阳是火球的描述:“Thesun is a star. It is a big ball of fire.”it作为代词,指代前文中The sun. 所以两句结合就是The sun is a big ball of fire.刚好与所给句子吻合。
3. F
答案解析:原文中关于月亮发光的描述:“Themoon is a satellite(卫星). It doesn’t nd out light.”it作为代词,指代前文中The moon.所以两句结合为The moon doesn’t nd out light.错在正反混淆,刚好所给句子与原文意思相反。
4. T
答案解析:关于月球上是否存在生物的描述:“There are no trees, grass or water on the moon.”no=not any,所以该句属于同义转换。
5. F
答案解析:根据关键词,找到原文中有关moon,cold和all the day的描述:“During theday it
is very hot, but at night it can be -129℃”所以duringthe day与at night是截然不同的,所给句子中“all the day”扩大了范围。
A fox was looking for food. He was very hungry. Then he saw a lot of nicegrapes at the top of the tree.“How nice they are! I want to eat them.” The fox jumped andjumped, but the tree was too high. He could not get the grapes. The fox wentaway and said. “ I don’t like grapes. They‘re not good to eat.”
( ) 1. The fox was playing nearthe tree.
( ) 2. There were many grapesat the top of the tree.