abstract art:抽象派艺术
●A nonreprentational style that emphasizes formal values over the reprentation of subject matter.强调形式至上,忽视内容的一种非写实主义绘画风格。
★Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musicical quality.康定斯基创作的抽象派作品有一种音乐美.
abstract expressionism:抽象表现派,抽象表现主义
●A nonreprentational style that emphasizes emotion, strong color,and giving primacy to the art of painting.把绘画本身作为目的,以表达情感和浓抹重涂为特点的非写实主义风格.
★Abstract expressionism was at its peak in the 1940s and 1950s.20世纪四五十年代是抽象表现主义艺术发展的顶峰时期.
action painting:动作画派
●A term ud to describe aggressive methods of applying paint.指使画布产生强烈动作效果
★Action painting often looks childish to the non-artist becau of the techniques ud to be apply paint,such as throwing it on the canvas.在外行看来,动作画派的作品通常是幼稚的,这主要是因为画家采用的作画方法,比如将颜料泼洒在画布上.
●A fast-drying sysnthetic pigment.一种易干的合成颜料。
★Many artists like to u acrylic paint for technical illustrations becau of its fast-drying nature.因为丙烯酸树脂漆的易干性,很多艺术家喜欢用它制作工艺图案.
●Innovative art in advance of popular ideas and images, characterized by unorthodox and experimental methods.不拘于现有的创作定式,勇于创作超前思维的艺术形式.
★The avant-garde home of the famous actress sold for millions.那个名演员的先锋派住宅
●An emotional,dramatic style of the 16th-18th century, anticlassical in form and spirit.流行于16至18世纪,以情感强烈,铺张浮华为特点的反古典主义的艺术风格.
★Statues and architecture from the Baroque hane a dark, muscular,looming quality about them.巴洛克风格的雕塑和建筑雄伟、高大、格调阴暗。
●A design school that promoted functional and geometic elements in design.指包豪斯造型学院倡导的强调实用和几何学要素的建筑风格。
★The Bauhaus school of design in Germany changed the way that the world thought about design.德国包豪斯造型学院倡导的艺术改变了世人的既定设计思维模式。
●A term ud to describe a style of art with strong religious content.艺术风格突出强烈宗教色彩的。
★The Byzantine era extended from the 13th century and went into the 16th century and was characterized by art with religious influence.拜占庭艺术始于13世纪,一直延续到16世纪,其主要特点是浓郁的宗教气息。
●Handwrititing or penmanship,esp.elegant or "beautiful" writing as a decorative art.书写的艺术,特别是优雅漂亮可做装饰的笔迹。
★Calligraphy has practically become a lost art in today‘s computer society.在今天的电脑时代,书法艺术差不多要消亡了.
●A composition of fond objects,newspaper,and cloth over other material on a single surface.把拣来的报纸、碎布等在画面上粘贴成画。
★We ud to made computer collages when I was in college by first pasting various items together and then using a video camera to transmit the image onto a computer screen.我们在大学时代曾经用电脑做拼贴画。其步骤是,首先,将各种材料粘在一起,然后用摄象机将图象传送到电脑上。
●A style (1915-1925) with antirational approach and nihilistic, absurdist,and incongrous thems.流行于1915-1925间的艺术流派。其特点是反理性的创作手段和虚无、荒诞、矛盾的主题。
★Dadasim asked "what is art?"and ud humor and shock value as communicative elements.达达主义设问“什么是艺术?”并用幽默和让人震惊的色彩和手法作答。
●A picture,design,or sketch done with lines in pen or pencil.用钢笔或铅笔勾勒出的图画、图案或写生画。
★The drawing of Michelangelo were recently exhibited in New York.米开朗基罗的素描最近在纽约展出。
●An extension of photorealism in which depiction of a subject is indistinguiahable from reality. 20世纪末兴起的一种绘画流派。照相现实主义的延伸。强调对现实的临摹。
★The interesting aspect of hyperrealism is that it challengs the viewer to try to decide what is real and what isn‘t.高度写实主义绘画很有意思的一点是,观者很难判断哪些是真实的,哪些是虚构的。
●A style emphasizing the depiction of light and its effects, with the act of eing as its primary subject.(France 19th century)强调绘画中的光感,以视觉影象作为描绘对象。
★Impressionism has long been one of the most popular art movements.Van Gogh‘s impr
essionistic paingting entitled "Dr. Gachet" was purchad for a world record $85 millon by Japane investor.长期以来,印象主义一直是最具有影响力的艺术运动之一。凡高的印象派作品《盖什医生》被一名日本投资商以8500万美元的天价购得。
●Characteristic of a highly academic classisism,esp. in porcelains.(China,14th-17th centuries)高度传统古典主义倾向的。特别是指与14至17世纪中国明代瓷器有关的艺术。
★Dr. Franks is an expert on porcelains form Ming dynasty.弗兰克博士是明代瓷器鉴赏专家。
●An illustration compod of small,colored stones or tiles t into cement.用五颜六色的小石子或瓦片在水泥板上镶嵌成的图案。
★The new mall in town features a gaint mosaic over the main entrance way.在城里新建的林荫道的主要入口处有一个巨大的镶嵌画。
new wave:新浪潮
●A combination of cartoon,graffiti,and performance art in a minimalist,unsopisticated style.(late 20th century)综合漫画、涂鸦和表演艺术的艺术形式。其风格简单自然。