丝芙兰(上海)化妆品销售有限公司 (以下称“我公司”)已同意在公司管理中遵守道德价值规范。
SEPHORA (Shanghai) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred as “Our Company”) has agreed to abide by moral and ethical values in the management of the company.
We expect our Business Partners to respect and adhere to the same philosophy in the management of their own companies.
We require strict compliance with the standards on the part of all our Business Partners, their factories, subcontractors, as well as their own Business Partners.
Plea note that where national and other applicable laws and the code of commercial conduct address the same issue, the provision that is the highest standard will apply. Further, where the Business code of conduct is in contradiction with the applicable law, the applicable law shall apply.
We ek to work with Business Partners that agree to comply with the requirements of this code of conduct which also abides by the principles stipulated in the Conventions of the International Labor Organization, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, and the principles of the Global Compact.
Any breach of conduct or any violation of this code of conduct by our Business Partners or their subcontractors will result in a review and possible termination of the business relationship.
Forced Labor: The u of forced labor by our Business Partners, whether obtained under the threat of punishment, withholding identity papers, requiring workers to deposit a bond or any other constraint is strictly prohibited.
Child Labor: Work by children under the age of 16 is strictly prohibited. Business Partners must ensure that the employment is in compliance with all applicable Laws and Regulations in China
Harassment and Abu: We expect our Business Partners to treat their employees with respect and dignity. Our Business Partners may not allow or engage in any kind of corporal punishment, psychological or physical harassment or any other kind of abu.
Discrimination: We expect our Business Partners to treat all employees equally and fairly. Our Business Partners may not practice any kind of discrimination in relation to hiring, ac
cess to training, promotion, or dismissal bad on gender, race, religion, age, disability, xual orientation, political opinions, nationality, or social or ethnic origin.
Wages and Benefits: As a minimum, our Business Partners shall pay regular wages and pay for overtime at the legal rate impod by the country of original manufacture and provide their workers with the benefits the law currently requires.
Working Hours: Business Partners must ensure that their employees’ working hours are in compliance with all applicable national labor laws and with published industry standards pertaining to the number of hours and days worked. Business Partners may not impo excessive overtime.
We expect our Business Partners to share our commitment to a clean and safe environment. We encourage initiatives to reduce the impact on the environment, particularly through the u of environmentally-friendly technologies. Our Business Partners shall agree to respect local and international environmental regulations and standards. Our Business Partners shall be able to prove the effective implementation of the following requirements:
The existence of an environmental management system.
Proper waste management, with special attention to hazardous waste and emissions which may not be dumped or discharged in an unlawful manner.
Employees who work has a direct impact on the environment shall be trained, competent and have the necessary resources to do their jobs.
Legal Requirements: We expect our Business Partners to act in full compliance with the l
aw. Our Business Partners shall abide by all national, local and international laws relating to the management of their business.
Customs and Security Authorities: Our Business Partners shall comply with applicable customs laws, including tho relating to imports and the ban on the tran-shipment of merchandi into the country of import.