A) Once upon a time, if you hated your job, you either quit or bit your lip. The days, a group of rearchers is trumpeting a third option: shape your job so ifs more fruitful than futile.
B) We often get trapped into thinking about our job as a list of things to do and a list of responsibilities, says Amy Wrzesniewski, an associate professor at the Yale School of Management. But what if you t aside that mind-t If you could adjust what you do, she says, who would you start talking to, what other tasks would you take on, and who would you work with
C) To make livelihoods more lively, Wrzesniewski and her colleagues Jane Dutton and Justin Berg have developed a methodology they call job-crafting. Theyre working with Fortune 500 companies, smaller firms and business schools to change the way Americans think about work. The idea is to make all jobs--even mundane (平凡的) ones---more meaningful by empowering employees to brainstorm and implement subtle but significant w
orkplace adjustments.
Step 1: Rethink Your Job--Creatively
D) The default some people wake up to is dragging themlves to work and facing a list of things they have to do, says Wrzesniewski. So in the job-crafting process, the first step is to think about your job holistically. You first analyze how much time, energy and attention you devote to your various tasks. Then you reflect on that allocation( 分配). See I0 perfect jobs for the recession--and after.
E) Take, for example, a maintenance technician at Burts Bees, which makes personal-care products. He was interested in process engineering, though that wasnt part of his job description. To alter the scope of his day-to-day activities, the technician asked a supervisor if he could spend some time studying an idea he had for making the firms manufacturing procedures more energy-efficient. His ideas proved helpful, and now process engineering is part of the scope of his work.
F) Barbara Fredrickson, author of Positivity and a professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, says its crucial for people to pay attention to their workday emotions. Doing so, she says, will help you discover which aspects of your work are most life-giving-and most life-draining.
G) Many of us get stuck in ruts (惯例 ). Berg, a Ph.D. student at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania who helped develop the job-crafting methodology, says we all benefit from periodically rethinking what we do. Even in the most constraining jobs, people have a certain amount of wiggle room, he says. Small changes can have a real impact on life at work.
Step 2: Diagram Your Day
H) To lay the groundwork for change, job-crafting participants asmble diagrams detailing their workday activities. The first objective is to develop new insights about what you actually do at work. Then you can dream up fresh ways to integrate what the job-crafting exerci calls your strengths, motives and passions into your daily routine. You c
onvert task lists into flexible building blocks. The end result is an after diagram that can rve as a map for specific changes.
I) lna Lockau-Vogel, a management consultant who participated in a recent job-crafting workshop, says the exerci helped her adjust her priorities. Before, 1 would spend so much time reacting to requests and focusing on urgent tasks that I never had time to address the real important issues. As part of the job-crafting process, she decided on a strategy for delegating and outsourcing (外包) more of her administrative responsibilities.
J) In contrast to business books that counl, managers to influence workers through incentives, job-crafting focus on what employees themlves can do to re-envision and adjust what they do every day. Given that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it now takes the average job eker more than six months to find a new position, its crucial to make the most of the job youve got.
Step 3: Identify Job Loves and Hates
K) By reorienting (使适应 ) how you think about your job, you free yourlf up for new ideas about how to restructure your workday time and energy. Take an IT worker who hates dealing with technologically incompetent callers. He might enjoy teaching more than customer rvice. By spending more time instructing colleagues--and treating help-line callers as curious students of tech--the disgruntled IT person can make the most of his 9-to-5 position.
L) Dutton, a professor at the University of Michigans Ross School of Business, says she has en local auto-industry workers benefit from the job-crafting process. They come in looking worn down, but after spending two hours on this exerci, they come away thinking about three or four things they can do differently.