1. Lawyer & Attorney & Solicitor & Counl 的区别
In both British and American English, lawyer is the general term for anyone verd in law and duly admitted to practice. Lawyers conduct lawsuits, advi clients of their legal rights or plead for them in court.
Lawyer在英式英语和美式英语中均为律师的通称,为最通用词,可泛指取得法律专业资格有权从事法律工作的人.在英国,其可包括法官、开业律师、法学教师等。在美国,其可指参与法庭诉辩或提供法律咨询的任何人,有时也用于专指律师。现有人将其译为“法律人”。所谓“法律人思维”,语出英文中的“think like a lawyer”。
Attorney or Attorney-an-law
A member of the legal profession who reprents a client in court when pleading or defendi
ng a ca. In the US, attorney applies to any lawyer and sounds more formal than lawyer.
A type of lawyer in Britain who gives legal advice, prepares the documents when property is bought or sold, and defends people, especially in the lower courts of law. In the United States, a solicitor is the chief lawyer in a government or city department.
Counl指接受指派,专门为个人、公司和政府公务部门提供法律服务的人,称为法律顾问。美国宪法第6修正案、第14修正案和联邦法庭规则中均有the right to counl的规定,即刑事被告有权因经济困难而要求法庭为其指派辩护律师。可见counl也有律师之意。Counl pro hoc vice指仅仅代理某案件的律师。
2. Jail & Prison & Cell 的区别
Prison : 指触犯刑律的人被关押的地方,通常指判决后的罪犯居留地。
Cell : 指单人牢房或几个人合住的小牢房。
3. 法务类
企业法律顾问 hou counl
私人法律顾问(不出庭的律师)chamber counl
4. 咨询类
律师 lawyer
诉讼律师(出庭辩护的律师)trial lawyer
非诉讼律师 solicitor
5. 法官
Justice (最高法院)法官,美国最高法院有9位Justices
Chief Justice (最高法院)首席大法官,9位法官中只有1位Chief Justice
Assistant justice (最高法院)助理法官
Judge (最高法院之外其他法院的)法官
6. 检察部门
美国司法部长 Attorney General (美国司法部的最高行政长官,由总统直接任命)
司法部副部长Deputy Attorney General
检察长 Chief Procutor
检察官 Procutor (又称公诉人、控方律师)
助理检察官 Assistant Procutor
7. 法庭内
法庭管理员 court administrator
法庭翻译 court interpreter
法庭速记员或记者 court reporter or stenographer
副庭审 courtroom deputy
陪审团专员 jury commissioner
陪审团顾问 jury consultant
陪审团选拔专家 jury lection expert
诉讼审查员 litigation examiner
诉讼秘书 litigation cretary
仲裁员mediation coordinator (also called arbitrator or conciliator)
8. 相关机构
律师事务所 law firm
司法部 Department of Justice
法务部 Department of Legal Affairs
地区法院 U.S. District Courts
上诉法院 U.S. Courts of Appeals (13个巡回法院 Circuit Courts)
最高法院 U.S. Supreme Court
初审法院 Trial Courts
上诉法院 Courts of Appeals
州最高法院 State Supreme (Highest) Courts