2018 年浙江省绍兴市中考英语试卷
一、听力部分(共 25 分)
1.How's the weather now ?
A.Rainy .
B. Fine .
C. Windy .
2.When was the woman speaker born ?
A.In Februaly .
B. In March .
D. In April .
3.What's Laura doing ?
A.Working .
B. Playing soccer .
C. Reading .
4.What kind of clothes will Sandy wear ?
A. A white shirt .
B. A black dress .
C. A white coat .
5.Who is the woman probably speaking to ?
A. A driver .
B. An artist
C. A doctor .
6.(4 分)(1)How much will the man pay ?
A. ¥6.
B. ¥16.
C. ¥26.
( 2) Where does the conversation probably take place ?
A. ln a post office .
B. In a zoo .
C. In a bank .
7.(6 分)(1)Where did Carla go last night ?
A.To her friend's hou .
B. To her cousin's hou .
C. To her mom's hou | . | |
( 2) How did Carla like chicken | ? |
A. She couldn't stand it | . | |
B. She didn't mind it | . | |
C. She enjoyed it a lot | . | |
( 3) What food came out at last | ? |
A.A tomato pie . | | |
B. Achocolate pie . | | |
C.An apple pie . | | |
| | |
8.(10 分)(1) Who birthday is it next month ?
A.Kelly's dad's .
B. Kelly's .
C.Kelly's mum's .
( 2) How are Kelly's family going to London ?
A. By plane .
B. By train .
C. By subway .
(3) Why do Kelly's family plan to walk to the Design Muum from the hotel ?
A.Becau they want to take exerci .
B. Becau the hotel is near the muum .
C. Becau they want to e the sights around .
( 4) What are Kelly's family going to do this Saturday ?
A. To visit Big Ben .
B. To go shopping .
C.To play in the park .
( 5) How does Kelly probably feel about the coming vacation ?
A. It'l1be terrible .
B. It'l1be dull .
C. It'l1be exciting .
二、完形填空(此题有 15 小题,每题 15 分,共计 15 分)阅读下边短文,然