PBS NOVA新星 纪录片目录大全

更新时间:2023-05-06 17:20:48 阅读: 评论:0

PBS - NOVA 新星(也许是全球最好的科学纪录片)
│  │  ├─1421.中国发现美洲
│  │  ├─3D Spies of WWII.二战的三维间谍.720P.S39E11
│  │  ├─A Daring Flight.冒险飞行
│  │  ├─A Man, a Plan, a Canal - Panama.一个男人一个计划一条运河-巴拿马
│  │  ├─A Walk to Beautiful.走向美丽
│  │  ├─Absolute Zero.绝对零度.720P
│  │  ├─Alien From Earth.地球上的外族人.720P
│  │  ├─Americas Stone Age Explorers.美洲石器时代探险者.720P
│  │  ├─Ancient Creature Of The Deep.深海古生物
│  │  ├─Ancient Refuge In The Holy Land.圣地的避难所
│  │  ├─Ants - Little Creatures Who Run the World.蚂蚁-运行这个世界的小动物
│  │  ├─Ape Genius.猿类天赋.720P
│  │  ├─Arctic Dinosaurs.北极恐龙.720P
│  │  ├─Arctic Passage.北极通道
│  │  ├─AstroSpies.太空间谍.720P
│  │  ├─B29 - Frozen In Time.凝固的时刻
│  │  ├─Back to Chernobyl.回到切尔诺贝利
│  │  ├─Battle of the X-Planes.X战机的竞争
│  │  ├─Battle Plan Under Fire.遭遇攻击的作战计划
│  │  ├─Becoming Human.人类起源.1080P
│  │  ├─Bees - Tales From the Hive.蜜蜂-蜂房传说
│  │  ├─Best Mind Since Einstein - Feynman.费曼-爱因斯坦后最好的思想
│  │  ├─Bible's Buried Secrets.圣经的地下秘密.720P
│  │  ├─Big Energy Gamble.能源豪赌.720P
│  │  ├─Boldest Hoax.惊天骗局
│  │  ├─Bombing Hitler's Dams.炸毁希特勒的水坝.720P.S39E10
│  │  ├─Bone Diggers.挖掘袋狮骨
│  │  ├─Building On Ground Zero.零地带建筑.720P
│  │  ├─Building Pharaoh's Ship建筑法老的船舶.720P
│  │  ├─Building the Great Cathedrals.建造大教堂
│  │  ├─Cancer Warrior.癌症勇士
│  │  ├─Car of the Future.未来汽车.720P
│  │  ├─Cracking the Code of Life.破解生命密码
│  │  ├─Cracking the Maya Code.破解玛雅密码.720P
│  │  ├─Cracking Your Genetic Code.破解你的遗传密码.720P.S39E15
│  │  ├─Crash Of Flight 111.瑞航111空难
│  │  ├─Crash of Flight 447号航班的坠毁.720P
│  │  ├─Cuttlefish - Kings of Camouflage.伪装之王.720P
│  │  ├─Darwin's Darkest Hour.达尔文的艰难时刻.720P
│  │  ├─Deadliest Earthquakes.致命地震.720P
│  │  ├─Deadliest Plane Crash.致命的飞机坠毁.720P
│  │  ├─Deadliest Tornadoes.480P
│  │  ├─Deadliest Volcanoes.致命火山.720P.S39E09
│  │  ├─Deadly Ascent.致命攀登
│  │  ├─Death Star.死亡星球
│  │  ├─Descent into the Ice.勃朗冰湖
│  │  ├─Dimming Sun.全球黯化.720P
│  │  ├─DNA - Secret of Photo 51.脱氧核糖核酸-51号图片的秘密
│  │  ├─Doctors' Diaries.医生日记.720P
│  │  ├─Dogs and More Dogs.狗的起源与进化
│  │  ├─Dogs Decoded.揭密家狗.720P
│  │  ├─Dying To Be Thin.瘦身不要命
│  │  ├─Einstein Revealed.走进爱因斯坦
│  │  ├─Einstein's Big Idea.爱因斯坦的伟大理论
│  │  ├─Elegant Univer.优雅的宇宙
│  │  ├─Emergency Mine Rescue.紧急矿难营救.720P
│  │  ├─Engineering Ground Zero.构建零地带建筑.720P
│  │  ├─Everest The Death Zone.珠穆朗玛死亡地带
│  │  ├─Evolution.进化
│  │  ├─Extreme Cave Diving.洞穴潜水极限.720P
│  │  ├─Extreme Ice.尽头的冰.720P
│  │  ├─Fabric of the Cosmos.宇宙的结构
│  │  │  ├─Illusion of Time.宇宙的结构之时间错觉.720P
│  │  │  ├─Quantum Leap.宇宙的结构之量子跃迁.720P
│  │  │  ├─Univer or Multiver.宇宙的结构之多重宇宙.720P
│  │  │  └─What Is Space.宇宙的结构之何为空间.1080i
│  │  ├─Family That Walks on All Fours.用四肢行走的家族
│  │  ├─Faster - Than Sound.超越音速
│  │  ├─Finding Life Beyond Earth - Are We Alone.寻找地外生命.720P
│  │  ├─Fire Wars.灭火之战
│  │  ├─Fireworks.烟花.720P
│  │  ├─First Flower.第一朵花.720P
│  │  ├─Four Winged Dinosaur.四翼龙.720P
│  │  ├─Fractals - Hunting the Hidden Dimension.寻找隐藏的维度.1080P
│  │  ├─Galileo's Battle For The Heavens.伽利略之为天而战
│  │  ├─Garden of Eden.热带伊甸园-塞舌尔群岛
│  │  ├─Ghost in Your Genes.基因中的幽灵.720P
│  │  ├─Ghost Particle.中微子-原子中的鬼粒子
│  │  ├─Ghosts of Machu Picchu.马丘比丘的幽灵.720P
│  │  ├─Global Warming - The Signs and the Science.全球暖化-标签还是科学
│  │  ├─Global Warming - What's Up With the Weather.全球暖化与气候的关系
│  │  ├─Great Escape.大逃亡
│  │  ├─Great Inca Rebellion.印加的反抗
│  │  ├─Great Robot Race.遥控机器人大赛
│  │  ├─Harvest of Fear.恐惧的收获
│  │  ├─Hitler's Lost Sub.希特勒失踪潜艇
│  │  ├─Hitlers Sunken Secret.纳粹核武揭秘
│  │  ├─Hubble's Amazing Rescue.哈勃望远镜的精彩保全.720P
│  │  ├─Hunt For The Supertwister.追风者.720P
│  │  ├─Hunting the Edge of Space.狩猎空间的边缘.720P
│  │  │  ├─The Ever Expanding Univer.不断膨胀的宇宙.720P
│  │  │  └─The Mystery of the Milky Way.银河系之谜.720P
│  │  ├─Hunting the Elements.捕捉元素.720P.S39E16
│  │  ├─Hurricane Katrina - Storm That Drowned a City.卡特里拉飓风.720P
│  │  ├─Ice Age Death Trap.冰河期的死亡陷阱.720P.S39E13
│  │  ├─Ice Mummies.冰木乃伊
│  │  ├─Iceman Murder Mystery.冰人被害之谜.1080i
│  │  ├─Incredible Journey of the Butterflies.蝴蝶的神奇之旅.1080P
│  │  ├─Infinite Secrets - The Genius of Archimedes.阿基米德的秘密
│  │  ├─Is There Life on Mars.火星上有生命嘛.720P
│  │  ├─Japan's Killer Quake.日本的致命地震.720P
│  │  ├─Jewel of the Earth.琥珀昆虫.720P
│  │  ├─Judgment Day - Intelligent Design on Trial.审判日
│  │  ├─Kaboom! - The Sizzling Story of Explosions.爆炸的故事
│  │  ├─Killer Subs in Pearl Harbor.珍珠港的杀手潜艇.720P
│  │  ├─Killer's Trail.凶手线索
│  │  ├─Kingdom of the Seahor.海马王国
│  │  ├─Last Extinction.大灭绝.720P
│  │  ├─Last Great Ape.最后的巨猿
│  │  ├─Life and Death in the War Zone.战地生与死
│  │  ├─Life's Greatest Miracle.生命的最大奇迹
│  │  ├─Lightning.闪电
│  │  ├─Lizard Kings.蜥蜴王.720P
│  │  ├─Lord of the Ants.蚂蚁专家.720P
│  │  ├─Lost at Sea - The Search for Longitude.迷失在海中
│  │  ├─Lost Roman Treasure.失落的罗马宝藏
│  │  ├─Lost Treasure of Tibet.西藏失落的宝藏
│  │  ├─Magnetic Storm.磁暴
│  │  ├─Making Stuff
│  │  │  ├─Making Stuff Cleaner.制造更清洁的玩意.720P
│  │  │  ├─Making Stuff Smaller.制造更微型的玩意.720P
│  │  │  ├─Making Stuff Smarter.制造更智能的玩意.720P
│  │  │  └─Making Stuff Stronger.制造更牢固的玩意.720P
│  │  ├─Marathon Challenge.马拉松挑战
│  │  ├─Mars Dead or Alive.火星生或死
│  │  ├─Master of the Killer Ants.红蚁大师.720P
│  │  ├─Mind Over Money.超越金钱的心灵.720P
│  │  ├─Miracle of Life.生命奇迹
│  │  ├─Missing in MiG Alley.消失于米格走廊.720P
│  │  ├─Monster of the Milky Way.银河怪物.720P
│  │  ├─Mountain of Ice.冰山
│  │  ├─Mt St Helens Back from the Dead.圣海伦火山的起死回生.720P
│  │  ├─Muhammad - Legacy of A Prophet.穆罕默德
│  │  ├─Mummy Who Would Be King.拉美西斯一世木乃伊
│  │  ├─Musical Minds.音乐心灵
│  │  ├─Mysterious Mummies Of China.中国的神秘木乃伊
│  │  ├─Mystery of a Masterpiece.杰作的秘密.720P.S39E12
│  │  ├─Mystery of the Megaflood.超级洪水之谜
│  │  ├─Mystery of the Megavolcano.超级火山秘密
│  │  ├─NAZI Secrets Revealed.纳粹秘密揭晓
│  │  ├─Neanderthals on Trial.审判尼安德塔人
│  │  ├─Newton's Dark Secrets.牛顿探索.720P
│  │  ├─Ocean Animal Emergency.海洋动物告急
│  │  ├─Origins.万物起源
│  │  ├─Parallel Worlds & Parallel Lives.平行世界-平行生命
│  │  ├─Percy Julian - Forgotten Genius.被遗忘的天才
│  │  ├─Perfect Corp.沼泽古尸.720P
│  │  ├─Pluto Files.冥王星档案.720P
│  │  ├─Pocahontas Revealed.波卡霍姆塔斯秘闻
│  │  ├─Power Surge.能源高峰.720P.S38E17
│  │  ├─Quest for Life.探索生命.1080
│  │  ├─Quest for Solomon's Mines.寻找所罗门的宝藏.720P
│  │  ├─Rat Attack.老鼠来袭.720P
│  │  ├─Riddles of the Sphinx.狮身人面像的谜语.720P
│  │  ├─Runaway Univer.脱缰的宇宙
│  │  ├─Saturn's Titan - Voyage To The Mystery Moon.神秘的土卫六之旅.720P
│  │  ├─Saved By The Sun.太阳能利用
│  │  ├─Saving The National Treasures.拯救国家财产
│  │  ├─Search For A Safe Cigarette.寻找安全香烟
│  │  ├─Secret Life Of the Brain.有脑有生命
│  │  ├─Secret of the Wild Child.顽童的秘密
│  │  ├─Secrets Beneath the Ice.冰下秘密.720P
│  │  ├─Secrets of Lost Empires II
│  │  │  └─Medieval Siege
│  │  ├─Secrets of Lost Empires.失落帝国的秘密
│  │  ├─Secrets of Making Money.印钞的秘密
│  │  ├─Secrets of Stonehenge.巨石阵的秘密.720P
│  │  ├─Secrets of the Crocodile Caves.鳄鱼洞的秘密
│  │  ├─Secrets Of The Mind.大脑探秘
│  │  ├─Secrets of the Parthenon.巴台农之秘.720P
│  │  ├─Secrets of the Samurai Sword.武士刀秘密.720P
│  │  ├─Secrets of the Sun.太阳的秘密.720P.S39E19
│  │  ├─Separating Twins.分离双胞胎.720P.S39E14
│  │  ├─Shackleton's Voyage Of Endurance.坚忍号南极之旅
│  │  ├─Sinking City of Venice.下沉的威尼斯
│  │  ├─Sinking The Supership.超级沉船
│  │  ├─Smartest Machine on Earth.世上最智能的机器.720P
│  │  ├─Space Shuttle Disaster.航天飞机灾难.720P
│  │  ├─Spies That Fly.会飞的间谍
│  │  ├─Sputnik Declassified.前苏联卫星揭秘
│  │  ├─Spy Factory.间谍工厂.720P
│  │  ├─Stephen Hawking's Brief History of Time.斯蒂芬霍金的时间简史
│  │  ├─Super Bridge.超级桥梁
│  │  ├─Supersonic Dream.超音速之梦
│  │  ├─Surviving the Tsunami.海啸幸存.720P
│  │  ├─To the Moon.登月
│  │  ├─Top Gun Over Moscow.莫斯科-壮志凌云
│  │  ├─Trapped in an Elevator.困在电梯.720P
│  │  ├─Trillion Dollar Bet.兆亿赌注
│  │  ├─Tsunami - Wave That Shook The World.震惊世界的巨浪
│  │  ├─Typhoid Mary - The Most Dangerous Woman in America.玛丽-美国最危险的女人
│  │  ├─Underwater Dream Machine.水下梦幻机器
│  │  ├─Unknown World.未知世界
│  │  ├─Venom Nature's Killer.自然杀手之毒液.720P
│  │  ├─Viking Deception.维京骗案
│  │  ├─Volcano Above the Clouds Kilimanjaro Africa's Tallest Mountain.乞力马扎罗山
│  │  ├─Welcome to Mars.欢迎到火星
│  │  ├─What Are Dreams.什么是梦.720P
│  │  ├─What Darwin Never Knew.什么是达尔文所不知的.720P
│  │  ├─Who Killed The Red Baron.谁杀了男红爵
│  │  ├─Why Ships Sink.为什么船会沉.720P.S39E18
│  │  ├─Why the Towers Fell.双塔为何倒塌
│  │  ├─Wings of Madness.疯狂之翼
│  │  ├─World in the Balance.世界的平衡
│  │  ├─_Science NOW.现代科学
│  │  │  ├─S01.第一季.720P
│  │  │  ├─S02.第二季.720P
│  │  │  ├─S03.第三季
│  │  │  ├─S04.第四季.720P
│  │  │  ├─S05E01.Can We Make it to Mars.我们能到达火星吗.720P
│  │  │  ├─S05E02.Can We Live Forever.我们能长生不老吗.720P
│  │  │  ├─S05E03.How Does the Brain Work.大脑如何运作.720P
│  │  │  ├─S05E04.How Smart Are Animals.动物有多聪明.720P
│  │  │  ├─S05E05.Where Did We Come From.我们从哪里来.720P
│  │  │  └─S05E06.What's the Next Big Thing.何为未来的大突破.720P
│  │  └─Wright Brothers' Flying Machine.莱特兄弟的飞行机器

本文发布于:2023-05-06 17:20:48,感谢您对本站的认可!



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