
更新时间:2023-05-06 13:59:06 阅读: 评论:0

action letter 决定通知
active comparator 活性药物对照组
active control = AC 阳性对照,活性对照
active ingredient 有效成分
Active Substance Master File (ASMF) 欧洲药物主文件
acute myocardial infarction 急性心肌梗死
acute tibial fractures 急性胫骨骨折
adalimumab (Humira) 阿达木单抗
adaptive design 自适应设计
adaptive randomization 自适应随机
ADE = adver drug event 药物不良事件
Adenoviral Vectors 腺病毒载体
adequate and well-controlled studies 充分严格的对照研究
ADHD = Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
注意力缺陷多动障碍; 注意力不足过动症; 多动症adhesion barrier product 防黏著产品
adjuvant 助剂; 佐剂auxiliary;
adjuvant therapy 佐药疗法,辅助疗法
ADL = activities of daily living 日常生活活动能力
ADME = absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion
ADR = adver drug reaction 药物不良反应
adrenal cortex 肾上腺皮质
adrenal cortical hormone 肾上腺皮质激素
adrenal gland 肾上腺
adrenaline 肾上腺素
adulterated devices 掺假器械
adver drug reaction = ADR药物不良反应
adver effect 副作用
adver event = AE 不良事件
adver medical events 不良医学事件
adver reaction (adver event) 药物不良反应
advisory 提醒
advocacy and support groups 倡导和支持团体
AE = adver event 不良事件
AERS = Adver Event Reporting System 不良事件报告系统
BIMO Biorearch Monitoring Program 生物研究监测
bioavailability (F) 生物利用度
biochemical drugs 生化药品
biocides 生物杀灭剂; 杀生物剂
biocompatibility 生物相容性
biodegradable 生物分解
bio-engineered, transgenic food 转基因食物
bioequivalence; bioequivalent 生物等效应
biofilm 细菌薄膜, 生物膜
biologic 生物制品
biological respon modifiers BRM 生物应答调节剂
biological therapeutic agents 生物治疗药剂
biomarker 生物标志物
biometrics 生物统计; 生物识别技术
bion stimulator 生物体刺激器
bionic knee 仿生膝关节
biopharma: biopharmaceutical products 生物药物产品
bipolar 双相燥郁症
birth defect 出生缺陷, 新生儿缺陷, 先天缺陷BLA = biologic licen application 生物制品许可申请
blank control 空白对照
blend uniformity analysis 混合均匀度分析
blind 盲法
blind codes 编制盲底
blind review 盲态审核
blinding method 盲法
blinding/ masking 盲法,设盲
blister packaging 泡罩包装; 水泡眼
block 分段;层
block size 每段的长度
blocked randomization 区组随机
ca history 病历
ca record form = CRF病例报告表/病例记录表
ca report form 病例报告表
cash curve 现金曲线
cash trap 现金陷阱; 现金套牢categorical variable 分类变量
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
clinical (human) data 临床数据
clinical endpoint临床终点
clinical equivalence 临床等效应
clinical hold 临床试验暂停通知
clinical investigator 临床研究者
Clinical Pharmacists 临床药师
Clinical Rearch Coordinator = CRC临床研究协调者
clinical study 临床研究
Clinical Study Application = CSA临床研究申请
clinical study report 临床试验的总结报告
clinical trial 临床试验
clinical trial application = CTA 临床试验申请
clinical trial exemption = CTX 临床试验免责
clinical trial protocol = CTP 临床试验方案
Clinical Trial Report = CTR临床试验报告
clinically significant results 有临床意义
cohort 队列
cohort studies 队列研究
co-investigator = CI合作研究者
comparison 对照
Compassionate U 体恤使用
competitive labeling 优越标签
Complementary And Alternative Therapy 补充性和非传统治疗Complete respon 完全有效
compliance 遵守;对遵守法规情况的监管composite variable 复合变量
Compression Test 压缩试验
computer-assisted trial design= CATD计算机辅助试验设计
Con Meds = concomitant medications 联合用药
confidence interval 可信区间
confidence level 置信水平
Confidentiality Regarding Trial Participants 为试验参与者保密
control group 对照组
controlled clinical trials 临床对照实验
Controlled Trials 对照试验
Critical Path 关键路径
CRM = continual reasssment method 连续重新评估方法crossover design 交叉设计
cross-over study 交叉研究
crossover therapy 交叉治疗
CRF = ca report form 病例报告表
dosage form 剂型
dosage regimen 给药方案
do-ranging study 剂量范围研究
do-reaction relation 剂量-反应关系
do-related adver reactions 剂量相关的不良反应
double blinding 双盲
double dummy 双模拟
double dummy 双模拟
double dummy technique 双盲双模拟技术
double-blind study 双盲研究
Double-Masked Study 双盲研究
DRGs = Diagnosis Related Group System 疾病诊断相关分组
drop out 脱落
drop test 落震试验;跌落试验
drug eluting coronary stents 药物洗脱支架
drug product 药物产品
drug substance 原料药
drug-drug interaction56 药物-药物相互作用
drug-food interaction 药物-食物的相互作用
EEPS = Electronic Entry Processing System 电子录入处理系统
effectiveness 疗效
efficacy 有效性测定
efficacy (Of a drug or treatment) 药效;药品疗效
EMEA = European Medical Evaluation Agency; European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products; European Medicines Agency 药物评价机构; 欧洲医药品管理局
emergency envelope 应急信件
Empiric Bayesian Multiple Gamma-Poisson Shrinker
经验性贝氏法(伽玛泊松分布缩检法)empirical 经验性
endpoint 终点
endpoint criteria 终点指标
factorial design 析因设计
factorial trial 析因试验
failure 无效,失败
Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (1966) 公平包装和标签法
Fal Claims Act 防制不实请求法
fal therapeutic claims 错误的疗效声明
full analysis t 全分析集
full factorial design 全因子试验法
inclusion criteria 入选标准
inclusion/exclusion criteria 入选/排除标准
incremental exposure 食品中递增摄入量
incubation period/latency period 潜伏期
IND = Investigational New Drug 临床研究新药
INDA = investigational new drug application NDA前申报阶段
indemnity insurance 赔偿保险
Independent Data Monitoring = IDM独立数据监察
Independent Data Monitoring Committee = IDMC
independent ethics committee = IEC 独立伦理委员会
indications 适应症
investigational new drug = IND 临床研究新药
investigational product 试验药物
investigator 调研人员
investigator's brochure = IB 研究者手册
masked 设盲
mean absorption time = MAT(药物在体内的)平均吸收时间mean disintegration time = MDIT(药物在体内的)平均崩解时间Mean Dissolution Time = MDT (药物在体内的)平均释放时间Mean Residence Time = MRT(药物在体内的)平均滞留时间medical governance 医药治理
Medicare 老年医疗保险制度;联邦老年医保medication guides (for patients) 用药指南
Medicines Control Agency = MCA英国药品监督局
Misbranding 错误标签; 冒牌
Miscoding 编码错误
missing value 缺失值
mixed effect model 混合效应模式
MLD = minimal lethal do 最小致死剂量
MoA = Mechanism of Action 作用机制;作用机理
monitor 监查员
monitoring plan监查计划
monitoring report 监查报告
MR = moderate respon 好转
MRA = Agreement on Mutual Recognition 相互承认协定
MTD = maximal tolerance do 最大耐受剂量
multicenter trial 多中心试验
multi-drug resistance 多药物抗药性
multiple arm trials 多治疗组的试验
mutual recognition procedure (EU) 相互承认程序
OS = Overall survival 总生存率
parallel group design 平行组设计
parameter estimation 参数估计
parametric relea 参数放行
parametric statistics 参数统计方法
patient file 病人档案
patient global; pt global 病人总体评价
patient history 病历
per protocol ( PP) analysis 符合方案分析
PFS = progression-free survival 无疾病进展存活率
PGE = patient global evaluation 病人总体评价
PHA = preliminary hazards analysis 预先危险分析
pharmaceutical equivalence 药剂等效性

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标签:生物   药物   研究   临床   试验   临床试验   缺陷   剂量
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