PI(principal investigator)何许人
舶来品PI(principal investigator)制最近10年来逐渐被许多国内大学、研究机构所引入,许多科研院所改变了教研室、科主任为体系的科研机制,转而实施了科研PI负责制,换句话讲,PI将负责项目的人(科研助手、研究生等管理)、事(实验管理)、财(科研经费管理、研究生及临时技术人员的劳务支出管理等)的自主管理。这就和BOSS没有太大的区别了,不管爱听不爱听,现在国内外实验室中将教授称为老板的已是常态。(当然当面称呼多为XX老师)。 按目前国内的科研组织管理机制,一般只有具有高级职称的人才可以成为PI,但事实上并非所有的教授/副教授,研究员/副研究员均可以成为PI。PI的中文翻译委婉一点的可以称为:项目负责人。不委婉就称为:项目首席科学家。接下来就出现一个困惑,获得国家自然科学基金青年项目的讲师/助理研究员能否称为PI?获得省基金等项目的申请人能否称为PI?根据国外同类机构的定义,只要是申请人获得了项目资助,就可以认为是该项目的PI,而不管其是助理教授、副教授还是教授,只要有足够的科研经费就可以招博士、博士后和科研技术人员来干活。不应该由申请人所在单位行政机构来授予这一资格。而目前国内研究机构的PI制似乎更多意义上行政色彩比较重,更加偏重于实验室负责人一类的角色,不是真正意义上对某具体科研项目负责的人,也就会出现PI未必等于项目负责人的现象。可能
附1:Principal investigatorFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, arch A principal investigator (PI) is the lead scientist or engineer for a particular well-defined science (or other rearch) project, such as a laboratory study or clinical trial.In the context of federal funding from agencies such as the NIH or theNSF, the PI is the person who takes direct responsibility for completion of a funded project, directing the rearch and reporting directly to the funding agency.[1] For small projects (which might involve 1-5 people) the PI is typically the person who conceived of the investigation, but for larger projects the PI may be lected by a team to obtain the best strategic advantage for the project. In the context of a clinical trial a PI may be an academic working with grants from NIH or other funding agencies, or may be effectively a contractor for a pharmaceutical company working on testing the safety and efficacy of new medicines. The term is often incorrectly spelled as "principle investigator", which would refer to someone who investigates principles or precepts. The correct term is "princ
ipal investigator", where "principal" means 'primary' or 'leading'. References^ NSF Grant Policy Manual 210f 'Definitions: Principal Investigator', available:v/pubs/2002/nsf02151/gpm2.jsp#210; NIAID (NIH) 'Glossary of Funding and Policy Terms and Acronyms', available:
附2 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR (PI/PD) is the individual designated by the grantee, and approved by NSF, who will be responsible for the scientific or technical direction of the project. The term "Principal Investigator" generally is ud in rearch projects, while the term "Project Director" generally is ud in science and engineering education and other projects.
From v/pubs/2002/nsf02151/gpm2.jsp#210