Europe Transient Cycle
The ETC test cycle (also known as FIGE transient cycle) has been introduced, together with the ESC (European Stationary Cycle), for emission certification of heavy-duty diel engines in Europe starting in the year 2000 (Directive 1999/96/EC of December 13, 1999). The ESC and ETC cycles replace the earlier R-49 test.
从2000年开始,ETC试验循环(也称作 FIGE瞬态循环)跟ESC(欧洲稳态循环)和ELR(欧洲负载响应)一起生效(Directive 1999/96/EC of December 13, 1999),用来对欧洲重载柴油机进行排放认证。ESC是一个13工况稳态循环,取代之前R-49试验。
The ETC cycle has been developed by the FIGE Institute, Aachen, Germany, bad on real road cycle measurements of heavy duty vehicles (FIGE Report 104 05 316, January 1994). The final ETC cycle is a shortened and slightly modified version of the original FIGE proposal.
ETC循环由德国亚琛FIGE研究所在重载汽车实际负载循环测量的基础上(FIGE Report 104 05 316, January 1994)改进发展而来。最后的ETC循环对最初的FIGE建议进行简化和稍微修改。
Different driving conditions are reprented by three parts of the ETC cycle, including urban, rural and motorway driving. The duration of the entire cycle is 1800s. The duration of each part is 600s.
ETC循环中三个不同的部分代表不同的驾驶条件,包括城市驾驶,乡村驾驶和高速公路驾驶。整个循环持续时间是1800秒。 每一部分持续时间是600秒。
∙ Part one reprents city driving with a maximum speed of 50 km/h, frequent starts, stops, and idling.
第一部分代表城市工况,最大车速50 km/h,频繁的启动、怠速和停车。
∙ Part two is rural driving starting with a steep acceleration gment. The average speed is about 72 km/h
第二部分代表乡村工况,这部分开始就是一个急加速工况。平均车速是72 km/h。
∙ Part three is motorway driving with average speed of about 88 km/h.
第三部分是高速公路工况,平均驾驶车速是88 km/h。
FIGE Institute developed the cycle in two variants: as a chassis and an engine dynamometer test. Vehicle speed vs time over the duration of the cycle is shown in Figure 1. For the purpo of engine certification, the ETC cycle is performed on an engine dynamometer. The pertinent engine speed and torque curves are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
FIGE研究所在两种环境下都发展这个循环:底盘测功机试验和发动机测功机试验。车辆速度和持续时间的关系见图1说明。 为了对发动机进行认证,ETC循环可以在一个发动机测功机上进行。相关的发动机转速和扭矩曲线在图2和图3中解释。
Figure 1. ETC Transient Cycle - Vehicle Speed
Figure 2. ETC Transient Cycle - Engine Speed
Figure 3. ETC Transient Cycle - Engine Torque