Appendix C:Glossary | 附录C:名词解释 | |
α helix | α螺旋 | |
A helical condary structure in proteins. Pl. α helices. | 蛋白质中一种螺旋形的二级结构。复数:α helices。 | |
α-amanitin | α鹅膏蕈碱 | |
A toxin that inhibits the three eukaryotic RNA polymeras to different extents. Name derives from mushroom of genus Amanita in which toxin is found. | 一种能不同程度地抑制三种真核生物RNA聚合酶的毒素。名称来自于产生此毒素的Amanita属蘑菇。 | |
β-galactosida | β-半乳糖苷酶 | |
Enzyme that cleaves lacto into galacto and gluco. Name origin: the bond cut by this enzyme is called a β-galactosidic bond. | 将乳糖分解为半乳糖和葡萄糖的酶。名称来源:该酶切割的键称为β-半乳糖苷键。 | |
β sheet | β折叠 | |
A condary structure in proteins, relatively flat and formed hydrogen bonding between two parallel or anti-parallel stretches of polypeptide. | 蛋白质的一种二级结构,相对平坦,在两条平行的或反向平行的肽段之间形成氢键。 | |
σ subunit | σ亚基 | |
Component of prokaryotic RNA polymera holoenzyme. Required for recognition of promoters. | 原核生物RNA聚合酶全酶的组成成分。在启动子识别中需要。 | |
ρ-dependent termination | ρ依赖型终止 | |
A form of transcription termination in prokaryotes that depends on the protein ρ as well as on quences in the DNA/RNA. | 原核生物中的一种转录终止方式,依赖于ρ蛋白和DNA/RNA序列引起转录终止。 | |
─10 box | ─10框 | |
Common promoter element in E. coli. Named for its location approximately 10 bas upstream of the transcription start site. | 大肠杆菌中常见的启动子元件。由于它位于转录起始位点上游约10个碱基处而得名。 | |
3’→5’ exonuclea activity | 3’→5’外切核酸酶活性 | |
Function of DNA polymeras. Allows 3’→5’ removal of incorrect nucleotides after polymerization. See also exonuclea. | DNA聚合酶的活性。允许在聚合反应后以3’→5’方向去除不正确的核苷酸。请参照‘exonuclea’。 | |
30nm fiber | 30nm纤维 | |
An higher-level structure of chromatin. The elongated structure has a width of approximately 30nm. | 一种染色质的高级结构。其延长的结构宽度大约是30nm。 | |
30S initiation complex | 30S起始复合体 | |
In prokaryotes, complex of mRNA, 30S ribosomal subunit, and initiator tRNA placed at the start codon.; | 是原核生物中由mRNA、30S核糖体亚基和起始tRNA在起始密码子位置组成的复合体。 | |
─35 box | ─35框 | |
Common promoter element in E. coli. Named for its location approximately 35 bas upstream of the transcription start site. | 大肠杆菌中常见的启动子元件。由于它位于转录起始为点上游约35个碱基处而得名。 | |
5’→3’ exonuclea activity | 5’→3’外切核酸酶活性 | |
Function of DNA polymera I in prokaryotes. Allows for removal of nucleotides in the direction of synthesis. Often ud for removal of RNA primers. | 原核生物中DNA聚合酶I的一种功能。允许以DNA合成方向去除核苷酸。常在去除RNA引物中使用。 | |
5-bromouracil (BU) | 5-溴尿嘧啶〔BU〕 | |
Mutagenic ba analogue. Rembles thymine, but easily interconverts to tautomeric form that pairs with guanine. Structure rembles uracil with an attached bromine group. | 具有诱变性的碱基类似物。与胸腺嘧啶相似,但很容易转换成与鸟嘌呤配对的互变异构形式。带有溴基团的结构与尿嘧啶相似。 | |
A (aminoacyl) site | A〔氨酰基〕位 | |
First site on the ribosome to which tRNAs bind, bringing new amino acids. Named after the acyl bond that attaches amino acids to tRNA . | 带有新氨基酸的tRNA与核糖体结合的第一个位置。根据氨基酸连接到tRNA上的酰基键命名。 | |
A→I editing | A→I编辑 | |
A form of post-transcriptional modification to mRNA in eukaryotes in which adenine is deaminated to form inosine, an unusual ba. | 真核生物中对mRNA进行转录后修饰的一种形式,修饰时将腺嘌呤脱氨基形成次黄苷,次黄苷是一种非普通碱基。 | |
Acetylation | 乙酰化作用 | |
The addition of an acetyl group to a molecule. | 将一个乙酰基加到某个分子上的过程。 | |
Aconita | 顺乌头酸酶 | |
Protein that regulates iron metabolism. Controls mRNA stability and translatability for transferrin and ferritin, respectively. | 调控铁代谢的蛋白质。分别控制运铁蛋白和铁蛋白的稳定性和可转译性。 | |
Activators | 激活蛋白 | |
Proteins that increa transcription of a gene. | 促进基因转录的蛋白质。 | |
Active site | 活性位点 | |
Site on an enzyme that is directly responsible for catalyzing reactions. | 酶分子中直接负责催化反应的位点。 | |
Affinity chromatography | 亲和层析 | |
A kind of column chromatography technique. The column is packed with molecules that bind to a specific subt of proteins. Affinity = attraction. | 柱层析技术的一种。柱中用能与一组特殊的蛋白质结合的分子填充。亲和 = 吸引。 | |
Alkyl group | 烷基 | |
A class of chemical groups compod of carbon and hydrogen. Examples: methyl group (─CH3) and ethyl group (─CH2CH3). | 由碳和氢组成的一类化学基团。例如:甲基〔─CH3〕和乙基〔─CH2CH3〕。 | |
Alleles | 等位基因 | |
Versions of the same gene that differ slightly in function and quence. | 相同基因的不同版本,它们之间在功能和序列上稍有不同。 | |
Allosteric regulation | 别构调节 | |
Form of regulation in which a small molecule binds to a regulatory site on a protein, causing a structural and functional change at the active site. ‘Steric’ is related to the word ‘structure’. | 调节的一种形式,通过一个小分子结合到蛋白质的调节位点而引起其活性位点结构和功能的改变。‘steric’〔空间的〕一词与‘structure’〔结构〕有联系。 | |
Alternative polyadenylation | 可变聚腺苷酸化 | |
The ability to make mRNAs of varying sizes from one coding region, by altering the site of pre-mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation. Can alter protein size and properties of the mRNA, such as stability. | 通过改变前体mRNA的切割位点和聚腺苷酸化位点而从一个编码区产生不同大小mRNA的能力。能改变蛋白质分子的大小和mRNA的性质〔如稳定性〕。 | |
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