Compounding (P24)
1. Definition of Compounding
Compounding (or composition) is the formation of new words by joining two or more bas (free morphemes). Words formed in this way are called compounds.
2. Features of Compounds
1)Grammatical Features
2)Semantic Features (P25-26)
3)Phonological Features (P26)
4)Orthographical Features (spelling): Compounds can be written solid, hyphenated or open.
3. Formation of Compounds
Classified according to part of speech (词性):
Compound pronouns (herlf, another)
Compound numerals (forty-four, one-third)
Compound adverbs (however, nevertheless)
Compound conjunctions (whenever, whereas)
Compound prepositions (out of, throughout)
Clausal and Syntactic compound (chicken-and-egg problem, a yes-or-no question, hide-and-ek, lost-and-found)
Compound nouns (afternoon, eggshells)
Compound adjectives (snow-white, dark-blue)
Compound verbs (overestimate, underestimate)
Major Types of Compounds
1) Compound Nouns (P27)
n. + n. | |
n. + v. | |
n. + v-ing | |
adj. + n. | |
adv. +n. | |
v-ing + n. | |
v. + n. | |
prep. +n. | |
v. + adv. | |
v-ing + adv. | |
adv. + v. | |
adv. + v-ing | |
| |
2) Compound Adjectives
(1) Adjective-centered compounds
n+ adj.:
a.+ a.:
adv.+ a.:
v.-ing+ a.:
(2) Noun /noun+ed-centered compounds
n.+ n.–ed:
a.+ n.:
a.+ n.-ed:
v.+ n.
(3) V-ing/V-ed (Verb Participle) -centered compounds
n + v-ing:
a. /adv.+ v-ing:
n + v-ed:
a (adv) + v-ed:
v-ed+ adv:
3) Compound Verbs (P28)
1) Conversion(转换法) and Back-formation(逆生法):
e.g. footprint – to footprint, houkeeper—to houkeep
2) a./adv. + v.: sweet-talk, overcharge
3) n. +v.: job-hop
4) Analogy (类比): chain-smoke– chain-drink