小苹果儿 2018-09-11
Spining wheel Yoga Founder
I am here for every body,every body is here for ma;I love every body ,every body loves me;every body is in me,I am in every body, Bhuda is every body every body is in Bhuda; Bhuda(Enlightened One/awakening)is Mahavairocana who does not go nor come, One who /it is beyong go and come is Bhuda(Enlightment)
You may sak what does "Spining Wheel Yoga" mean.According to the scripture of The Preach of (待添加)
先看这张图 Firstly look at Figure8-1
Figure 8-1
中脉从1——7 The central channel (Susbumna Nadi in Sanskrit )1-7
然后再看这两张图 then look at two Figures below
Figure8-2 Figure8-3
你要把任脉和督脉记一下是在哪儿 是在什么位置 穴位不一定记住
you must have a stronge ideal about the two cannels where they are, but no necessary to know everything in details
然后再看这张图 then plea e picture Figure 8-4
最下面的一个轮叫 海底轮(男就是阴囊部位 女就是阴道口)海底轮是中最下方的轮脉,同时也是最基础的轮脉。它是人体整个能量系统的根,所有的能量都经由海底轮出发, 你现在要知道海底轮的位置在什么地方。
Now, you must get something to know about the Ba chakra which is loacted at the bottom of Spine ( scrotum position in fale, position in female) the Ba chakra is lowt one of the ven chakras,also it is .that is the root of the energe systom of human body,all of the energies should be been awaken and rid up from here if one who take lf-realiztion riously. you have known already where the Ba chakra is.
you have to bear in mind some points before go through the process.plea keep teeth and mouth clod,also let the tip of your tongue upward touch to the palate, just swollen the nectar(sweet liquit)which come to your mouth after little while by doing this way.
and now you have to do is to sit comfortbly stright and relaxeded throughoutly without ncollap,from inside body to outside,from top to bottom especially your head and neck should be relaxed nicely .
就像这张图 such as Figure below Figure8-5
Now we need to know one thing before turn ourlves into practice is that inner power made upward from Ba chakra by doing a t of actions which are squeezing,lifting up、suck and nd out.the squeezing action happens by pushing double side hipbone opposite, at the same "lifting
up、suck and nd out"follow dynamically,acturely the actions are four in one going.
你只要一做这个动作就会有气往上走的 ,这说提了。你只要做这个动作就人从上而来的一种吸力(这种吸力你炼着炼着就有了)这样就会把气送上去了,这就是送字的意思
As the action of squeezing has been done soon as some Qi(kundalini energy)has been"lefted up",then a feeling of sucked out from top of head would appear tornado something like later soon.that means that Qi (kundalini energy)has been nt out of the head.
At the very begaining of activating Kundalini from Ba chakra by the "squeezing", "lif-ting up", "suck" and "nd out"(SLSS in short),the Inner Power/Qi/Kundalini Energy (in short IPQKE below)
may not be lifted up much high,by practi more, step by step the energies would be pus
hed to the top of your head.plea bear in mind,it is very important to keep the spine stright while IPQKE squeezed pass by, also the IPQKE should be hold all time untill delivered out of top of the head.
Sometimes you may have to practising wily by applying tips to cope with a pluging IPQKE up happening in chest position (haert chakra), Here it is,erecting chest upward consciously, suck as Vajrasattva looking,it is very resultful and helped get you look like a posture of Figure 8-5 looking.To deal with a IPQKE stucked at your neck position(throat chakra),simply look at snake`s curve at the top part timitatingthe cock"s crow and you would be able to cope with it .
参看蛇头 reffor to the head of snake Figure8-6
气这时就会到达你的头顶了,你要这个姿势崩住了腰哪要给力气就会在你的头顶上呆住的 你要把气顶在你的头顶;崩住这股劲。然后说要排浊气了(打嗝儿 放屁 出长气 深吸呼)都行。排完浊气你的这个姿势就不累了,之后你再从海底轮开始做下一波的挤提吸送了,气到了胸哪依然要有挺胸的动作,到了脖子依然要有耿脖子的动作,气到百汇一定要排浊气。目的是为了多存一些真气在头顶 ref: Figure 8-7
By a effort we made above,the IPQKE certainly reached to crowm chakra (Sahastrara in Sanskrit),you definitely achieved a posture of Vajrasattva ( bodhisattva)looking at same time,keep the status continuely, emingly the IPQKE is staying on your top of head.and then you have really got something important to do is to relea trashy deposit from the central channel which caud you illness,fatigue ,anxiety,stress and bad feelings so on by physiological respon;for example:burp,fart,a long exhale and u would be able to feel comforable after the process,then repeat do SLSS again and again.