1.Test them against your values.So many times we have to make decisions without a framework and no way to judge between two choices.When faced with a tricky decision it‟s often a good idea to line up your choices and ask “Which one of the most honours the things that mean the most to me?”
The decision that‟s most in line with the things that mean the most to you – your core values – will be the best decision for you.That might not be the simplest or most practical, but becau it fits with who you are and what‟s most important to you it will always be the best decision for you.1.用自己的价值观来评定
2.Trust your gut.When I was growing up I ud to love rainy Sunday afternoons watching Columbo, especially the bit at the end where he‟d sidle up to the Bad Guy, say “Just one more thing” and then proceed to blow apart the bad guys alibi.Just brilliant.What Columbo had bundles of was a great trust in his intuition.In every episode, from the very moment he first meets the bad guy, he knows „whodunnit‟ – and he always trusts that.So look at what your intuition tells you is the „right‟ decision for you.Forget about all the “What if‟s” and the myriad, tiny details – what is your gut telling you?Listen to your intuition, it knows what it‟s talking about.2.相信自己的直觉
3.It just doesn’t matter.My decision between breakfast cereals wasn‟t a biggie.Whichever one I cho, there were never going to be any huge conquences and the ripples from that decision wouldn‟t have been felt much further than the end of my spoon.Sometimes it just doesn‟t matter which way you go.It‟s easy to get wrapped up in cond guessing yourlf, going round in circles and
over-complicating things, when – if you get right down to it – it just doesn‟t matter.Going round in circles is only going to make you dizzy, so stop it.Ask yourlf this question – if your future happiness wasn‟t dependent on your decision(and it isn‟t, by the way), which way would you go?
4.Have enough information.Go and get the facts before you make a complex decision.By all means weigh up the pro‟s and con‟s so that you can get an understanding of what‟s behind a choice.But be careful –
there‟s a huge difference between knowing enough to make a choice, and knowing everything to make a choice.When you feel yourlf pursuing every fact or every piece of information before you make a decision, stop yourlf.Ask “What do I really need to know to make this decision?” and focus your efforts on getting the best information relatively qu
ickly, rather than pursuing all of the information you could get your hands on given a longer period of time.4.尽可能多地搜集信息