Moscow has been so warm this December that the government has resorted to nding trucks filled with artificial snow to decorate a new year display in the city center.
The Moscow region is in the throes of one of its warmest winters since temperatures began to be systematically recorded 140 years ago.The temperature in the Russian capital ro to 5.4C on 18December,topping the previous record for the month t in 1886.
Concerns are growing about the effects of global heating on Russia.Permafrost under the count家常菜谱大全做法
ry’s northern towns is slowly melting,and the balmy December weather has interrupted hibern蜂蜜奶茶
ation at Moscow zoo.
The most visible impact,however,has been the lack of snow,which usually begins blanketing Russia in October or November.
City officials said the artificial snow had been brought in for a snowboarding demonstration that will begin on New Year’s Day.The snow was produced by cutting ice for a local skating
rink,said Alexei Nemeryuk,the head of Moscow’s trade and rvices department.
Russia is a signatory to the Paris Agreement to combat global heating,and Vladimir Putin said during a televid press conference last week that the crisis was a direct threat to Russia.
At the same time,Russia recently abandoned plans to t greenhou-gas emissions targets for business after lobbying by a powerful Russian industry association.In his remarks,Putin cast doubt on the science,however,and omitted any discussion of greenhou gas.
"Nobody really knows the caus of climate change,at least global climate change,"he said,adding that pe警示教育心得
ople should nevertheless make their"best efforts to prevent dramatic changes in the climate".