I. 1. 1) incredible
3) hits home
2) remainder 4) investment
Appendix I
5) by nature 6) lap
7) decorate 8) harmony
9) move on to 10) bulletin
11) at intervals 12) client
13) theory 14) item
15) military
2. 1) Though Roger is absolutely convinced that the plan will work, I am still skeptical of/about
2) Carol's worrying about her daughter has much to do with her being hooked on the Internet recently.
3) Alison's so disorganized— I wish she'd get her act together.
4) Despite her resolution not to believe such modern fairy tales any more, she couldn't resist the idea of admiring superheroines.
5) Mention of the controversy over the matter would still undo her.
1) Don't be taken in by his charming manner; he is hard and cruel by nature and rarely shows pity for the poor, rusrnc
2) The rescue team is racing the clock to salvage (打捞) the bodies of the sailors trapped in the sunken submarine (潜水艇) with sophisticated equipment.
3) The original draft of the declaration strongly reproaches some big powers for posssing large numbers of nuclear weapons and consuming too much of the earth's natural re?sources.
2. as well/too
4. also
6. too
8. Also
II. Synonyms
1. also
3. too
5. as well/too
7. also
III. Usage
1. I ud to hate jogging but I'm actually growing to like it now.
2. We didn't have the chance to e her — she was too busy.
3. It ems she was coming to understand it better as she grew older.
4. How did you manage to become a television anchorwoman?
5. 我的农民兄弟
; Gradually I came to like the proposal she brought forward in the group discussion.
Appendix I - 129 -
6. You're becoming more and more like your mother.
1. 1) If only it were that simple!
2) We could go out this afternoon if only it would stop raining.
3) If only she hadn't told David about that, everything would have been all right.
4) If only she hadn't come into the room at that particular moment.
2. 水浒传读后感800字作文
1) Tom is/was too intelligent for his class so he is/was not learning anything there.
2) The task is/was far too difficult for a nine-year-old.
3) There are/were too many people for such a small room.
4) The noi became too much for me so I went and complained.
Comprehensive Exercis
I. Cloze
1. incredible
3. care for
5. decorate
7. put pen to paper
9. piece of cake 11. despite
3. having
5. wrong
7. with
9. to
11. in
13. true
5. Eventually 17. later
2. corporation
4. t aside
6. move on
8. draft
10. get our act together
12. charmed
2. when
4. However
6. not
8. if
10. reads
12. should
14. up
16. plus
II. Trans放风筝的作文
Barbara has dreamed of becoming a CEO for a long time. To achieve her heart's des戒指佩戴含义
ire, she applied for a job in many a multi-national corporation, but fai梦到相亲
led to get it. However, nothing ems to be able to undo her. With a loan from a local bank she opened a restaurant not long ago. While doing business she is having two young children to care for. Also, she is working at/studying for an MBA degree. Despite all th is she manages to get her act together. Nevertheless, even to her, racing the clock is by no means a piece of cake. It's a very exhausting job.