摘要:PURPOSE:To obtain a pressure flow control device having smaller oc描写清晨
cupying space in a machinery constitution using a single type of machines, when the discharge pres sure exceeds a t value, by generating an electric control signal corresponding to it, so that the rotating speed control of a fixed delivery pump can be carried out. CONSTITUTION:The discharge of a fixed delivery pump 2 is output into a main pipe line 8 via a check valve 11, and is supplied to a load. When a pressure detector 7 (a plurality of ttings are possible) detects that the discharge pressur文竹开花
e in the main pipe line 8 has exceeded a t value, the output thereof is input into a control员工合同协议书
circuit 9. Therein, control signals such as tho for the on-off control of the fixed delivery pump 2 or for the multistage control of discharge quantity are output. By the output, via a converter 10, an electric motor 1 is driven variably in its rota属狗婚配
ting speed by a prescribed voltage or a frequency signal. Accordingly, by the on-off control of the fixed delivery pump 2 and the multistage control of discharge quantity, the difference between the output of the fixed delivery pump 2 and the load power is r大学生入党思想汇报
educed to restrain the power less. Thus, the generation of heat is decread to reduce the deterio ration of oil, and the volume of each oil tank 3 春天的造句
can be significantly decread, so that the occupying space can be reduced.
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