雅思(写作)模拟试卷194 (题后含答案及解析)
1. The diagram below shows the distribution of men and women in key professions in Malaysia in 1970. Describe the distribution of men and women in the professions in Malaysia, as indicated in the diagram.
正确答案: The bar chart compares the male and female roles in key professions in Malaysia in 1970. In 1970, the professions in Malaysia were almost totally dominated by men. Men occupied more than 90% of all positions in many key professions, including ju给朱丽叶的信
rists, accountants, 黑头剑蛇
architects, engineers and economists. Architecture and engineering were particularly male-dominated, where m紫甘蓝的家常做法
en made up 97% but women only accounted for 3%. Women were only slightly better in science, occupying around 15% of physical scientists. Women had considerably high percentage in the field of education. However, an interesting fact is that the proportion decread according to the 鲜蘑菇的做法大全
level, from around 40亲自英语
% of t
eachers in primary schools to under 25% of teachers in universities and higher education. The only profession where women dominated was in nursing, the traditionally female area,冷笑话集锦
with 99% of all nurs and midwives being women. The diagram therefore shows that there existed rious xual discrimination in employment in Malaysia in 1970.