作者:钱源 刘雅芸 宋福莲
[摘要] 目的 探讨分析肺部占位性病灶的临床诊断方法,明确诊断。 方法 回顾性分析2011年1月~2013年1月在我院收治的100例肺部占位性病灶患者的临床病例资料,分析所有患者与诊断相关的临床资料,如患者的痰涂片、支气管镜、经皮肺穿刺活检术、手术探查等,夸男孩子
了解肺部占位性病灶的临床诊断方法,从而明确诊断。 结果 100例肺部占位性病灶患者中,82例患者得到确诊,诊断准确率达82.0%,22例患者经无创检查得到确诊,诊断准确率达22.0%;29例患者经支气管镜检查得到确诊,诊断准确率达29.0%;30例患者在CT引导下经皮肺穿刺活检术得到确诊,诊断准确率达30.0%;18例患者通过手术探查得到确诊,诊断准确率达18.0%。最终18例患者未得到未明确诊断,占18.0%。82例确诊的患者中包括40英语的好处
例肺癌,16例肺结核,14例炎性假瘤,5例平滑肌瘤,5例脂肪瘤、2例纤维瘤。 结论 临床上诊断病因不明确的肺部占位性病灶,诊断方法由简到难,可依次选择痰涂片、支气管镜、经皮肺穿刺活检术、手术探查等,临床诊断准确率较高。
[关键词] 肺;占位性病灶;痰涂片;支气管镜;经皮肺穿刺活检术
[中图分类号] R816.4 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 2095-0616(2013)22-155-02
Analysis on nature of lung space-occupying lesions
QIAN Yuan LIU Yayun SONG Fulian
The First People's Hospital of Zhaotong City, Zhaotong 657000, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore and analyze the c春申君黄歇
linical diagnostic methods of lung space-occupying lesions for making a definite diagnosis. Methods The clinical data of 100 cas with lung space-occupying lesions admitted into our hospital from January 2011 to January 2013 were analyzed retrospectively. The clinical diagnosis-related data of all patients were analyzed, such as the patient's sputum smear, bronchoscopy, percutaneous lung biopsy, surgical exploration, etc. The clinical diagnostic methods of lung space-occupying lesions were understood then a definite diagnosis was made. Results Among 100 cas with lung space-occupying lesions, 82 patients were diagnod and accounted for 82.0%, of which 22 patients were diagnod by non-invas
ive examination and accounted for 22.0%; 29 patients were diagnod by bronchoscopy and accounted for 宝玉哭灵
29.0%; 30 patients were diagnod by CT-guided percutaneous lung 香蕉用英语怎么说
biopsy and accounted for 30.0%; 18 patients were diagnod by surgical exploration and accounted for 18.0%. 18 patients had not been make a definite diagnosis and accounted for 18.0%.医院实习
Among 82 diagnod cas, there were 40 cas of lung canc红烧带鱼的做法
er, 16 cas of tuberculosis, 14 cas of inflammatory pudotumor, 5 cas of leiomyoma, 5 cas of lipoma, 2 cas of fibroma. Conclusion The clinical diagnostic methods for lung space-occupying lesions with undefined diagnostic etiology are sputum smear, bronchoscopy, percutaneous lung biopsy, surgical exploration in turn, and the accuracy of clinical diagnosis is higher.