. .国家宝藏读后感
In 1497,水浒传阅读笔记
John Cabot,an Italian a captain,sailed west from Britain,arching for a new route to
Asia.This voyage led to the discovery of the
Canada. national flag (国旗) 城市小知识
蒙特利尔(Montr al )
uver )
卡尔加里(Calgary ) 埃德蒙顿(Edmonton ) 魁北克市(Quebec city )
温尼伯(Winnipeg )
汉密尔顿(Hamilton ) 滑铁卢(w清新爱
aterloo ) national emblem (国徽) Canada is a country occupying mos电脑打字卡
t of northern North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the e红茶正山小种
ast to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. It is the world's cond largest country by total area and share汉族起源
s land borders with the United博物馆讲解词
States to the south and n学前教育论文
orthwest. 五(3)班 孙筱雅