1. What does the woman want to do?
A. Play a video. B. Make chairs. C. Find some old wood.
2. Where will the woman go next?
A. To her hou. B. To a bookstore. C. To class.
3. How did the woman get her dress?
A. By copying it.
B. By buying it on sale.
C. By designing it in a wing class.
4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. Other stores. B. A sales promotion. C. Some reports.
5. Why does the woman need money?
A. To buy a book.  梅菲
; B. To buy a basketball. C. To pay for an autograph.
6. How does the man feel about reality TV shows?
A. They’re a waste of time.
B. They’re getting better every ason.
C. They’re not as interesting as they ud to be.
7. What will the speakers probably watch together next week?
A. A reality show. B. A TV ries. C. A new movie.
8. Where was the recipe from?
A. From the woman herlf.
B. From the hou of the woman's grandmother.
C. From the man's family member.
9. What does the woman&n三七粉的用途与功效
bsp;say about the vegetables?
A. She grew them all.
B. Only the tomatoes came from the store.
C. She had a lot of difficulties growing them.
10. Why did the woman put strawberries in her salad?
A. She had a lot of extras.
B. She didn't know what to put in the salad.
C. She wanted to make something unusual.
11. Why is the man apologizing?
A. He arrived late.
B. He misd a full day of work.
C. He didn't tell the woman about his back.
12. Why did the man stop taking his medicine?
A. His back is getting better.
B. He couldn't afford it.
C. He couldn't bear the taste.
13. Who is the man?
A. A hou agent. B. The woman's husband. C. The owner of the hou.
14. What part of the hou is the least modern?
A. The laundry room. B The kitchen. C The bedrooms.
15. Where is the bathroom on the main floor?
A. Down the hall by the two bedrooms.
B. In the master bedroom.
C. By the laundry room.
16. How many people are in the woman's family?
A. Just two. B. Three. C. Four.
17. Where did Michelle Obama graduate in 1985?
A. Princeton University. B. Harvard University. C. The University of Chicago.
18. When did Michelle Obama meet her husband?
A. In 1985. B. In 1989. C. In1991.
19. What did Michelle Obam肖恩蒙德
a do for youths' education?
A. She directed public programs.
B. She built public schools.
C. She taught in high schools.
20. What was one of Michelle Obama's accomplishments?
A. She was the only First Lady to have a postgraduate degree.
B. She introduced healthier lunches at elementary schools.
C. She became a role model and fashion symbol.
Some best music and opera holidays for 2019
Tangle Wood Festival
The villages of Lenox and Stockbridge in western Massachutts have been the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra for more than 80 years, and its annual Tangle Wood Festival is East Coast America’s most distinguished music event. Andris Nelsons, BSO music director, conducts 14 of the concerts and star performers include Emanuel Ax, Paul Lewis and Anne-Sophie Mutter. Tickets on sale from Feb 10.
June 15-Aug 25 (tanglewood. org)
Aspen Festival
This year is the 70th anniversary of the Aspen Music Festival, one of the longest-running and most prestigious festivals in the United States. The 2019 program has yet to be announced, but a typical eight-week summer ason includes more than 400 classical music events-including concerts by five orchestras, solo (独奏) and classical music performances, fully staged opera productions, music lessons, lectures, and children’s programming. Tickets and details available in February.
June 27-Aug 18 (aspenmusicfestival. com)
Grand Teton Music Festival
Aspen’s great classical music competitor in the Rocky Mountains is the Grand Teton, which has been held in Jackson Hole since 1962 and at its heart is a timber concert hall, the Walk Festival Hall, famous for女王的英语怎么说
its friendly atmosphere and excellent natural sound. D
espite its relatively modest size, the hall attracts the greats - current music director is the Scottish conductor Donald Runnicles. The program for 2019 is yet to be announced but subscriptions are on sale from Feb 1, single tickets from March 1.