专利名称:Link adaptation
发明人:Hong Linh Truong,Andre Noll Barreto,Jens
摘要:The prent invention disclos an apparatus and method for adapting a transmission parameter in a transmitting node of a data communication system to the current link quality of a data communication channel. The adapted transmission
parameter is lected by the transmitting node from a t of transmission parameters in dependence on a number of successful transmissions. The number of successful transmissions is compared in the transmitting node against one of a first threshold value corresponding to a 怎样学唱歌
first state of the transmitting node and a cond threshold value correspon海底两万里启示
ding to a cond state of the transmitting node. The method compris in the transmitti北方针叶林
ng node the steps of (a) counting the number of successful transmissions; (b) lecting the adapted transmission parameter (b) in respon to the number of success宝鸡三陆医院
ful transmissions equaling or exceeding the first threshold value when the transmitting node is 中国名书
in the first state, and (b) in respon to the number of successful transmissions equaling or exceeding the cond threshold value when the transmitting node is in the cond state; and in dependence of the result of a following transmission, operating the transmitting node in one of the first state and the cond state.
申请人:Hong Linh Truong,Andr灯的组词
e Noll Barreto,Jens Jelitto
地址:Adliswil CH,Rio de Janeiro BR,Rueschlikon CH
代理人:Michael J. Buchenhorner,Vazken Alexanian