Advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of families
Jason 2010/12/5
Nuclear family:
This is known as a family which contains two parents and one child.
1. The nuclear family creates a stable environment so children raid in this family with the same parents during their growing years have a higher likelihood of having stability in their relationship and emotional bonding.
2. Also this family provides a n of consistency becau when children grow up in a nuclear family, they get a n consistency, especially when it also includes cloness with other members of the family such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins.
3. It also provides them with learning skills as children usually get far more extensive trainin
g in life skills living in a nuclear family. For instance, mothers usually teach their children relationship skills, like emotional respon skills and how to have smooth relations with others, while fathers, in general, teach their children handiwork skills and sports skills, like fixing things around the hou or hitting a baball, as well as how to deal with the world outside.
4. Lastly this sort of family upbringing allows physical and emotional support. The Nuclear family usually has more physical and emotional resources with which they can reinforce the whole. Through obrving their parents and by following the examples t by them, children learn how to help in the building of the family.
A nuclear family is a family on to itlf. A small compact unit that does not offer much support to the parents. Without the involvement of the grandparents and other family members outside of the "Mom, Dad, Kids" element many families fall on to hard times. Stress, money etc.
Humans by nature are a social creature. To reach our fullest potential we must keep the family intact.
Blended family:
The advantage of a successfully blended family is that children get to e a loving and supportive couple, and have up to four adults who give them support and encouragement. There are more people to learn from, more interests to be involved with and more opportunities to learn to accept others as they are.
To make this happen requires:
Patience, understanding, communication, time, and a n of humor, a private place and time for everyone, an appreciation of the effort each person makes.
But blending a family also has its difficulties. Being a step parent can sometimes be stressful as they must expect to take cond place to both of the child's natural parents including the abnt parent. Step children may also remind the step parent of life before t
heir arrival and may try to exclude the step parent from the family. There is also the possibility of unexpected changes to access and custody arrangements.
Establishing the new family takes some effort. You might:
Do things together so you have shared memories of fun things you have done as a new family
Spend some time with just your own children, individually and together
Allow each member of the family to tell others what they don't like - it won't make things better to pretend they don't exist
Allow each member of the family to fit in at their own pace.
Advantages of having blended family is that you can e all the love shared between your parents otherwi it’s a very stressful situation.
Well the disadvantage will be getting to know or other parent’s spou.
Single-parent family:
Single parents often worry that their children will somehow be damaged from living in a single parent family. While a single parent family may not be the ideal situation for raising children, many two-parent families are also less than desirable. Kids can actually benefit from living in a single parent family.
1. Re开车打电话扣多少分
sults of studies have indicated that a home filled with conflict is the least desirable home environment for children. When the child's prior two-parent houhold included frequent fighting and discord between the adults, the child can benefit from living in a one-parent home provided that the conflict is stopped. A parent who is no longer devoting time to warring with a partner may have more energy to give to the kids. Children obrve adult relationships and usually apply what they have learned to their own relationships as adults. By residing with only one parent, the child may actually have a chance to obrve healthier adult relationships.
2. Children learn valuable lessons from dealing with hard times and having different lifestyle from many of their peers your family may not reprent the stereotypical American family, but there can still be lots of love and fun in your home.
3. A single parent may actually have more time for the kids than a married parent would have. Since there is no longer a spou around at mealtime, meals don't have to be as substantial and can be structured around kid-friendly ingredients. If your former partner was not very involved with houwork, you may have more time since you now have one less person to care for. Financial worries may actually be fewer. Yes, you have less income, but you also have total control over the expenditures that you may not have had while with your partner.
4. The opportunity to spend time in two parate homes can be a good experience for your children. They will e different approaches to life and hopefully, take the best of both homes to u in establishing their own houholds as adults.
5. Often, a child with parents who live apart will gain a stepparent or two. Your child's extended family will then be even larger, giving her more chances to develop meaningful
relationships with caring adults. Your kids may even get exposure to new ideas or experiences that could ultimately lead to a career or hobby for your child.
6. Kids who live with only one parent tend to develop independence faster than their peers. Since the parent will probably have a job a孕妇牙龈肿痛
nd other many other duties on their plate, the kids may have to learn to do things for themlves such as preparing a simple meal or participating in houhold chores. Kids with stay-at-home parents or two parents in the home may not have as many opportunities to take part in the day-to-day responsibilities of running a houhold. The kids also learn that they need to be ready to take care of themlves, since them, too, could end up on their own or in a single parenting situation someday.
7. A favorite benefit of many kids from single parent families is that they often get two or more celebrations for each holiday. They may get two ts of gifts at Christmas, often getting more stuff than they would have if the parents were together. Two Easter baskets, valentine's gifts, etc., are also enjoyed by many of the children.
8. Two-parents homes can often provide many advantages. However, single parent hom
es can offer many opportunities for lf-growth for children along with other benefits. You can commirate with your kids about their different lifestyle from their peers but is sure to stressathe advantages of their situation, too, along with offering lots of love. Your family can be a successful as a single parent family!
1. The 爱动物
last and least favorable optio陕南菜
n for raising a child, whether it is by choice or by necessity, is single parenthood. When children are involved, the paradigm of marriage stands alone. It should be obvious to all that when the effort of raising a child is divided up among two parents, it eas the burden.
2. Single parenthood is always cond best. Acting as the provider, as the head of the houhold and at the same tim永远用英语怎么说
e as father/mother/ to his/her child, is taking on a Herculean task. It pushes the father/mother to his/ her limits.
3. The increa of children living with single parents is stunning. In 1960 single-parent houholds constituted 9.1 % of all houholds. Houholds with a mother only were at 8.
0 % and with father only at 1.1 %. In 2000 single-parent houholds constituted 26.6 % of all houholds, with mothers at 22.4 % and fathers at 4.2 %, reports "America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-being."