2021年托业考试 阅读部分测试题 含答案解析
The Role of Diapau
If conditions within an organism’s environment occasionally or regularly become harsh,it may be advantageous for an organism to have a resistant stage built into the lifecycle. In such a life history strategy, the organism suspends any growth, reproduction,or other activities for a period of time so that they may occur at a later, more hospitable time. This genetically determined resting stage, characterized by the cessation of development and protein synthesis and suppression of the metabolic rate, is called diapau. Many other kinds of resting stages, with different levels of suppression of physiological activities, are known. Some of the resistant stages can be extremely long-lived. In one ca, eds of the arctic lupine, a member of the pea family recovered fr冰虾怎么吃
om ancient lemming burrows in the Arctic, germinated in three days even though they were carbon-dated at more than 10,000 years old!
Unfavorable conditions that are relatively predictable probably po a simpler problem for o
rganisms than do unpredictable conditions. Adaptations to the regular change of asons in the temperate and polar regions may be relatively simple. For example, many eds require a period of stratification, exposure to low temperatures for some minimum period, before they will germinate. ■This is a simple adaptation to ensure that germination occurs following the winter conditions rather than immediately prior to their ont. ■In contrast, unfavorable conditions that occur unpredictably po considerable problems for organisms. ■In fact, unpredictability is probably a greater problem than is the verity of the unfavorable period. ■How can organisms cope with the unpredictable ont of good or poor conditions?
Many adaptations to this general problem are bad on a resting stage that awaits
favorable conditions. We will consider two examples from the vertebrates. The first is
the red kangaroo. This marsupial inhabits the derts of central Australia where the
ont of rains and the resulting sudden growth of vegetation are extremely
unpredictable. Obviously, it is advantageous for a kangaroo female to produce young
at a time when plant productivity is sufficient to support her offspring. For such a
relatively large mammal, however, gestation (the period of development during
pregnancy) is so long that if a female waited to mate and carry the young until after
the rains came, the favorable period might be past. The kangaroo’s life history
adaptation to this problem involves the u of embryonic diapau during gestation
(development in the uterus).
After a 31-day gestation period, the female gives birth to a tiny helpless young typical
of marsupials. The newborn crawls into the mother’s pouch and attaches to a teat
where it continues to grow and develop. After 235 days it leaves the pouch but remains拉布拉多是金毛吗
with the mother and obtains milk from her. Two days after giving birth, the female mates
again. The fertilized egg enters a 204-day period of embryonic diapau during which it
remains in the uterus but does not attach. It then implants, and 31 days later, birth of the
cond young occurs. Note that the first young leaves 施宁杰
the pouch at just this time. Again,
the female mates, fertilization occurs, and another diapau follows. The eventual result
is that at any one time, the female has three young at various stages of development:
one in diapau, one in the pouch, and one outside the pouch. Among other benefits,
this allows her to freeze the development of an embryo during times of drought and food
shortage until the offspring in the pouch is able to leave.
A similar strategy—accelerated development combined with a resting stage—has also
allowed amphibians to inhabit derts. The spadefoot toads, such as Couch’s spadefoot
toad, inhabit some of the most vere derts in North America. Adults of this species
burrow deeply into the substrate where it is cooler and perhaps more moist. Here they
enter into a resting state in which they are covered with a protective lay一年级考试试卷
er of dead skin.
When it rains, the adults emerge and congregate to mate at temporary ponds.
Development is greatly accelerated: the eggs hatch within 48 hours, and the tadpoles