FPC名词中英对照 | ||||
工程类别 | 不良名称中文 | 英 文 |
导线 Visual Inspection of Conductors | 导线 | Conductors |
开路 | Open | |
短路 | Short | |
缺口 | Nicks | |
针孔 | Pinholes | |
额外铜刺 | Extraneous Copper Between Conductors | |
毛刺 | Spurs | |
结瘤 | Nodules | |
蚀刻凹痕 | Etched Concave | |
导线分层 | Conductor Delamination | |
裂纹 | Cracks | |
导线划痕 | Scratches on Conductor | |
凹坑 | Dents | |
变色 | Discoloration | |
基底薄膜 Visual Inspection of Ba Film | 凹坑 | Dents |
划痕 | Scratches on Ba Film | |
覆盖层和覆盖涂层 Visual Inspection of Coverlay and Covercoat | 凹坑 | Dents on Coverlay and Covercoat |
划痕 | Scratches on Coverlay and Covercoat | |
空洞 | Void | |
偏位 | Coverlay Misalign | |
毛刺 | Coverlay Burrs | |
外来物 Foreign Matters | 导电性异物 | Conductive Foreign Matters |
非电性异物 | Non-conductive Foreign Matters | |
起泡和分层 | Blistering and Delamination | |
覆盖层粘结剂挤出 | Squeeze-out of Adhesive of Coverlay | |
覆盖涂层渗出 | Ooze-out of Covercoat | |
覆盖涂层跳漏 | Skipping of Convercoat | |
电镀金属或焊锡的表面条件 Surface Condition of Plated Mental and Solder | 镀金 | Gold Plating |
镀金层缺陷 | Gold Plating Defects | |
镀锡 | Tin Plating | |
电镀金属或焊料的渗透 | Penetration of Plated Metal or Solder | |
变暗(变黑) | Darkened Appearance (Blackening Discoloration) | |
镀铜孔内镀层空洞 | Plating Voids in Plated-though Hole | |
镀金粗糙 | Rough Gold | |
镀金白雾 | Gold Discoloration | |
镀金变色 | Gold Discoloration | |
镀金层龟裂 | Gold Crack | |
镀金针孔 | Gold Pinhole | |
电镀露铜 | Plated Expo Wetting | |
剥离 | Plated Peeled Off | |
电镀渗入 | Plated Wicking | |
漏镀 | No Plating | |
表面伤痕 | Plating Scratch | |
电镀粗糙 | Rough Plated | |
药水渗入 | Wicking | |
外形和孔边缘 Visual Inspection of Edges of Outline and Holes | 撕裂和缺口 | Tears and Nicks |
毛刺 | Burrs | |
丝状毛刺 | Thready Burrs | |
弯曲、变形 | Warpage | |
微连筋不良 | Poor Micro-joint | |
外形偏移 | Outline Misalign | |
外形漏冲 | No Outline | |
反折偏位 | Bending Line Misalign | |
增强板 Visual Imperfections Related to Stiffener Bonding | FPC与增强板之间的外来物 | Foreign Matter Between Flexible Printed Board and Stiffener |
FPC与增强板之间的空洞 | Voids Between Flexible Printed Board and Stiffener | |
裂纹 | Cracks | |
缺角 | Chip-off | |
划痕 | Scratches | |
变形 | Deformation | |
表面附着物 Affixed Substances on the Surface | 增强板贴偏移 | Stiffener Misalign |
热固胶 | Thermotting Adhesive | |
焊剂残渣 | Flux Residues | |
金属粉末残渣 | Residue of Metal Powders | |
粘结剂残渣 | Residue of Adhesive | |
突起 | Protrusions | |
凹坑 | Dents | |
弓曲 | Bow | |
扭曲 | Twist | |
标记Marking | 尺寸检验 | Dimensional Inspections |
尺寸测量 | Measurement of Dimensions | |
外部尺寸 | External Dimensions | |
厚度 | Thickness | |
孔 | Holes | |
元件孔 | Component Holes | |
导通孔 | Via Holes | |
导通孔偏移 | Via Hole Misalign | |
安装孔 | Mounting Holes | |
导线宽度 | Conductor Widths | |
导线之间的间距 | Clearances Between Conductors | |
孔中心间距 | Distance Between Hole Centers | |
板边和导线之间的最小距离 | Minimum Distance Between Board Edges and Conductors | |
标记错误 | Wrong Marking | |
字符不清晰 | Unclear Letter | |
定位精度Positional Accuracy | 孔的定位精度 | Positional Accuracy of Holes |
孔与焊盘的重合性 | Registration of Hole to Land | |
覆盖层与焊盘的重合性 | Registration of Coverlay (or Covercoat) to Land | |
增强板与FPC的重合性 Registration of Stiffener to FPC | 孔的重合性 | Registration of Holes |
外形的重合性 | Registration of Outlines | |
冲外形与导线图形的重合性 | Registration of Punched Outline to Conductor Patterns | |
压敏胶或热固胶与FPC和增强板的重合性 | Registration of Pressure Sensitive or Heat Activated Adhesives to FPC and Stiffener | |
镀通孔的镀铜层厚度 | Plating Thickness of Copper Panted-through Holes | |
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