computer 计算机
computer control 计算机控制
computer programming 计算机程序编制
computerized control 计算机控制
computing machine 计算机
computing unit 运算控制器
conbur(impact) test ccnbur抗冲击试验
concave cut 凹面切割
concave ground roll 中凹底辊
concentrate 浓缩
concentrated liquor 浓(缩)液
concentration 浓度;浓缩
concentration of chemical 药液浓度
concentrator 浓缩器
concertina fold 波纹管式折叠,(纸板)手风琴式折叠
concora crush 平压
concora test 平压试验
concora value 平压值
concrete foundation 混凝土基础
concurrent operation 协同操作
condensate 冷凝水;令凝物;缩合物
condensate removal system 冷凝水排出系统
condensate stripping system 冷凝水抽提系统
condensation 冷凝作用;缩合作用
condensation polymer 缩合聚合物
condensation polymerization 缩合聚合(作用)
condensation product 缩合(产)物
condensation resin 缩合树脂
condend tannin 缩合鞣质,缩合丹宁
condend water 冷凝水
condenr 冷凝器;电容器;聚光器
condenr tissue machine 电容器纸机
condensing vesl 冷凝器
condensing water 冷凝水
conditioned 经调整处理的
conditioner 毛毯洗涤器;调节器
nditioning 调整处理;调湿
conditioning of stone surface 石面调整
conditioning oven 恒温恒湿槽
conditions of beating 打浆条件
conditions of bleaching 漂白条件
conditions of cooking 蒸煮条件
conditions of manufacture 生产条件
conduct 传导;导管,套管
conduction 传导(作用)
conductivity 传导率,传导系数
conductivity meter 导电计;导热计
conductivity tester 传导率测定计;导电计;导热计
conductor 导体
cone 锥形体;针叶
cone bearing tree 针叶树
cone bre操视频
aker 碎纸机
cone penetration 针入度
cone pulley 锥形(皮带)轮
cone valve 锥形阀
configuration 构型
conformability 适应性能
conformation 构象
congo red 刚果红
conic ction 锥部
conical digester 锥形蒸煮器
conical mill 锥形磨浆机
conical refiner 锥形磨浆机
conical sandtrap 锥形除砂器
conical ttling tank (锥形)白水回收塔
conifer 针叶树,松柏类
coniferale 松柏科
coniferles 针叶树,松柏类
coniferous 松柏科的
coniferous wood 针叶木,软木,针叶材
coniferyl alcohol 松柏醇
coniferyl aldehyde 松柏醛
conjugated bond 共轭双键
connecting rod 连接杆
conrvation 守恒;保存;储备;保护
conrvation of energy 能量守恒
conrvation of mass 质量守恒
conrvation of matter 物料守恒
conrvation of momentum 动量守恒
conrvation of resources 保护资源
consistcnce 一致;稠性
consistency 浓度
consistency control 浓度控制
consistency controller 浓度控制器
consistency of grinding 磨木浓度
consistency recorder 浓度记录仪
consistency recorder controller 浓度记录仪控制器
consistency regulator 浓度调节器
consistency transmitter 浓度传送器
console 控制台;仪表盘;托架
consolute temperature 可溶温度
constant 恒定;持久;不变;常数
constant humidity 恒定湿度
constant load 恒定负荷,恒定负载
constant shaft 定速轴
constant speed 定速
constant speed drive 定速传动
constant speed winder 定速卷纸机
constellation 构象
constituent 组分,成分
constouctional material 组成物质,组成材料
consumption 耗用量,消耗量
consumption of chemicals 药剂耗用量
consumption of raw material 原料耗用量
contact angle test (施胶度)接触角测定法
contact condenr 接触冷凝器
contact drying 接触干燥
contact substance 接触剂
contact surface 接触(表)面
contact surface number 接触表面数值
contact tower 接触塔
contactless measurement 无感测量
contactor 接触器
container 容器
container bottom 容器底部
container liner 容器衬里
container testing 容器强度测定
containerization 容器化
contaminate 污染,沾污
contaminated condensate 污冷凝水
contamination 污染,沾污
content 含量;内容;目录
continuous beating 连续打浆
continuous bleaching 连续漂白
continuous causticizer 连续苛化器
continuous causticizing 连续苛化
continuous chain grinder 链式连续磨木机
continuous chlorination 连续氯化
continuous chlorinator 连续氯化器
continuous coloring 连续染色
continuous digester 连续蒸煮器
continuous dtying installation 连续干燥装置
continuous drying machine 连续干燥机
continuous feed chain 连续喂料链条
us filter 连续过滤机
continuous forms 卷筒打孔纸
continuous freeness tester 游离度连续测定仪