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Unit 3 Daily Verbal Communication (II)
教学⽬标:Through this unit, Ss can get a general idea of the cultural differences in some daily verbal communication, such as compliments, compliment respons, gratitude and apology in English and Chine. Ss can also know how to avoid making misunderstanding or dealing with the cultural puzzles under such situations.
教学内容:Daily Verbal Communication
教学重点与难点:The analysis and understanding of the differences between Chine people and the Western people to make some daily verbal communication.
Step 1 The Joy Luck Club --A film about cultural conflicts.
Qs for discussion: (Plea try to be objective in discussion)
1. What does this movie focus on?
2. The Joy Luck Club prents many conflicts in the mother-daughter relationship. The conflicts are embodied in 3 aspects. What are they in the film?
(First, the mothers and the daughters are in different cultural backgrounds, and the daughters cannot understand their mothers. Second,the communication problems also ari becau the mothers are from China, while daughters are born in the United States, their cultural backgrounds are different, and also becau they speak different languages. Third, the mothers and the daughters have totally different experiences. The mothers have been to America during the World War Ⅱ, when China was intruded by Japane army. The daughters are born in America; they don’t appreciate the Chine tradition and view their Chine history as a barrier to their dreams.)
3. What is the solution of cultural conflicts mentioned in the film?
--To explore a balance of cultural conflicts.
An important theme of the filml is the reconciliation of the multi-cultural clashes
Background about this novel:
The Joy Luck Club is the first novel of Amy Tan,a famous Chine-American writer. In the novel sh
e mainly describes the relationship between the Joy Luck Club mothers and their daughters and cultural conflicts.
The坐姿推举 novel is t in the age of globalization and in the multicultural American society; it reprents the process of misunderstanding, conflicts, understanding and blending between the mothers and the daughters. Globalization not only brings many chances to china but also brings cultural challenges to China. As the degree of globalization is getting deeper, Chine culture faces the danger of being integrated and changed by other cultures.
Through contextual analysis of the Joy Luck Club and the cultural conflicts and blending embodied in it, this novel demonstrates that in the age of globalization a balance should be kept among different cultures, and a right attitude towards cultural conflicts should be taken, and it suggests that the native culture should not be thrown away when learning from others, and instead,最棒的英文 it should be transmitted to others.
Background about the author:
Amy Tan was born in Oakland, California. Both of her parents were Chine immigrants. Her father, John Tan, was an electrical engineer and Baptist minister. In China, her mother Daisy had divorced a
n abusive husband but lost custody of her three daughters. She was forced to leave them
behind when she escaped on the last boat to leave Shanghai in 1949. Her marriage to John Tan produced three children, Amy and her two brothers. Amy Tan’s family is a typical immigrant family, her parents are the first generation immigrants, and she is the cond-generation immigrant.
She has experienced the same kind of conflicts which she portrayed in the novel. She and her mother were in constant conflict when she finished the high school in Switzerland. She and her mother didn’t speak for six moths after Amy Tan left the Baptist College her mother cho for her to follow her boyfriend to San Jo City College. Tan further defied her mother by abandoning the pre-med cour her mother had urged her to pursue the study of English and linguistics.
Step 2: Prentation of the text
Part 1:Compliments and compliment respons
Compliments and compliment respons are an esntial part of daily verbal communication. Various expressions of compliments and compliment respon manifest the cultural variations and di
fferent cultural roots.
1.1 Chine modesty
Oh, it’s an ordinary dress I bought in China.
Should I blush, or should I tell him you don’t really mean it
Growing flowers is my hobby, b ut I’m not much good at it.
I really know so little about the subject.
1.2 Social functions of compliments
Creating or reinforcing solidarity
greeting people
expressing thanks
encouraging people
softening criticism
starting a con听诊器听胎心 versation
getting over embarrassment
1.3 Differences between Chine compliments and English compliments
1.3.1 The Semantic formula
◆English:About 80% adj. 16%verbs
This was a great meal.
Bill, you look so nice today.
I love your dress.
◆Chine: Mainly adj. Adv. verbs
1.3.2 The Syntactic Formula
English compliments:
NP is/looks adj. (53%)
I like/love NP. (16.2%)
< I really like your hardwood floors.
PRO is (really) (a) ADJ NP (14.9%)
That’s really a beautifu l car.
Chine compliments
You V Adv.41%
(You)NP is Adv Adj (35%) 你穿这件外套真漂亮。
PRO is Adj NP (9%) 那是⼀幅不错的画。
PRO (you) V NP Y (5%) 你该精白 受表彰。
PRO (I) V (like) NP (4%.) 我喜欢你的房⼦。
1.3.3Common respons formula in English and Chine compliments
American English
A: This is really a nice sweater.
B: I’m glad you like it.
A: You did a good job.
B: Thank you/Thanks.
A:Your sweater is very good.你的⽑⾐不错。
B: I bought is only for ten yuan.才花了我⼗元钱。
A: You did the job very well.你⼲得不错。
B: That’s the resu lt of joint efforts.⼤家努⼒的结果。
1.3.4 Cultural Assumption
You have lost weight.
You’ve put on weight./You’ve gained weight.
Oral Exercis:
Do exerci D on page 61.
Part 2: Expressions for gratitude and apology in English and Chine (P.57-59)
2.1 Expressions for gratitude i起床的英语怎么写 n English and Chine
Thanks/Many thanks/Thanks a lot./Thank you very much./Thank you very much indeed./I really don’t know how to thank you enough./I’m thankful to you for all your kindness./ I greatly appreciate your timely help
Formulaic respons to the expressions above
Not at all.
You’re welcome.
Don’t mention it.
It’s my/our pleasure.
That’s all right.
That’s okay.
(It doesn’t matter and Never mind are respons t荷兰豆炒虾仁 o apology.)
Formulaic respons to the expressions above
2.2 Expressions for apology in English and Chine
Common expressions for apology in English
Excu me.
Will you excu me for a few minutes
Excu me for my smoking here.
I’m sorry…
Sorry about that.
Sorry for not phoning you.
I’m very /so /terribly/awfully/extremely sorry for that.
I can’t tell you how sorry I am.
I beg your pardon.
Pardon me.
Pardon me for sneezing.
I do beg your pardon for t he mess I’ve made.
A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time.
Plea forgive me.
Plea forgive my carelessness.
Plea forgive me for having lost your book.
I apologize.
I must apologize for my rudeness/fault/mistake, etc.
I must make an apology for losing my temper.
May I offer you my profoundest 放风筝作文三年级 apologies for the wrongs I’ve done you. Formulaic respons
It doesn’t matter at all.
Never mind.
No harm done.
No problem.
Forget it.
Plea don’t worry.
That’s quite all right.
I quite understand.
It’s not your fault.
It’s nothing.
Plea don’t blame yourlf.
There is no reason to apologize.
It’s really not necessary.
Do exerci E on page 63.
Supplementary materials:
“客随主便” (Up to you)
点饮料: 随便/什么都⾏、团长说“茶”,所有⼈都说“茶”

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