Section I Words
A.Match the words with the same meaning.W rite down the letters on you answer sheet.
C.attractive outbreak of a contagious dia that
spreads rapidly and widely
< provide with an incentive;impel
. take for granted,suppo
B.Fill in the blanks with proper forms of words give别想他歌词
n in the box,one word can be ud
more than once.(1(1’’*10)
evolve prepare propo minimum peer through
cheat weep address exploit except
1.Not surprisingly,his was not well received,even though it emed to agree with the scientific information available at the time..
2.The little girl with disappointment when she learned that her favourite Barbie Dolls were sold out.
3.The price is her,she refus to lower it any further.
4.Apes,monkeys and many other primates have fairly elaborate systems of calls for communicating with other members of their species.
5.Some melodies are quite manipulative,working on our emotions very effectively,and compors have often this to the full.
6.I realized I’d been when I saw the painting on sale for half the price I paid for it.
7.To this problem,Counter Intelligence built a kitchen of its own and started making gagets to fill it with.
8.Most birds don’t have a good n of smell,but fish-eaters such as petrels and shearwaters are significant.
9.Why bother a clear door,when you can put a camera in the oven to broadcast snapshots of the activities in the oven to a screen in another room?
10.Exploration will allow us to make suitable for dealing with any dangers that we might face,and we may be able to find physical resources such as minerals.
A.Translate the following ntences into English.(3(3’’*5)
1.Despite the hardship he encountered,Mark never
2.由于缺乏对这种病的了解,许多人依然认为HIV受害者都是自作自受。(owing to; ignorance)
5.新发布的关于改善农村医疗系统的报告让我们相信农村地区缺医少药的时代终将结束。(issue,bring sth to an end)
B.Translate the following ntences into Chine.(3’*3)
1.Our efforts will pay off if the results of this rearch can be applied to the development of new Technology.
2.Newspapers are a less expensive advertising medium than television and provide a way for adverti
rs to communicate a longer,more detailed message to their audience than they can through television..
3.Once we start to e people as individuals,and discard the stereotypes,we can move positively toward inclusiveness for everyone.Diversity is about coming together and taking advantages of our differences and similarities.
SectionⅢReading Comprehension(1.5
★Why did a promising heart drug fail?
Doomed drug highlights complications of meddling with cholesterol.
1.The failure of a high-profile cholesterol drug has thrown a spotlight on the complicated machinery that regulates cholesterol levels.But many rearchers remain confident that drugs to boost levels of'good'cholesterol are still one of the most promising means to combat spiralling heart dia.
2.Drug company Pfizer announced on2,December that it was cancelling all clinical trial退款说明
s of torcetrapib,a drug designed to rai heart-protective high-density lipoproteins(HDLs).In a trial of15000patients,a safety board found that more people died or suffered cardiovascular problems after taking the drug plus a cholesterol-lowering 秋天景色作文
statin than tho in a control group who took the statin alone.
3.The news came as a kick in the teeth to many cardiologists,becau earlier tests in animals and people suggested it would lower rates of cardiovascular dia."There have been no red flags to my knowledge,"says John Chapman,a specialist in lipoproteins and atherosclerosis at the National Institute for Health and Medical Rearch(INSERM)in Paris who has also studied torcetrapib,"This cancellation came as a complete 苗族踩花山节
4.Torcetrapib is one of the most advanced of a new breed of drugs designed to rai levels of HDLs,which ferry cholesterol out of artery-clogging plaques to the liver for removal from the body.Specifically,torcetrapib blocks a protein called cholesterol ester transfer protein
(CETP),which normally transfers the cholesterol from high-density lipoproteins to low density, plaque-promoting ones.Statins,in contrast,mainly work by lowering the'bad'low-density lipoproteins.
Under pressure
5.Rearchers are now trying to work out why and how the drug backfired,something that will not become clear until the clinical details are relead by Pfizer.One hint lies in evidence from earlier trials that it slightly rais blood pressure in some patients.It was thought that this mild problem would be offt by the heart benefits of the drug.But it is possible that it actually proved fatal in some patients who already suffered high blood pressure.If blood pressure is the explanation,it would actually be good news for drug developers becau it suggests that the problems are specific to this compound.Other prototype drugs that are being developed to block CETP work in a s文冠木
lightly different way and might not suffer the same downfall.
6.But it is also possible that the whole idea of blocking CETP is flawed,says Moti Kashyap, who directs atherosclerosis rearch at the VA Medical Center in Long Beach,California.When HDLs excrete cholesterol in the liver,they actually rely on LDLs for part of this process.So inhibiting CETP,which prevents the transfer of cholesterol from HDL to LDL,might actually cau an abnormal and irreversible accumulation of cholesterol in the body."You're blocking a physiologic mechanism to eliminate cholesterol and effectively constipating the pathway,"says Kashyap.
Going up
7.Most rearchers remain confident that elevating high density lipoproteins levels by one means or another is one of the best routes for helping heart dia patients.But HDLs are complex and not entirely understood.One approved drug,called niacin,is known to both rai HDL and reduce cardiovascular risk but also caus an unpleasant nsation of heat and tingling. Rearchers are exploring whether they can bypass this side effect and whether niacin can lower dia risk more than statins alone.Scientists are also working on veral other means to bump up high-density lipoproteins by,for example,introducing synthetic HDLs."The only thing we know is dead in the water is torcetrapib,not the whole idea of raising HDL,"says Michael Miller, director of preventive cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center,Baltimore.
(613words nature)
This passage has7paragraphs1-7.
Choo the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number i-ix in boxes1-7on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i.How does torcetrapib work?
ii.Contradictory result prior to the current trial
iii.One failure may possibly bring about future success
iv.The failure doesn‘t lead to total loss of confidence
v.It is the right route to follow
vi.Why it’s stopped
vii.They may combine and theoretically produce ideal result
viii.What‘s wrong with the drug
ix.It might be wrong at the first place
Example answer
functions..Write the correct
HDLs,,statin and CETP with their functions
Match torcetrapib
letter A,B,C or D in boxes7-12on your answer sheet.
You may u any letter more than once.
7.It has been administered to over10,000subjects in a clinical trial.
8.It could help rid human body of cholesterol.
9.Rearchers are yet to find more about it.
10.It was ud to reduce the level of cholesterol.
11.According to Kashyap,it might lead to unwanted result if it‘s blocked.
12.It produced contradictory results in different trials.
List of choices
★Don't wash tho fossils!
Standard muum practice can wash away DNA.
1.Washing,brushing and varnishing fossils—all standard conrvation treatments ud by many fossil hunters and muum curators alike—vastly reduces the chances of recovering ancient DNA.
2.Instead,excavators should be handling at least some of their bounty with gloves,and freezing samples as they are found,dirt and all,concludes a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academ
y of Sciences today.
3.Although many palaeontologists know anecdotally that this is the best way to up the odds of extracting good DNA,Eva-Maria Geigl of the Jacques Monod Institute in Paris,France,and her colleagues have now shown just how important conrvation practices can be.This information, they say,needs to be hammered home among the people who are actually out in the field digging up bones.
4.Geigl and her colleagues looked at3,200-year-old fossil bones belonging to a single individual of an extinct cattle species,called an aurochs.The fossils were dug up at a site in France at two different times—either in1947,and stored in a muum collection,or in2004,and conrved in sterile conditions at-20oC.
5.The team's attempts to extract DNA from the1947bones all failed.The newly excavated fossils,however,all yielded DNA.
6.Becau the bones had been buried for the same amount of time,and in the same conditions, the conrvation method had to be to blame says Geigl."As much DNA was degraded in the 57years as in the3,200years before,"she says.
Wash in,wash out
7.Becau many palaeontologists ba their work on the shape of fossils alone,their methods of conrvation are not designed to prerve DNA,Geigl explains.
8.The biggest problem is how they are cleaned.Fossils are often washed together on-site in a large bath,which can allow water—and contaminants in the form of contemporary DNA—to permeate into the porous bones."Not only is the authentic DNA getting washed out,but contamination is getting washed in,"says Geigl.
9.Most ancient DNA specialists know this already,says Hendrik Poinar,an evolutionary geneticist at McMaster University in Ontario,Canada.But that doesn't 朝花夕拾读书心得
mean that best practice has become widespread among tho who actually find the fossils.
10.Getting hold of fossils that have been prerved with their DNA in mind relies安全宣传标语
on clo relationships between lab-bad geneticists and the excavators,says palaeogeneticist Svante P bo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig,Germany.And that only occurs in exceptional cas,he says.
11.P bo's team,which has been quencing Neanderthal DNA,continually faces the problems. "When you want to study ancient human and Neanderthal remains,there's a big issue of contamination with contemporary human DNA,"he says.
12.This doesn't mean that all muum specimens are fatally flawed,notes P bo.The Neanderthal fossils that were父母的爱作文400字
recently quenced in his own lab,for example,had been part of a muum collection treated in the traditional way.But P bo is keen to e samples of fossils from every major find prerved in line with Geigl's recommendations—just in ca.
Warm and wet
13.Geigl herlf believes that,with cooperation between bench and field rearchers,prerving fossils properly could open up avenues of discovery that have long been assumed clod.
14.Much human cultural development took place in temperate regions.DNA does not survive well in warm environments in the first place,and can vanish when fossils are washed and treated. For this reason,Geigl says,most ancient DNA studies have been done on permafrost samples, such as the woolly mammoth,or on remains sheltered from the elements iuful怎么读
n cold caves—including cave bear and Neanderthal fossils.
15.Better conrvation methods,and a focus on fresh fossils,could boost DNA extraction from more delicate specimens,says Geigl.And that could shed more light on the story of human evolution.
(640words nature)Glossary
Answer the following questions by using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
13.How did people traditionally treat fossils?
14.What suggestions do Geigl and her colleagues give on what should be done when fossils are found?
15.What problems may be pod if fossil bones are washed on-site?Name ONE.
16.What characteristic do fossil bones have to make them susceptible to be contaminated with contemporary DNA when they are washed?
17.What could be better understood when conrvation treatments are improved?
18.The passage mentioned veral animal species studied by rearchers.How many of them are mentioned?