
更新时间:2023-05-04 13:59:57 阅读: 评论:0

词汇无乃尔是过与句式 学习5:
  1. A appalling表⽰条件之差使⼈感到吃惊。dreadful有类似的意义。如:My financial situation is dreadful.此句改⽤appalling也是可以的。Bad, unpleasant和poor都可以跟condition搭配。因此可以说:They have been living under bad conditions for two years. They have been living under unpleasant conditions for two years. They have been living under poor conditions for two years.注意:appalling conditions蕴涵bad(或unpleasant或poor)conditions.但反向的蕴涵是不成⽴的。⽤句通俗的话说,是appalling conditions必定是bad(或unpleasant或poor)conditions,但,是bad(或unpleasant或poor)conditions未必都是appalling conditions.也就是说,appalling跟bad, unpleasant和poor在意义上存在着明显的差别。注意:如果⽤bad或poor替换appalling,⽣成的都是错误的句⼦。
  2. B anyhow的⼀种意思是:不管其他句⼦所说的,本命题为真。可以看出,该词⽤在该句中⾮常合适,因为I wasn't qualified for the job really是“不管其他句⼦所说的”,I got it这个命题是真的。⼜如:I 公务员行政级别 am coming anyhow, no matter what others say.其中的no matter what others say是说:不管其他⼈怎么说。I am coming这个命题是真的。Anyway在绝⼤多数情况中表达的意义跟anyhow都相同,因⽽⼆者常可替换。Anyhow有⼀种意思是后⾯所说的⽀持前⾯所说的,在这⼀种意思上,它等于anyhow可由besides替换。但练习题中的anyhow不是这个意思。anyhow也可⽤来结束会话,这也是well的⼀个功能。如:Anyhow, thanks a lot. Bye bye.但练习题中的anyhow不是⽤来结束会话的,因⽽不能由well替
  3. C attain有通过努⼒取得了某种东西或达到某种状态的意思。如:He attained the position of minister. They were unable to attain their objectives. achieve的意思是通过努⼒取得或达到某种⽬标,意思跟attain很接近,因⽽可由后者替换。reached也有“达到”的意思,但它本⾝并不含“需要通过努⼒”,因⽽它不可替代achieved.下⾯举⼀个reach⽤法的例⼦:The process of political change in South Africa has reached the stage where it is irreversible. reap是“收获,获得”的意思。The painting depicted a group of peasants reaping a harvest of fruits and vegetables. You'll soon begin to reap the benefits of being fitter. take也有“获得,取得”的意思,但它不能跟success搭配。
  4. D capability:能⼒,⼒量。⼜如:Now we have the capability to defending our country, all thanks to our own efforts. The country has the capability to defeat any aggressor. ability:能⼒,本领。From each according to his abilities, to each according to his work. ability和capability在意义上有相同的⼀⾯,因⽽在⼀定语境中可以互换。可以看出,ability和capability 在搭配上是有差别的,前者只可跟to搭配,但后者既可跟to⼜可跟of搭配。⼆者的形容词分别是able和capable: I ought to be able to live on my salary. She was perfectly capable of taking care of herlf.注意:capable只能跟of⽽不能跟to搭配。不难看出,词的意义不决定句法结构。strength:⼒量;优点。Their military strength has gone down becau their air force has proved to be an effective force.此句中的strength可由capacity
  5. A in conjunction with:共同。together with具有相同的意思,⽤together代⼊后,所⽣成的也是⼀个在语法上正确的句⼦。in succession:接连发⽣,不跟with,如:He had misd five dinners in succession. in alliance with:结盟。They are now in a position to govern the state in alliance with either the Free Democrats or the Green Party. in connection with:在……⼀起;相关。13 men were questioned in connection with the murder.
  6. B credible:可信的。convincing:可信的。That is the least convincing excu that you could offer. convincing可替换credible⽽不改变句⼦的意义。workable:可⾏的,⾏得通的。Your plan is workable. practical:实际的,现实的。He is weak in practical matters. reliable:靠得住的。John is a reliable man.
  7. C diligent:勤奋的,努⼒的。hardworking:勤奋的,努⼒的。Jack was hardworking and energetic. ambitious:雄⼼勃勃的;有野⼼的。Chris is so ambitious, so determined to do it all. lazy:懒惰的。I was too lazy to read music. clever:聪明的。She is beautiful and clever.
  8. D diver:多种多样的;不同的。varied:多种多样的;不同的。It is important that your diet is varied and balanced. colorful:多⾊的;绚丽的。People in this small town wear colorful clothes. attr
active:迷⼈的;吸引⼈的。She is both attractive and intelligent. flexible:灵活的。My schedule is flexible.
  9. A faulty:有错误的;模棱两可的。wrong:有错误的;有⽑病的。Cheating is always wrong. ambiguous:歧义的;模棱两可的。This ntence is ambiguous. unclear:不清楚。His itinerary is still unclear. unbelievable:不可信的。I find it unbelievable that people can accept this sort of behavior.
  10. B gorgeous:好极了;美丽的。lovely:可爱的;美丽的。The girl is lovely. ridiculous:可笑的。It was an absolutely ridiculous decision. magnificent:壮丽的;宏伟的。There is a magnificent country hou near the river. peculiar:奇特的;奇怪的。This hou is peculiar in lots of ways.这些词都可替换,所⽣成的句⼦语法上都是正确的。彭于晏电影 相⽐之下,lovely最接近gorgeous.
  11. C persist:坚持;持续。continue:持续。She continued the work day after day. insist:坚持;坚持主张。My family insisted that I should not give in, but stay and fight. pervere:坚持。Despite the failure of his early experiments, the scientist pervered in his rearch. resist:反抗;顶住。The nation was able to resist the invasion. Insist和persist在意义上并不完全相同。insist缺乏“持续”这个义项。pervere也缺少“持续”这个义项。因此,正确的选择是continue.“坚持”与“持续”在
  12. D regulate:调整;控制。control:控制。She also had a temper, but she controlled it. fight:搏⽃;战⽃。More units to fight forest fires are planned. abolish:废除。The whole system should be abolished. remove:除去;消除。Most of her fears have been removed.
  13. A scatter:分散;散布;消散。parate:分散;分离。We didn't parate until nightfall. flee:逃⾛;消失。The robbers tried to flee, but they were caught. dep带金的字有哪些 art:离开;出发。We are ready to depart. spread:展开;散布。The rumour quickly spread through the village. spread与scatter有相同的义项-“散布”。但此处只能是“分散”的意思。
  14. B standpoint:⽴场;观点。point of view:观点;看法。The novel is shown from the girl's point of view. position:位置;⽴场。The union may shift its position on the question. knowledge:知识。To my knowledge, he owns three hous, and he may own more. opinion:看法;意见。In my opinion, this book is the best book on the subject.虽然position也有“⽴场”的意
思,但不能说from my position.同样地我们也不能说from my opinion.
  15. C touching:动⼈的;感⼈的。moving:动⼈的;感⼈的。The beggar told her such a moving story that she almost wept. inspiring:⿎挂断电话英语 舞⼈惦的。He made an inspiring speech. boring:令⼈厌烦的。Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring work is unnoticed. frightening:吓⼈的。He gave us a frightening, but believable account of his childhood.
  1. B vanish与disappear意思相近:消失,失踪。My glass have disappeared.我的眼镜不见了。develop:发展。We'll stay and e how things develop.我们要留下来,看事态如何发展。linger:徘徊。Winter lingered.冬天迟迟不去。renew:更新;复原。If you wish to renew the contract, you should speak to John.如果你想续签合同,你应该找约翰谈。
  2. A pha(阶段,状态)与stage(阶段,时期)是同义词。The next major stage in computer technology is the so-called fifth generation computer.计算机技术的下⼀个主要阶段是所谓的第五代计算机。notion:概念,想法。I have no notion of what he means.我不懂他是什么意思。pattern:式样,模型。This is a strange ntence pattern.这是个奇怪的句型。alternative:两者挑⼀,供选择的⽅法。We have no alternative in the matter.在这件事上,我们没有挑选的余地。
  3. C deter:阻⽌;威慑。与inhibit(抑制;阻⽌)意思相近。The drug with which the animals are
fed inhibits their development.给动物吃这种药会抑制它们的⽣长。facilitate:使便利;促进。Tractors facilitate farming.拖拉机使耕作便利。overwhelm:使不知所措;压倒。The girls are overwhelmed with the joy of eing their team win.⽬睹她们的队获胜,姑娘们欣喜若狂。loon:解开;放松。He took off his jacket and looned his tie.他脱下夹克,松开领带。
  4. C procelain:瓷器。与china(瓷器)是同义词。silverware:银器。crystal:晶玻璃制品。linen:亚⿇(制品)。
  5. D prior to:在……之前,与before(在……之前)意思相同。Steam engine was invented before the Industrial Revolution.蒸汽机发明于⼯业⾰命之前。in:(表⽰时间)在……期间。He was born in 1972.他⽣于1972年。around:⼤约。This island was discovered around 1830.这座岛⼤约发现于1830年。from:从……起。He was in the army from 1982 to 1993.从1982年到1993年他在当兵。
  6. C last:最近的;过去的。与past(最近的;过去的)意思⼀致。Mr. Hammond said that the trade union movement had changed over the past two years.玛门德先⽣说在过去的两年⾥⼯会运动已发⽣了变化。clo:近的。St. Louis is clor to Chicago than it is to Detroit.圣路易斯离芝加哥⽐离底特律近。near:接近的。She is near to tears.她快要哭了。final:最后的。Astronauts will make
a final attempt today to rescue a communication satellite from its uless orbit.宇航员今天将做最后⼀次尝试,以挽救⼀个在⽆⽤的轨道上运⾏的通讯卫星。
  7. C lethal:致命的。与deadly(致命的)是同义词。This is one of nature's deadliest poisons.这是⼤⾃然中最致命的毒药中的⼀种。toxic:有毒的。Excessive vitamin D can be toxic.过量的维⽣素D可使⼈中毒。harmful:有害的。The rays of the sun, in excess, can be very harmful.过量的阳光会⾮常有害。contagious:传染的。Hepatitis A is a contagious dia.甲型肝炎是⼀种传染病。
  8. B conscientious:认真的;谨慎的。careful:细⼼的。You've got to be very careful about your tactics.你必须特别⼩⼼你的策略。worried:发愁的;焦虑的。She looks tired and worried.她看上去疲惫焦虑。anxious:焦虑的;渴望的。Her parents were anxious about her poor health.她的⽗母为她健康不佳⽽发愁。nervous:神经性的;紧张的。She is nervous about staying alone at night.她害怕夜晚独⾃⼀⼈呆着。
  9. A consolidate:合并;巩固。strengthen:巩固;加强。To strengthen his positi日本邪恶少 on in Parliament, he held talks with leaders of the Peasant Party.为了加强在国会中的地位,他跟农民党领袖进⾏了会谈。win:赢得。He won prais of his modesty.他的谦虚赢得了⼤家的赞誉。harden:使坚硬;加强。Their action can only rve to harden the attitude of rebels.他们的⾏动指挥促使叛逆者
采取更加强硬的态度。unite:联合;合并。The two parties have been trying to unite.两党⼀直在试图联合起来。
  10. B contaminate:污染,弄脏。pollute:污染。Garbage pollutes our rivers and streams.垃圾污染着河流和⼩溪。blacken:变⿊。The smoke blackened the white walls of the kitchen.烟熏⿊了厨房的⽩墙。darken:变暗;变⿊。The sun has darkened our complexion.太阳晒⿊了我们的⽪肤。mix:混合。Oil doesn't mix with water.油和⽔不能混合。
  11. C depict:描绘;描写。describe:描绘;描写。She described how she had narrowly escaped death.她描述了她是如何死⾥逃⽣的。write:写。Finding someone to write a computer program isn't a problem.找个⼈来编计算机程序是不成问题的。sketch:素描;简述。He sketched the look of the man in a few ntences.他⽤⼏句话描绘出了那个⼈的模样。indicate:指出;表明。The President's attitude toward the proposals had been indicated in his New Year's address.总统对那些建议有态度已在他的新献词中表明。
  12. D distress:危难;海难。danger:危险。The two countries are trying to reduce the danger of a military confrontation.两国正设法减少军事对抗的危险。despair:绝望。Alone in London, without friends, work or money, Shelley fell into despair.独⾃⼀⼈在伦敦,没有朋友和⼯作,也没有钱,雪莱
陷⼊了绝望。difficulty:困难。She is always in difficulties.她经常处境困难。need:需要。We should always help tho in need.我们应当经常帮助那些需要帮助的⼈。
  13. A endeavour:设法;努⼒。try:设法。I'll try very hard to improve my English.我将设法努⼒提⾼⾃⼰的英语⽔平。do:做,⼲。Do the best you can.尽⼒⽽为。make:做。I'll make every effort to help you .我将尽全⼒帮助你。
  14. B eternal:永恒的。everlasting:永远的;永恒的。I'm tired of your everlasting quarrels.我听够了你们没完没了的争吵。unchangeable:不变的。I found the book rather boring.我发现这本书相当乏味。monotonous:单调的。Some of the tasks are desperately monotonous.⼀些⼯作极度单调乏味。
  15. D exhibit:表现,显出。show:显⽰;表现。Show me what you have in your bag.让我看看你的包⾥有什么。demonstrate:证明;显⽰。Women are demonstrating for equal rights.妇⼥在**,要求平等权利。uncover:揭开;暴露。Auditors said that they had uncovered evidence of fraud.审计员说他们发现了欺骗的证据。spread:摊开;伸开。The officer spread a map on the table.那位军官在桌⼦上铺开了地图。

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