2022年报关员考试报关英语电器专业英语(15)oscillation damper ==> 振荡衰减器
oscillation damping ==> 消振,减振,振动阻尼,振荡阻尼
oscillation effect ==> 振荡效应
oscillation excitation ==> 振荡鼓励
oscillation frequency ==> 振荡频率
oscillation function ==> 振荡函数
oscillation generator ==> 振动发生器
oscillation impul ==> 振荡脉冲
oscillation indicator ==> 振荡指示器
oscillation intensity ==> 振荡强语文阅读技巧
oscillation linewidth ==> 振荡线宽
oscillation loop ==>银行基准利率
; 振荡波腹
oscillation mode ==> 振荡模,振荡模式
oscillation period ==> 振荡周期
oscillation quantum number ==>酸菜馅饺子怎么调馅好吃
oscillation respon spectrum ==> 振荡响应谱
oscillation superposition ==> 振荡叠加
oscillation synchronization ==> 振荡同步
oscillation transformer ==&g蛇盘疮吃什么药
t; 高频变压器,振荡变压器
oscillation valve ==> 振荡管
oscillational quantum number ==> 振动量子数
oscillator ==> 振荡器
oscillator circuit ==> 振荡电路
oscillator circuit at very-high frequency ==> 甚高频振荡电路oscillator frequency ==> 振荡频率
oscillator frequency tolerance ==> 振荡器频率容限
oscillator klystron ==> 振荡速调管
oscillator triode ==> 振荡三极管
oscillator tube ==> 振荡管闪闪红星电影
oscillator valve ==> 振荡管
oscillatory circuit ==> 振荡电路
oscillatory conditions ==> 振荡状态
oscillatory discharge ==> 振荡放电
oscillatory-frequency multiplier ==> 振荡频率倍增器oscillatory motor ==> 摇摆式液压马达
oscillatory power surge ==> 功率振荡
oscillatory scanning ==> 摇摆扫描
oscillatory stability ==> 振荡稳定性
oscillatory surge ==> 振荡过电压
oscillatory system ==> 振荡系统
oscillatory torque ==> 振荡力矩
oscillogram ==> 波形图,示波图
oscillograph ==> 示波器
oscillograph tube ==> 示波管
ph with electronic commutator ==> 电子转换式示波器oscillographic impedancemeter 室内体育课
==> 示波阻抗计
oscillographic measurement ==> 示波测量
oscillometric titration (high frequency titration) ==> 示波滴定oscilloscope ==> 示波器
osi ==> 规模集成
osmo ==> 渗透
osmosis ==&帝王蝎
gt; 渗透
osmotic pressure ==> 渗压
other common fault alarm display and dado ==> 其它故障显示及输入墙裙
out of contact exposure ==> 无接触曝光
out of contact imaging ==> 无接触成象
out of contac新年新起点
t printing ==> 无接触投影曝光
out of operation ==> 不运转的
out of order ==> 特别的
out of pha ==> 不同相的
out of step ==> 失步
out of step con眼睛色盲怎么治疗
ditions ==> 不同步状况
out of step protection ==> 失步爱护装置
out of synchronism ==> 失步
out of tolerance wafer ==> 超出公差薄片
outage ==> 断电,停顿,中断
outage factor ==> 停机率
outage for overhauling ==> 大修停运
outage frequency ==> 停运频繁程度
outage of generation ==> 断电,发电中断
outage rate ==> 事故停机率,停电率
outage time ==> 停运时间,停机时间,发生故障
outboard motor ==> 外置马达,外装电动机,舷外发动机,舷外挂机,操舟机
outdiffusion ==> 向外集中
outdoor ==> 户外的
outdoor antenna ==> 室外天线
outdoor apparatus ==> 户外设备
outdoor electrical equipment ==> 户外电气设备
outdoor grade ==> 室外地坪
outdoor instrument transformer ==> 屋外仪表用互感器outdoor insulator ==> 户外绝缘子
outdoor motor ==> 室外型电动机,户外型电动机,露天电动机outdoor structure ==> 室外构造
outdoor substation ==> 户外变电所
outdoor switch gear ==> 户外开关装置
outdoor transformer ==> 户外变压器
outdoor type generator ==> 室外发电机
outdoor wiring ==> 户外布线
outer ==> 外部的
outer conductor ==> 外导体
outer field generator ==> 外磁场发电机
outer insulation ==> 外面绝缘
outer lead bonder ==> 外引线焊接机
outer lead bonding ==> 外引线焊接
outer lead in ==> 户外引入
outer loop ==> 外侧环路