瘦人瘦相 That lean and Hungry look中英文对照(今天在一本书发现的幽默美文,觉得很好,回来搜了贴出来)
来源: 高菲的日志
作者:Susan Britt Jord
Caesar was right. Thin people need watching。 I’ve been watching them for most of my adult life, and I don't like what I e。 When the narrow fellows spring at me, I quiver to my toes。 Thin people come in all personalities, most of them menacing. You’ve got your "together” thin person, your mechanical thin person, your condescending thin person, your tsk-tsk thin person, your efficiency—expert thin person。 All of them are dangerous。
In the first place, thin people aren’t fun. They don’t know how to goof off, at least in the best, fat n of the word. They've always got to be adoing。 Give them a coffee break, and they'll jog around the block. Supply them with a quiet evening at home, and they'll fix the screen door and lick S&H green stamps。 They say things like "there aren't enough hours in the day。” Fat people never say that。 Fat people think the day is too damn long already。
Thin people make me tired. They’ve got speedy little metabolisms that cau them to bustle briskly. They're forever rubbing their bony hands together and eyeing new problems to ”tackle”。 I like to surround mylf with sluggish, inert, easygoing fat peopl
e, the kind who believe that if you clean it up today, it'll just get dirty again tomorrow。
Some people say the business about the jolly fat person is a myth, that all of us chubbies are neurotic, sick, sad people。 I disagree。 Fat people may not be chortling all day long, but they’re a hell of a lot nicer than the wizened and shriveled。 Thin people turn surly, mean and hard at a young age becau they never learn the value of a hot—fudge sundae for easing tension。 Thin people don’t like gooey soft things becau they t
hemlves are neither gooey nor soft。 They are crunchy and dull, like carrots。 They go straight to the heart of the matter while fat people let things stay all blurry and hazy and vague, the way things actually are。 Thin people want to face the truth。 Fat people know that there is no truth。 One of my thin friends is always staring at complex, unsolvable problems and saying, ”The key thing is .。。" Fat people never say things like that. They know there isn't any such thing as the key thing about anything。
Thin people believe in logic。 Fat people e all sides. The sides fat people e are rounded blobs, usually gray, always nebulous and truly not worth worrying about。 But the thin person persists, "If you consume more calories than you burn,” says one of my thin friends, "you will gain weight. It's that simple." Fat people always grin when they hear statements like that。 They know better.
Fat people realize that life is illogical and unfair。 They know very well that God is not in his heaven and all is not right with the world。 If God was up there, fat people could have two doughnuts and a big orange drink anytime they wanted it.
Thin people have a long list of logical things they are always spouting off to me. They hold up one finger at a time as they reel off the things, so I won’t lo track. They speak slowly as if to a young child. The list is long and full of holes。 It contains tidbits like ”get a grip on yourlf", ”cigarettes kill”, ”cholesterol clogs”, ”fit as a fiddle", ”ducks in a row", ”organize”, and ”sound fiscal management。” Phras like that。
They think the 2000—point plans lead to happiness. Fat people know happiness is elusive at best and even if they could get the kind thin people talk about, they wouldn’t want 大学军训多久
it. Wily, fat people e that such programs are too dull, too hard, too off the mark。 They are never better than a whole cheecake。