破产姐妹花 03

更新时间:2023-05-04 10:52:39 阅读: 评论:0

[00:01.44]Hot food from a hot man.
[00:05.29]Max,a woman in my ction wants to know if we do anything gluten-free.
[00:08.71]What do i tell her?
[00:09.39]Tell her she's not allergic to gluten,she's just masking an eating disorder.
[00:14.93]Look alive,people.
[00:16.17]Club sandwich,burger,medium,and a shrimp salad for the gamblin' man.
[00:21.05]I asked for salt and pepper.
[00:23.47]I wanted mayonnai and mustard.
[00:27.03]You forgot my diet soda.
[00:28.38]i'm sorry,i'll be right back with-- oh,what?
[00:35.41]Never doubt me.
2 Broken Girls Season 01 Episode 03</font>
[00:48.31]here's my last check,earl.
[00:51.12]Look here,max.That lady just slipped me her number.
[00:55.43]Like i need another menopausal white woman
[00:58.00]scratchin' at my window like a cat in heat.
[01:04.60]God,i love money.
[01:06.40]I know,i'm so sorry it broke up with you.
[01:10.66]Look! This week's new ipad just came out.Spread the words.
[01:15.95]- Word. - Word!
[01:20.19]I saw that on the wire.
[01:22.81]Max,three weeks in a row you have not yet accepted my request to be a facebook friend.
[01:29.68]Max? I am talking to you.
[01:33.07]i didn't hear you,i have my earbuds in.
[01:36.28]What are the?
[01:39.09]Okay,you had to bust a move,and get "the truth" on my ass?
[01:41.89]Fine,let's go there.
[01:42.89]Han,i'm never gonna be your facebook friend.
[01:46.91]Hard to hear.
[01:50.58]Well,i accepted you,han.
[01:52.67]Yes,thank you.You make my heart sing.
[01:58.12]Hurt me still.
[02:02.36]That was like watching someone club a baby al.
[02:06.94]Why wouldn't you just say yes to his friend request?
[02:09.18]Becau i never check facebook,why would i?
[02:11.63]So some girl i worked at a movie theater with in 2005 can tell me it's raining
[02:15.30]and she's "totes bummed?"
[02:18.41]caroline! Better check facebook page.
[02:21.57]Maybe someone just post on your wall.
[02:29.11]"han lee has tagged you in 25 photos?"
[02:40.89]want to borrow my al club yet?
[02:46.25]that stings.
[02:47.77]I've lost like 300 facebook friends since my father was arrested.
[02:51.85]Well,your father's probably made that many new friends in prison,
[02:54.30]so it all evens out.
[02:57.50]Okay,ready to go?
[02:59.03]Do we have to? It's so hot outside.
[03:01.75]When did heat get so hot?
[03:04.44]Stop fighting it,just give in to it.
[03:06.82]I don't know why i'm quoting a rapist.
[03:11.28]Can't we just stay a little bit longer? We don't have any a.C. At home.
[03:14.48]I have an a.C. You girls can u.
[03:17.68]You have an air conditioner that works?
[03:19.50]it works.
[03:30.90]That's like an a.C. That just had salami.
[03:35.02]There's more salami where that came from.
[03:44.41]And my feet hurt.
[03:46.38]Well,you gotta stop wearing tho stilts,and get a pair of skechers,
[03:48.92]like normal broke-ass waitress.
[03:51.23]Skechers? How dare you.
[03:55.49]Besides,i can't afford new shoes.The cost $900.
[03:59.28]well,then that's not pain,that's karma.
[04:02.48]Look,i will help you out,okay?
[04:04.39]I know a place we can go that has designer things at good prices.
[04:07.52]Like a barney's warehou?
[04:09.99]Kind of.
[04:16.54]The goodwill?
[04:18.26]Welcome to my place!
[04:22.57]We're shopping at the goodwill?
[04:24.54]You led me to believe we were real-shopping.
[04:26.49]I know.
[04:27.69]I couldn't wait to e your face when you saw this place.
[04:29.58]Do the face again.
[04:31.08]I love it!
[04:33.68]Okay,what's that smell?
[04:35.59]It's gonna be your smell from now on.
[04:38.52]Now,pay attention,i know where the good stuff is.
[04:41.17]I know where the good stuff is.Madison and 57th.
[04:45.17]Follow me.
[04:46.73]Clever bitches hide stuff they want to come back and buy,
[04:49.80]'cau sometimes they don't have $3 to buy it at the time.
[04:53.15]- Who doesn't have $3? - You.
[04:56.76]Last week i hid a dope vintage blazer in the back of a nightstand,
[05:00.02]and here it is!
[05:01.77]Six bucks,clever bitch.Bang,bang!
[05:05.05]All right,well,we're here.I'm gonna make the best of it,
[05:08.22]but first i need a basket without a sno-cone in it.
[05:13.73]Not for day-to-day,but at the country club.
[05:16.60]You're kidding,but you're right.
[05:20.16]when you find something,check the pockets for pills.
[05:23.01]At a thrift store downtown i found a purple one once,and took it.
[05:25.76]Fell asleep for eight hours.
[05:28.66]That was my vacation that year.
[05:34.30]i can't believe i just said,"yay," in g迟开头的成语 oodwill.
[05:38.12]Look,don't freak.Shoes can be funky,
[05:39.96]but i have a special spray at home that makes them like new.
[05:43.02]Did you get it from a wizard?
[05:49.74]Oh,my god.
[05:52.80]Oh,my god,the brian atwoods were mine榨菜炒饭 .
[05:56.51]I donated the to charity,
[05:57.84]'cau i was photographed wearing them twice.
[06:01.87]Okay,they were $800 when i bought them,now they're $8?
[06:07.15]Like me.
[06:09.36]I'm $8.
[06:12.34]oh,my god.
[06:14.73]I'm $8.
[06:18.19]i've been reduced.
[06:20.81]I'm sorry,it just all became so real to me.
[06:23.70]I mean,i can't believe it.
[06:31.56]didn't you e me crying? 难忘的一天
[06:35.01]Lots of people cry at goodwill.
[06:38.59]You go to france,you eat snails.You come here,you cry.
[06:43.50]That's odd,you didn't even react.
[06:45.94]You need to react when people cry.
[06:48.03]I did,i rolled my eyes.
[06:51.95]Look,eventually,you'll learn to do that on the inside.
[06:56.51]Okay,well,just fyi,when i ud to cry in front of my other girlfriends,
[07:00.49]they'd be like,"what you cryin' about,c-line? "
[07:03.14]look at you,girl,you're fierce,you got your glam on.
[07:07.27]are your girlfriends black drag queens?
[07:15.20]awesome strokes tee.
went to this concert,but i couldn't afford the shirt.
[07:19.87]we're done with me.
[07:22.40]I went to e them on this tour the summer after my junior year.
[07:25.29]It was a really warm night,and i snuck out of the hou,
[07:27.87]and we all ma-- ahem.
[07:31.13]And what?
[07:32.23]What,did something great happen the night you got the t?
[07:35.08]Look at me,does it look like something great ever happens?
[07:38.59]cute tee.Had my eye on it.
[07:41.04]I was just bringin' my girl back to e it.
[07:42.93]She was in the bathroom.
[07:44.33]I had to throw up.
[07:46.61]- So hand it over. - You know the rule.
[07:49.15]Turn the back on the rack,you're under attack.
[07:53.24]That's not me,that's the law of the 'will.
[07:59.09]Yeah,you better walk away.
[08:04.57]That was inten.
[08:06.01]just another wednesday at the 'will.
[08:08.91]You said to look in things,right?
[08:13.42]Max,look.On my first try!
[08:16.04]Ooh,slick.Whoever hid tho is gonna be pisd.Quality check.
[08:23.05]Fabric sturdy,no mysterious crotch stains,nice work,nancy drew.
[08:28.07]And look,they're designer.
[08:29.82]Summer 2009.$350.
[08:32.95]and for
[08:35.45]$5. that's a reduction i like.
[08:49.57]How are you,max?
[08:50.75]I'm good,how's your mom doin'?
[08:52.14]Good.She really appreciated the cupcakes you made her.
[08:55.72]Hi,maria,i'm caroline,max's friend.
[08:58.37]Any way we can get the price down a bit for the?
[09:00.87]I think $8 is steep,considering their condition.
[09:03.78]I happen to know the heel has been replaced.
[09:06.53]I cannot believe you're trying to shoe her down.
[09:10.09]- I can do $6. - deal.
[09:13.80]you happy? You haggled a charity.
[09:17.39]You're turning goodwill into bad will.
[09:22.63]My t-shirt's gone.
[09:24.78]It's not here.
[09:26.91]I bet it was that puerto rican girl,who was-- who was eyeing it.
[09:31.55]Maria,can we call curity?
[09:32.88]I'm sure one of the cameras must have captured the theft.
[09:35.63]Cameras? What do yo如何壮阳补肾 u think this is,target?
[09:39.46]It's gone,caroline.
[09:41.35]She must have stolen it while i was watching you do your stupid $5 dance.
[09:45.16]I didn't turn my back on the rack,why am i under attack?
[09:49.98]See,this is why i shop alone,this is why i eat alone,
[09:53.16]this is why i'm leaving alone.
[09:56.37]Maria,i'll pay for the.
[09:58.26]You don't have to box them,you can just u tissue paper.
[10:01.39]Even as i'm saying this,i know it's not gonna happen.
[10:12.45]Hot as a mother,right?
[10:23.31]* It's gettin' hot in here *
[10:25.13]* So take off all your clothes *
[10:27.92]* I am gettin' so hot *
[10:30.28]* I'm gonna take my clothes off *
[10:34.20]you might want to keep your voice down.
[10:35.78]This building has
three registered x offenders.
[10:39.31]It's gettin' hot in here
[10:41.29]So leave all that strokes tee shirt drama behind
[10:45.09]come on,it's our night off.
[10:46.50]Let's go get drunk in air conditioning.
[10:49.30]We won't even have to pay for drinks.
[10:51.21]The "shotes" is gonna pay for our drinks.
[10:55.59]You are literally a $5 whore right now.
[10:58.56]Come on.
[11:07.03]I thought i told you to keep your dumb,tragic ass out of here.
[11:09.84]The only thing that isn't tragic about me is my ass.
[11:13.58]And who's the blonde,bony skank?
[11:15.54]dude,she's not in on this.
[11:16.80]i'm so sorry,miss.i'm johnny,i'm max's friend.
[11:21.36]I'm caroline.I'm freaked out.
[11:24.56]This is something we do.
[11:25.78]To remind us of our families.
[11:29.11]Excu me for a cond.
[11:30.46]The guys tip more if i high-five 'em when we talk about chicks.
[11:34.如何挑选古琴 20]- Vagina! - Yeah!
[11:38.49]Girl,your bartender friend is cute.
[11:41.19]Look at tho arms. Nice guns.
[11:43.84]He's not just a bartender,this dude is legit.
[11:46.32]He's a street artist,goes by "jpeg."
[11:49.34]Well,right now he's cutting up limes and cleaning glass.
[11:52.80]Well,you're an heiress who's slinging burnt hash and stale toast.
[11:57.22]- Touche. - Douch-ay.
[12:00.09]The are from the gentleman with a sweet note,
[12:02.53]"nice ass,nice rack."
[12:16.09]If that's your tequila noi,god knows what your orgasm sounds like.
[12:21.62]Same face,no sound.
[12:29.28]Oh,my god.
[12:30.46]I can't believe it,it's the girl from the 'will.
[12:33.64]I got your back,gir-r-r.
[12:39.35]What is she doin'?
[12:40.43]She thinks goodwill has made her tough.
[12:43.19]How are you?
[12:44.76]I just wanted to talk to you about that shirt at the goodwill.
[12:47.22]See,my friend really wanted it,
[12:49.42]and,well,your friend has it.
[12:51.72]What are you sayin',bitch?
[12:53.96]Okay,i think we might have got off on the wrong foot.
[12:56.40]Do you want to feel my foot,bitch?
[12:58.66]Well,i guess we know what your favorite word is.
[13:03.94]Tho are not extensions,bitch!
[13:08.86]I should break this up,i should break this up.
[13:10.23]No,no,no,give her like four conds to learn her lesson.
[13:12.67]okay,ow! All right.All right!
[13:16.12]Okay,come on,come on.It's okay.
[13:21.83]Tho are not extensions,bitch!
[13:26.12]Are you still laughing,'cau it wasn't funny.
[13:28.49]It was so funny.It was like looney tunes funny.
[13:31.18]It was like bugs bunny getting shot in the face funny.
[13:33.71]Only in your version,bugs bunny tries to have a dialogue with the shotgun.
[13:38.97]I was trying to get your t-shirt back.
[13:41.56]I wanted you to have it,becau you lit up at the 'will when you saw it.
[13:44.67]I do not light up,okay?
[13:46.54]There's no light inside me.
[13:48.96]What you'r
e eing is probably radiation from the summer
[13:51.04]i collected uranium tubes by the train tracks.
[13:53.91]That was good money.
[13:55.03]Thanks for looking out for me,caroline.You're welcome,max.
[13:58.07]It's a t-shirt,it's gone.
[14:00.18]I don't get attached to things.
[14:02.18]My nail practically got torn off back there by "cat von d-minus."
[14:06.62]i'm gonna have to sleep with it elevated.
[14:08.39]Is there a nail place around here?
[14:10.11]Well,this is new york,so there's probably gonna be
[14:13.25]Here.Love when that happens.
[14:15.34]Look,a two-for-one girlfriend special.Genius.
[14:17.99]Go with me tomorrow before work,it'll be cheaper if we both go.
[14:21.01]I really need one.
[14:22.59]Plus,you need one,too.
[14:24.23]Well,i can't.I have my own day of luxury already booked.
[14:27.26]I'm doing a laundry,and then the tasting menu at wendy's.
[14:30.76]Come on.You and me,nails,and air conditioning.
[14:34.18]It'll be fun.You're doin' it,gir-r-rl.
[14:36.24]Me and my friends ud to love getting manicures.
[14:39.25]'Cau they are black drag queens
[15:12.79]It's about tha正方体的画法 t time?
[15:16.91]Let me get the pooper scooper.
[15:22.09]All right.Let's do this.
[15:33.58]Let me ask you something.
[15:34.52]How is it that you,a hor,
[15:37.09]and caroline are both living with me,
[15:38.64]and you're less of a problem for me?
[15:40.66]I mean,you tell me,you've known her longer.
[15:42.67]She picks a fight with a tatted-out white chick from the bronx?
[15:45.68]What is up with that?
[15:47.93]I don't know,man,i'm just ud to it.
[15:50.84]That's what you'd sound like,if you talked.
[15:53.63]I agree with you,by the way.
[15:55.78]Everything you say is right,max.
[15:58.38]Thank you,chestnut.
[16:00.79]You should kill her.
[16:02.70]Chestnut! I can't do that.
[16:04.97]It'll be easy.We could kill her and eat her.
[16:12.16]All right,buddy,here's your spot.
[16:14.72]Come on,do your business.
[16:17.43]Come on,ches.
[16:22.08]Come on.
[16:23.98]Come on! Come on,chestnut,i got a lot of crap to do today.
[16:28.27]And so do you.Jeez,don't be
[16:39.77]I hope you're happy.
[16:41.23]I look like a cambodian stripper.
[16:46.68]they prefer to be called "ping pong ball artists."
[16:50.75]the cost $70.43.
[16:54.26]she forced me to get tips,and then tip her for the tips.
[16:58.36]See,and all becau you never showed up,
[17:00.25]i didn't get the two-for-one discount,
[17:01.94]becau i was waiting alone,for you.
[17:04.79]Max,i have really tried to be girlfriends with you,
[17:07.62]but you obviously have some issues.
[17:09.96]Follow me to the walk-in.
[17:11.81]Good,let's get it out.
[17:26.99]I thought we were gonna talk.
[17:29.03]No,we just didn't have any chocolate cream in the ca.
[17:32.84]Why didn't you show up?
[17:34.24]You told me you were gonna be there.
[17:36.02]Well,i had a lot of crap to do.
[17:37.82]Well,you gave me the impression you were going.
[17:39.99]I gave you the impression? I don't do impressions.
[17:42.86]Well,wait,that's not true,i do one,my mom.
[17:45.15]But to do that.I need a christmas tree,
[17:46.55]a gallon of vodka,and a lit cigarette.
[17:49.98]So are we gonna be girlfriends or not?
[17:53.04]Look,i'm gonna give this to you straight up.
[17:55.82]I am never gonna be the type of girlfriend you're ud to.
[17:58.90]I am not your gir-r-r,or your gir-r-rl,
[18:02.09]and i am definitely not someone's two-for-one girlfriend crap at a nail store.
[18:05.93]In fact,think of me as a dude.
[18:09.08]So-o-o,are we good?
[18:11.67]Yeah.We good.I get it.You're not a girl's girl.
[18:19.12]I can be a girl's girl.
[18:26.72]caroline,plea do not take advantage of me with your hor.
[18:32.22]My trash pick up company charged me extra,
[18:34.29]becau my dumpster is full of all your hor droppings.
[18:38.22]How would that be possible?
[18:39.84]I e your good friend,max,walking your hor every morning
[18:42.75]and dropping droppings in my dumpster.
[18:46.88]- Hi. - Hello.
[18:49.71]Did you walk my hor today?
[18:51.87]Yeah,and every other 剑锋鼻 m刘丽云 orning.
[18:54.24]That's so sweet.I wish i had known.
[18:56.65]Well,what was i gonna do,post it on your facebook wall?
[18:58.88]"ha,walked a hor again today. Totes gross."
[19:02.47]besides,who did you think was doing it?
[19:04.92]I've always just had things done for me,
[19:06.58]i've never really thought about the people doing them.
[19:09.09]Yeah,and i've never had things done for me,so i just do them.
[19:12.46]Like now,how i'm making the coffee,
[19:14.29]and you're just standing here watching me.
[19:17.29]Still,i wish you would have told me,so i could say thank you.
[19:20.25]Well,it's not really my style.
[19:22.19]You are one complicated dude.
[19:25.12]Pick up,borscht.
[19:31.17]- Unbelievable. - What?
[19:37.59]How you guys doin'? Cute strokes tee.
[19:41.04]Probably look better on me,considering it's mine.
[19:43.83]You snooze,you lo,puta.
[19:48.51]Nice language!
[19:51.19]You kiss your obviously cloted boyfriend with that mouth?
[19:56.27]You know what? I wouldn't even want it now.
[19:58.81]Now that it's been on you,might as well have been a kenny g shirt.
[20:04.23]And now i walk.
[20:07.55]You can't just let her win.
[20:09.37]forget it,it's over.
[20:10.84]Borscht! Pick up,pick up.
[20:20.31]i'll be right with you.
[20:24.21]Esta camita  me costo cuatro dolares! Te voy a cortar.
[20:29.79]Lo siento.Todo es mi culpa.
[20:33.75]I'm still a little clumsy,it's my first week.
[20:36.30]I'll bring you some soda water,but riously,
[20:38.89]your boyfriend will come out before that borscht stain does.

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