Adipo-derived stem cells and BMP2: Part 1. BMP2-treated adipo-derived s社恐测试
tem cells do not improve repair of gmental femoral defects 期刊名称: Conne落的多音字
ctive Tissue Rearch
作者: Yu-Fen Chou,Patricia A Zuk,Ting-Ling Chang,Prosper Benhaim冷的表情包
,Benjamin M Wu
年份: 2011年
期号: 第2期
关键词: BMP2;tissue普通话成绩查询入口
engineering;adipo-derived stem cells;femoral
defect;bone formation
摘要:Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP2) has been shown to induce both in vitro osteogenic differentiation and in vivo bone formation, with the capacity of rhBMP2 to elicit the repair of numerous bony defects (calvaria, spinal fusion, femora, and so on) well documented. In addition, rhBMP2 has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for lected human indications. Despite the fact that healing is often achieved, the challenge still remains to optimize the th
erapeutic u of rhBMP2. One av身边的榜样作文
enue may be throug引起的英文
h the combination of rhBMP2 with stem cells capable of osteogenic differentiation. This study investigates the ability of rhBMP2 at various d初中生图片
os in combination with human adipo-derived stem cells (ASCs) to heal critical-sized rat 台湾的历史简介
gmental femoral defects. For this, different dos of