Brainca redescription of Dysalotosaurus lettowvorbecki (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) bad on
computed tomography
期刊名称: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
作者: Sobral, Gabri理解的英文
ela,Hipsley, Chr儿童体能训练
isty A.,Mller, Joha含羞草的描写
年份: 2012年
期号: 第5期
关键词: Mortichnia;Horshoe crab;Large trace fossil;Upper Jurassic;Solnhofen Lithographic Lime陈赓晋南大捷
stone;Mesolimulus walchi;Kouphichn形式英语
摘要:Computed tomography (CT) has become a major tool to elucidate the anatomy of fossil taxa, including the brainca and inner ear. However, sample size
is still limited and studies have concentrated mainly on saurischian dinosaurs. Here we report on the br
ainca anatomy of the Upper Jurassic ornithopod Dysalotosaurus using high-resolution X-ray micro-CT (CT). The main trunk of the vena capitis dorsalis was found between the parietal and supraoccipital, leading to a nomenclatural revision of cephalic veins and reidentification of their bony correlates. Contrary to the condition in hadr红领巾相约中国梦
osaurid ornithischians, the posterior micircular ca姜的种植方法
nal is the shortest canal in Dysalotosaurus, whereas the lateral is the longest, lying dorsal to the vest追赶英文
ibule, as in basal archosaurs. The sistar
anteroventral inclination of the lateral